How do we revive the light gun shooters Sup Forums?

How do we revive the light gun shooters Sup Forums?

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Make them compatible with modern tvs.

You can't light guns dont work on LCD/LED displays

Virtual reality. Robo Recall is basically a light gun shooter where you can teleport.

>VR game


Revive arcades and light gun games would soon follow
>tfw don't know where to play Time Crises, GHOST or Rambo anymore

*teleports behind you*

Gal*Gun was pretty good.

isnt that a porn star?

>Angela and Abella
Have they ever done a video together?

Light guns don't work on modern TVs, the only option is VR but at this moment is just a very expensive meme.

Arcades are impossible in America and most of the west. You can thank suburban planning for that.

You can't unless you have motion controls.

Light gun was revived on Wii thanks to the pointer. Later games used motion controls like that light gun game on PS4.

Replace them with real guns with real bullets.

When I was living in Seoul Korea I would go to the arcade to play Time Crisis and Tekken all the time. Wish we had arcades in Canada still

Already works with VR

Not because of the rail shooter gameplay.

Get with the times old man

I had this Wii light shooter that came with gun shaped holders for your wiimote. Shit was sick.

Beating the game unlocked squirt gun mode and all the enemies were bikini babes.


>Best Time Crisis game
>Best House of the Dead game

By buying it

Don't bother, VR does it far better

Eh. It was good enough to get through the main five story paths plus a couple of NPC routes. Trying to find all the hidden girls in different outfits was fun as well, along with finding a good place to scan them.

wrong pic

light guns are deprecated by VR


The raddest light gun game I played had sensors let you move around to take cover and dodge bullets. Do Superhot VR, but instead of teleporting play it like that game and other LG shooters.

Since it's a home game, maybe add counterplay like heavy hitting projectiles being the heavy damage dealers and hitscan stuff not doing as much so you can shoot down projectiles coming at you, or play with it since something like a high-speed rocket needs to be ducked or dodged unless you have godly reflexes.

I wish it were possible to actually 1CC Terminator Salvation, that alone would've made it a good game.

And I'm 99% sure it's not possible, just like how L.A. Machine Guns isn't according to some of the best lightgun shooter players.

I say use a mouse. It's cheap and not quite the same feel, but it kind of works. Kind of.

Also, anyone here heard of Dragon Gun? I saw videos of it and it got me out of my "Only Namco (And occasionally Sega, but no really) makes good rail shooters" tunnel vision.

Also there's this.

>good enough
>not even compatible with PS Move
At least the new game will have motion controls.

It's called Farpoint, it doesn't have teleporting and uses regular 3D movement

Last time I went to a Dave and Busters Light Gun games were all they had, and they didn't even have Time Crisis 3.

we need to get those individually lit pixels out.
back then
>turn off screen except for the spot that represents the target

>not fucking possible, because the entire screen is backlit

>turn off the pixels except for the ones thhat represent the target

theres also vr, wii andkinect technogo, but your asking about light guns

>>not fucking possible, because the entire screen is backlit by a single lightsource

Would you marry an actual whore Sup Forums?
Like stds, 1000 men before you, porn online etc.?

If she was rich.

I would marry ANY girl who want to marry me.

No, not at all. Whores are not virgins.

Lightgun shooters aren't dead, releases are just limited to Japan.
To get them in America the entire dynamic of American arcades needs to change. Outside of specialist enthusiast arcades, most locations (like Chuck E Cheese, Dave & Busters, theater arcades) have almost entirely converted to normie rhythm games and ticket garbage because that's what MAKES MONEY.

If I can manage to make her remember my dick. My dick will be the one to reform her vagina. It will only remember my dick. Only if I can do this, will I marry her.

That's dumb, whores (used up vaginas) are like death.

>implying I played that shit on Playstation
Of course I played the game on PC, especially after it was known that the Vita didn't use its gyro controls for better aiming. You'd definitely want motion controls or mouse controls with a lightgun game, otherwise you're wasting your time.

>At least the new game
Are you talking about Gal*Gun VR or Gal*Gun 2?

yes, they do.

it takes a tiny bit of modification though.

>Whores are not virgins.
you don't say

wrong. also wiimote lightguns games are fucking shit. they're way too laggy.

Just for Jew

Proverbs 5:2
…2That you may observe discretion And your lips may reserve knowledge. 3For the lips of an adulteress drip honey And smoother than oil is her speech; 4But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. 5Her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell.

is that abella danger in the centre?

All those memories of dual-wielding light guns