What were your favourite flash games as a kid?

What were your favourite flash games as a kid?

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I could never play this due to the unskippable male character levels.

>vedio game

What game?

Mario the Hentai

the game

Sup Forums - Vedio Games

my favorite flash animation was KILL SONIC I mean apple juice

Why must you be this way, anons.

Fine, it's actually Pac-man the Degenerate



Jazz Jackrabbit the Sexual Deviant.

Spyro the Rapist



Mario the Molester.

Crash the Rapist

Pikachu the Degenerate

High Tail Hall
Helicopter Attack

*theme from "Requiem for a Dream" starts playing*

fucking degenerate pikachu
fucking asshole
fucking asshole bastard

Me and my friend quoted this for YEARS. To the point where our other friends would say the same shit and they didn't even know where it was from.


Luigi the Lecher

I think playing shit on Newgrounds fucked me up pretty solidly

Removing MS-paint quality bras off of nudes with the head of Christina Aguilera poorly photohopped on

I also remember this game where you had to like talk your way out of getting murdered by a homeless guy. It was actually kind of fun

>Literally "child predator simulator" game

You're not Alexander.

Me and my friends were obsessed with making fun of a shitty little flash game on newgrounds called escape from stickville. No idea why, it was terrible, guess we just enjoyed shitty games.

>never finished

If only he actually knew how to draw. And then if only it had more than a handful of drawn scenes.



another night out

is this porn



>I also remember this game where you had to like talk your way out of getting murdered by a homeless guy
You're a heartless bastard and you deserve what's coming to you!

Wait a minute. What's this again? It looks familiar.

what was it?


It was part of the Ambition series. A bunch of really odd flash games about getting out of various situations. Some of them were, excuse the pun, really ambitious for their time, but they're mostly just funny now since they get kind of ridiculous.
It also didn't help that they achieved meme status from Slowbeef and Diabetus playing them.

>posting in a flash thread
>can't spot rina-chan

and i pelted them with rocks

>that poster
I played it recently just to fap to it again, good times.


>playing flash games
third world monkeypeople thread?

How underaged are you?

I was 18 when this site came up in 2003, sport. I'm 32, flash and browser games were laughed at in the USA because only poor mexicans or third worlders in ape countries played them.

Link the Kink

>The one where you have to convince your boss to give you a raise, but his pet mouse tries to distract you with a naked woman behind you
>if you turn around there legit is a woman stripping slowly but your boss starts castigating you seriously to stop being an autist who stares into space or else you're fired
>he fires you but for a fraction of a second before the game ends you can see a nipple
Those were the days.

>Helicopter attack
My nigga

>being this underaged
fuck i forgot faggots born in 99 can post here and in a couple of months there are people who were born post Y2K who can post on here, jesus christ i am old.


>jesus christ i am old.
no you aren't, or you wouldn't be nostalgic about third worlder games. Couldn't afford the monthly fee to play EQ or UO, squirt? You could have been winning gamewide PVP tournaments like I did.


>flash and browser games were laughed at in the USA
You're either a history revisionist or severely underaged, because this is horribly inaccurate. Flash games were all the rage in the early '00s.

>being an MMOfag was a good thing
i bet your ass still plays absolute garbage like wow or elsword and thinks its good.

best sonic flash ever

I'll take care of him, nigga! HXC!

The impossible quiz
A stick figure game that was basically just a worms clone. Idk the name

Castle Cat

>Tibia is 20 years old

nope, WoW was complete garbage on launch and was extremely casual compared to UO, EQ, DAoC, AC, etc. I stopped playing MMO's after EQ because there hasn't been a single one even nearly as good, even EQ2 failed in that regard.

This is not true in the least, either a poor trolling attempt or some sort of weird shilling revisionist.

Sonic the Pervert.

i am my own monster

>he's so new he doesn't remember when newgrounds was a wordfiltered autobannable offense on all boards
sure thing, sport.

Fancy pants adventure. That shit was really good.

Some stickman beat'em up.

This was THE game.


Why are you posting these screenshots as if they're trophies? I know how overused this word is, but do you have asperger's?

>implying they aren't trophies
gee, I taste jelly and salt

I'm not sure what the guy's problem is, really.


thats because everyone from newgrounds was the original newfags way the fuck back in like 2004 then because we came in droves since Tom Fulp went fucknuts insane and buried newgrounds in feminazi pandering and furry retardation.

>Jelly and salt over screenshots
Answers my question perfectly. Thanks.

Are you so new you forgot the founder of this fucking site made it while he still was underage? Do you seriously think people have moral awareness to avoid Sup Forums until they're strictly 18+ years old?

Busted a lot of nuts to her. Was really hot.


>You'll never go back to happier days.

no, doesn't change he got shat on back then for that shit and people should still get rightfully shat on now.

I don't have asperger's, why are you so fixated on my MMO kills though? Maybe you flunked out of EQ and wish you sat on the tallest throne?

Homura the Rapist

sup fag

>MMO kills
I'm absolutely sure you're trying to false-flag. Enjoy the final (You).

>tfw you never got to play that Pico russian roulette game online

Gex the Gimp

Pico vs Überkids? I played it a lot. What are you talking about?

High Tail Hall made me a furry, this is not okay.

and sometimes i dream of freedom

>visited Newgrounds a couple months ago
>gigantic extra thicc banner on top of the page shilling some porn flash
It's that Newgrounds has fucking regressed from what it was.

I disabled those with CSS years ago, Reddit. Sorry! You look as dumb as Fennin Ro does here.

You look at my balls and for that I must kill you.

You're the reason why UO is in the current state, shit lord.

She was living in a basement
Down by the railroad tracks

I love this pig

Tex the erect

Wasn't that exactly what 2004 Newgrounds was like? I vividly remember going to Newgrounds late at night solely to click some of those nude ads and get taken on a wild ride down internet porn lane.