Power is out

What do you do when your power goes out?

whack it

I don't know, I don't live in the third world

>power goes out
Doesn't happen outside of third world countries.

Move from Puerto Rico

Make sure you own a handheld console and it's fully charged. Or you have your phone.

Read my backlog of books. If the power never went out once in a while I'd never get around to it.

Get a bunch of handhelds and play them back to back. When one runs out of power, play the other. Keep doing this until your power is restored.

When I lived with my parents (I live in US), the power would go out for a couple hours every few months.

It sucked. I now live 10 minutes away and the power has never been down for more than 5 minutes here.

Tablet, laptop or phone. Offline games if I have anything, mobile data if not.

Masturbate to my special [Internet is Down yet Penis Rises] folder of h-games and doujins I have tucked into the deepest parts of my files.

Practice drawing
Play on 3DS/ Vita
Jack off

i dont know
its never happened

Not a problem with Nintendo Switch

Keep on playing while PS4 cuc ks can't

3ds nigga

Seriously? Not once in your life? That's incredible

I take my Switch out of the dock and continue playing.

Sleep until it's back on

Is she ok?

Only times it happened to me are these two times.
>A power line fucking exploded because a bird hit it down town
>A tree in my front yard fell on a power line during a storm, also ripped the fuck out of my driveway.

gib me some game names


Play switch
Play 3ds
Kill self

I remember two times when we had blackouts. One was in the heat of summer and I played the Star Wars Phantom Menace board game with my friend down the block with a flashlight. That was fun.

The other was right before we were taking a camping trip during the Summer. I had to sleep downstairs in my parent's room because it was too hot upstairs. Luckily the power came back by the time I woke up. However, the milk was bad because the fridge shut off for 8 hours and my brother had two big bowls of Honey Bunches of Oats for breakfast, upchucked it all over the backseat. That wasn't fun

Online shopping, use work laptop, play 3ds, play on phone.

Power outage isnt the end of the world.

that has to be really cold on her smooth bare naked thighs

Power's going off here tomorrow while they fix some shit weirdly enough. I plan to ??????? the ???????? while ???? in the ?????? to ??¿???.

Night of Revenge is my newest one, but I have classics in there like Demon's Sperm, T-Love, AA, 3D Custom Girl, Honey Select. So on so forth.

Cars can always crash into utility poles unless the area you live in has undergrounding instead of aerial power cables, which the US, a first world country, doesn't have, as far as I know.


I wonder if a rapist has a boner when he goes out looking for a victim or if it happens afterward.

>play FF Seven on my PS1
>breeding chocobos like a mad scientist
>finally get a golden chocobo
>fuse blows

OP here, shitty 90mph wind around here somehow fucked me sideways.

6 hours of power outage estimated.
I'm 2.5 hours in.
And it was my only day off this week.


Read or take a shit. Fuck around on my phone. Garden.

Power outage user, not just internet. Computer no work.

Unless you have a charged laptop, I guess.

>have 200 pokemon cards + a holofil first print charizard
>mother has a mental meltdown and somehow ends up deciding to burn me and my brothers cards in the furnace


Oops, 60mph, typo.
Doesn't help I live in a valley SOI have like no reception either.

Had to drive in to town. Fuck you Xcel energy.

that's messed up

>burn me and my brothers cards in the furnace
she burned you?

It's spooktober, read a scary book by some candles my man.

>be american
>have no electricity
>get shot

tell me more about your mothers breakdown

she had some sick bant senpai

Is there an album of Japanese schoolgirls laying face down in random public places?

Who doesn't have a laptop?
To be fair, I have a desktop at home and a laptop for when I go to uni. I have way too much porn on both and wish I could sync them up with my heart to detonate upon my death.
One day someone will know my sick tastes, but I will be dead. or soon to be dead.

play handhelds.

Get out my Switch/3DS or use cellular data.

its not story worthy


i dont care just spill the beans
what happened

>modem, router, and desktop pc on ups
Literally nothing. Maybe turn on a flashlight if it's nighttime.

It's not their fault, man. Aerial power lines are always vulnerable to air-borne elements such as wind.

Seeing as my girl wouldn't lift a finger when that happens I get up and solve whatevers up.

read a book by candle light until power comes on

>he doesn't have a diesel generator

OP here, shit guys. Why is this so damn h

>burning dinosaurs for fuel

>Child, dunno which year
>Get Chibi Robo on my gamecube for my birthday
>Having a good time, cleaning and shit
>At night a story event goes on where a horrible roaring sound draws you into the basement
>Roar happens
>Hear a BOOM
>Power goes out
Turns out the sound was just someone ramming into a power line, and it was just spookily timed.

Do you have an aviary or something?

We did, but we never needed it because the power never goes out, and I gave it to my grandma who lives on the coast who always has power outages.

Lasts 10 minutes bro.

Also this outage shows me that my 7 year old UPS is dead.

Any recommendations? 1500va preferably with pure wine wave.

schizophrenia happened,she got mad at my dad for not letting her drink which affected her medication.

we were just the whipping posts when my father was away on work

Jesus, I think this thread gave me a new fetish. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I live in Texas and we have underground power cables. The only time it ever goes out is when there is an excess of water because our soil.

Also I think we are separate from the US power grid as well?

>power just went out 30 mins ago at midnight
>other rooms are okay
>check the fuse box downstairs and it’s just one switch that has tripped
>switch it back on
>everything works
>trips again after 5 minutes
>repeat 3 times
>have now given up and am just lying in the dark

I want to stick my fingers in that mouth.

Nigga, what?

Pure sine wave is a meme. I'm running a server, crt, modem, and router on a 1500va apc back-ups and it lasts just over 15 minutes before hibernating.

did you put her in a mental hospital or something?
or was she normal most of the time

Meditate and commune with the universe around me, stopping to appreciate the joy of simply being alive.

I use what little battery power my laptop has left to play video games, then I kill myself.

Fortunately, the power has always come back on before I got to the last part.

>power goes out
Is this an actual, regular occurrence in US?

Turn off some shit and stop overloading it.

Depends on what part of the US you're talking about.

Nah, only happens once every few years, and usually it's because someone broke a power line with a car or while knocking down a tree.

You make it sound like power outages are common in the US. Is it?
I have only ever experienced one power outage in my life, and i live in Non-Specific European Country

Turn up the diesel generator.

why not just buy extra batteries?

Read a book, like a normal person

You would not BELIEVE how few fucks the government gives about the aging infrastructure.

Most of this shit was built in the 50s and never upgraded.

>everyone lives in the US meme

Young girls in skirts lying facedown on the ground is arousing me for some reason.

I just want something that's high quality that won't degrade my nice.... Fuck, what is my PSU? It's top of the line because I plan to keep it for at least 8 years, personal friend at hardocp recommended it.

I'm in my phone in my car on the edge of town. Fuck everything.

You mean like replacement batteries for your new handhelds or just regular batteries for your old ones like Gameboy?

I did and it didn’t make a difference. Have had the same stuff plugged in for the past year anyway and no trips in that time.

Either your breaker is defective, it's being overloaded like the other user said or you should just increase the amperage in your electrical circuit. Call the company that provides energy to you and they'll give you some orientation.

This doesn't happen in Mexico either.

You might be a rapist.

we tried but she was was terrifyingly manipulative and would find ways out like water in a leaking bucket .

it was like dr jekyl and mr hyde tier so she could be one way but when my father returned would slip back to "normal" until he left again which was often


In New Mexico? Yeah. Power goes down every time it rains (frequently in July/early August, and almost never the rest of the year), every time it snows (2011, 1in/2.5cm of snow shut down a city for a week), and whenever WSMR tests like a laser or a railgun or something.

what happened in the end though?
are they still together?

Duh, he already said he doesn't live in a 3rd world country like the US

This. Don't turn it on again unless you want a housefire.

Not him but this arouses me too, slightly. Japanese high school girls are one of the only good things to ever come from that God forsaken country.

we went to live abroad and it was fine for a year until she went back home to visit her father and the night before she returned called us and said she wasnt coming back and that was it.

i havent spoken to her for 11 years even though she tries to contact me bi-weekly

It's a big country, so it varies. Generally I'd say no, but I live in Houston and Texas has probably the most reliable grid in the country. I've been through multiple hurricanes and my experience has ranged from Rita where my power was out for 2 weeks and Harvey where my power went out for maybe a minute.

pic related, I stay comfy

Power surge unironically happened while reading this.