Demo when?
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about 11 years ago.
or just play Kiwami 1, its pretty much the same thing
What the actual fuck are you babbling about?
really wish i had waited to get this instead of getting the reprints of 1 and 2. the side activities are so fucking boring in those games
you want a demo of a remake of an 11 year old game.
running on an engine that has 2 games on it.
that pretty much play the same just with a different story/main missions...
why do you need a demo? just play Kiwami, or Play Yakuza 2 if you want a taste of the story.
Are you actually retarded, or just pretending?
N i c e
nope, just confused.
its like i played Dragons Dogma and i wanted a demo of Dark Arisen.
or like playing RE4 and asking for a demo of Seperate ways.
i dont see the reason to want a demo for a game that is 90% the same game as the last one, just with a different script
So you're actually retarded. Noted.
I bet you get confused a lot.
You don't even need an analogy. It's like playing Yakuza 1 and then wanting to play Yakuza 2.
Just tell me why you want a demo how is this so hard?
To experience the new combat?
I get where you are coming from.
Weekend Sup Forums is so retarded..
To see how they've tightened up the combat and engine since 6, and experience actual weapons. Hopefully be able to try out Majima as well.
>90% the same game as the last one
To see how Yakuza 2 looks in the new engine.
i was refering to Kiwami 1, wich was the last game in the west.
wasnt trying to compare it to 6.
but all the sidestuff is the same.
it literally reuses the hostess club opening animation and interface from Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 1 wich is good, its the best minigame.
didnt realize it had new combat. And i thought for sure it was running on the Zero Engine when looking at the trailers.
I loved the 6 demo, can't wait for this one. Can't believe I'm actually excited for demos.
Their FIST of the North Star game uses it too, what's your point?
How can you be this oblivious, yet try to sound like you know what you're talking about?
Well 6's demo was great because it carried over into the main game. I hope Kiwami2 does it too.
It doesn't really matter to me but it'd be cool for the people who import the game.
>didnt realize it had new combat.
so you're full of shit from the start. good to know
>didnt realize it had new combat. And i thought for sure it was running on the Zero Engine when looking at the trailers
>How can you be this oblivious, yet try to sound like you know what you're talking about?
You just described Sup Forums in a nutshell.
>getting this mad/offensive over someone not knowing a thing
wow. nice.
>mfw when i preordered it just for the steelbox
>and i don't know a lick of jap
>I don't do research and make statements acting like they're true
>wtf why are you getting mad at me
well i looked at some gameplay again.
and the combat does just look like Yakuza 0 combat.
no idea why you would get excited over that.
>getting this mad/offensive over someone not knowing a thing
I think it's more so that you tried sounding like you knew what the fuck you were talking about. Nobody's mad. You just made a fool of yourself.
Fuck off already retard..
Fucking 0fags
Good then fuck off, and go be retarded elsewhere.
>and the combat does just look like Yakuza 0 combat.
It's literally not even the same thing user. Kiwami 2 uses 6's combat which is fundamentally different.
well i havent bought Kiwami yet, so yea... i would compare it to 0 obviously...
This is why I fucking hate secondaries.
They always try to act like they know everything while knowing absolutely nothing. Fucking embarrassing.
Secondaries also ruined Nier
Nobody gives a fuck you pathetic spastic,
No need to throw a tantrum just because you made a fool out of yourself.
Kiwami 2 uses the Dragon Engine, and has been made from the ground up. Moron. That's like saying"If you want a demo of Mario Odessey, play Mario 64".
>running on an engine that has 2 games on it.
What? You might want to do some research before shooting your gums there champ.
Secondaries ruin everything. Either that or someone's clearly baiting
Kiwami 2 looks so fucking good, like yeah we already know the story will be good, but it looks like it's fixed almost everything wrong with 6, i.e. actually having fucking side content.
You're an absolute clown.
And the combat is a lot smoother and less janky.
It isn't the not knowing. It's the holier than thou attitude. You came in here not knowing a fucking thing and you are still posting like you didn't shit the bed.
i think a better comparison would be Galaxy 2 to Galaxy 1, ya know... direct sequel and on the same console.
or at least Mario Odyssey to sunshine.
>Platinumed 0 and Kiwami back to back
My life feels empty now.
I was speaking to the giant leap in the game engine. The Dragon Engine is VERY different. I loved every minute of Gotoku 6, but Kiwami 2 is going to have some of the more rough stuff polished. I'm buying it day one digital and importing a physical.
Go hard bruh
Say what you will about the game but 6's OST is pretty lit.
I actually enjoyed 6 a lot. Even did all the snack bar shit.
I don't understand what is with the level of grinding in Ishin, 5 and Kenzan had nothing to this extent, only 5's coliseum came somewhat close. It's like they couldn't decide what the hell the player should do on the side this time so they had half of an idea and then just made up a bunch of side things to do.
>Virya Catalog is almost entirely grinding because at least half of that stuff you won't do normally.
400 food items eaten, 50 parcel deliveries when they pay next to nothing and require you to visit the guy next to the Terada Inn every single time for a new package, 100 eggs which you can only get 1 per visit to Another Life, 100 head pats each for cats and dogs, 200 cooked dishes which are all useless and require too many items to make regularly, etc.
>You require double the EXP you needed to go from 1-25 in a style to reach 26-50 so you end up just farming Dharma and eating daifuku rather than fighting since it takes dozens of hours to get a style to max level since you only really uncap all the styles when you've done almost everything else.
>The 500,000 points needed for Golden Sword, Sobering Hood, and Ebisu Hat, except the former is 6 damage less than an upgraded rusty sword sword yet it's an endgame item, the latter two are completely useless, and you only gain 3000 points a run of the Arena which requires you to fight five of the strongest enemies in a row with no healing.
Once you learn how to cheese them with Pistol it's fine, but you can still die in a single combo and it takes like six to eight hours to get enough points for all three items.
>The sheer amount of grinding in the Battle Arena that you're there for 50+ hours.
>Not only do you have to synthesize every item but you also have to do the symbols.
I started grinding everything at like 30ish hours and I'm at 126 right now only just being able to get along with the story and I still don't have all styles at 50 yet, but I do only need Amon and four symbols to synthesize.
After playing Yakuza, do you guys think you could win in a street fight? I feel like I could defeat some thugs imitating Kyriu's movements.
Sure buddy. Don't forget to punch tigers on the zoo
And with the thugs to the Roshi grabbing bullets move
And throw ladders like Jackie Chan
I'm not retarded, so no.
Yeah, I think so too. I got inspired by Majima's breakdancing style, I now face thugs and catch their swords with my teef. People fear me.
T. Weaklings scared of the way of the dragon.
I was thinking of going to japan and getting an authentic Yakuza tattoo
hope majima in kiwami 2 has his old outfit in premium mode
Joke's on you. Demo comes out next month.
Are you seriously implying people play demos for story elements?
I think you could just go to California, I hear there's this one japanese guy there whos a master of tattoos. tattoos i hear carry a stigma so I dont know why you'd want that one you fucking weeb
That is if or when Sega will localize the games.
>going to cali
I doubt 6 would go past 60 fps with 2 titan x
With a code as retarded as Yakuza's, you'd be lucky to even hit 60.
Took me 150+ hours to platinum 0 so...
I never played a Yakuza game, but I always see threads every 4 months about a new game releasing. Do they shit these games out without any real work put into them? Is it worth jumping into if they are just gonna release a new one in the next 2 months anyway?
>They still didn't implement outfits for NG+
Just why?
5 took me about 200 and yet that didn't feel anywhere near as grindy as Ishin.
Someone email Nagoshi
Maybe if Nips bitch enough they'll eventually do it..
the most you could probably learn from yakuza is relying on your environment.
his brawler style might teach you something though
kiryu looks really weird in the dragon engine
welp, beats the giant bodies from 3 forward
why in the fuck would they sit there that long
Western release for K2 and FotNS when?
it didn't really make much sense, which is why they changed it to the chandelier
who would imagine the autist would manage to punch it till it fell
It's a video game..
>using autist for no reason
fucking christ
Kiryu-chan is not autistic he's just surrounded by crazy people
>all that spacing
I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but these are all old games that are just recently getting translated which is why they are releasing so quickly. America is still catching up to japan.
ummmm??? can you not????? shitlord??
Why would you even reply..
>there's Kuze only boss rush in the climax battles
>but only for Majima
>none of the climax battle bosses have their QTE's
what's the point?
>None of the climax boss battles have the dynamic intro
>Climax Battle is a gun-only, timed, 1HP sequence
>none of the climax boss battles have the cutscenes before the actual fights
So apparently Majima will have all of his styles in Kiwami 2
will Kiryu have more styles too, or the same thing as in 6?
Is Kiwami 1 worth finishing? I thought 0 was boring
probably unlocked as you play, or with minigames