Minecraft - Modded edition

Tell me Sup Forums, why aren't you playing modded Minecraft?

sorry, i grew out of legos when i turned 4.

because i've already played all the expert packs and theres nothing left for me.
even played bobs+angels in factorio to scratch the autism itch and that wasn't hard at all either.
op please send more autism games, its the only thing that keeps me going

Did you play the Age of Engineering modpack? A great progression based pack that forces you to go through all the mods to keep progressing. Pretty fun.

Dunno if Infinyfactory would scratch your autism itch. It did it for me. More of a puzzle builder than just the sandboxy type of Factorio and modded Minecraft.

Here is my mini ore processing factory.

Is there any mod which allow me to build a flying house/ship/aircraft?
I want to build a giant autistic flying factory/castle.

Terrafirmacraft is fun.

Might be fun. Last few times I played around with Minecraft were Skyfactory and Project Ozone, and then I just get bored after I've got a full ore, energy and mob farm setup.

I don't know the names of them, but there are definitely mods that do exactly what you're describing.

I guess I'll look into it.
Also rate my wizard tower.

What do you mean by flying? You can do stuff even in vanilla. Just build off the ground.

If you mean in space, that's what I'm doing in the image. There is Galacticraft for older Minecraft versions and Advanced Rocketry for newer versions. Both allow you to build in space with lower gravity and vacuum. But you can also seal rooms off build up pressure and create breathable atmosphere inside your station.

If you mean a flying as in it can actually move around the world, there is a mod with airships for older versions, but unfortunately it doesn't with all blocks and has issues with entities so you won't be able to make a 100% fully functional and fully mobile base with it without some insane workarounds like a system that destroys the blocks that have issues and then places them again when you stop.

age of engineering was good, i did finish it already
i've done infinifactory and it was alright

theres no autism left, guess its time to go back to playing space station and dwarf fortress

>guess its time to go back to playing space station
I named my station Space Station 13. That game is a pure autism simulator.

I still do, im playing terrafirmacraft.

I want a modpack that makes exploration fun, by adding proper towns, ruins to explore, changing worldgen to be interesting, and a better loot system.

What mod adds this?
I need this.

What exactly? Space traveling is from Advanced Rocketry. The big orb is the 2nd largest Draconium Energy Orb for storing energy from Draconic Evolution. The blocks are from Chisle.

Are there any clowns on the station?
Glory to Nanotresen

Modded minecraft is a bigger waste of potential than even vanilla minecraft

At least you can kind of understand one fat, bald man's failings in making minecraft it's potential greatest, but a whole community consisting of millions?

Modded minecraft is 90% automation. There's very little in the way of exploring or fighting or doing anything that isn't just crafting things that craft themselves eventually.

I can't stand to play minecraft when i'm just spending 95% of the time in a crafting UI. Even worse if the mod tries to be cute and cut out the UI part but you are still just doing tedious crafting. At least be up front about being garbage.

>playing on Sup Forums modded server
>never played with any of the 60+ mods they have
>far behind in tech advancement

Actually have been wanting to get back into Minecraft with a few friends lately.
Any great mods/plugins I should get?


>its another """factory""" mod

when will this modtism end


I've unfortunately been having issues with minecraft and I'm not certain why. I get frequent burst of stuttering. I've updated everything and I don't think its a hardware limitation because it happens on new worlds.

Modded or Vanilla?

Because Factorio came out