So can we all agree this level fucking sucks and drags the pacing/fun of this game to a god damn crawl?

So can we all agree this level fucking sucks and drags the pacing/fun of this game to a god damn crawl?

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I havent played the game but this is the level Im most excited to play. It looks fucking gorgeous and magical....Im sad to hear it might suck

The last one was boring as hell

The only exciting level was the first one

I love the thematic aspects of it but the actual level design is god awful

If I care more about atmosphere and not the gameplay, will I enjoy this level? It looks so cool, reminds me of a midsummer nights dream

No, because the chapters themselves were perfectly fine and it's completely up to the player to decide if they want to extensively explore the back forests. You are free to set your own pace and able to leave at any time at no consequence to yourself.

>the chapters themselves
>in a level where you have to actively find the new contracts (hourglasses) yourself by wandering around until you stumble upon a “trap”
Go fuck yourself, this level ruined the fun I was having in this game

World 1 > World 3 > World 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World 4

Why do i never see webms of this game? People only post screenshots and i have no idea how it plays

Nah brah

Shit taste, Chapter 3 was my favorite
>fun platforming in the trees
>exploring the woods for rifts, yarn, and relics
>the lore and setpieces

Conductor's levels are GOAT but DJ Groove's levels suck dick and bring the world down. Just walking around in a tiny room for the penguin. Meanwhile Conductor has MURDER MYSTERY AND AN EXPLODING TRAIN SPRINT

>Train murder mystery
>Funky penguins adventures
More like fetch quest simulator times two.
>Go run around this linear train collecting bullshit
>Now go run around this tiny square area collecting more bullshit

IMO it was one of the best levels, probably tied with mafia town. It had great music, it was fun to explore, and the atmosphere was great. When I first entered Alpine skyline I had a goofy smile on my face but the fun quickly wore off after the first time piece. It was better than chapter 2 though. Though it was very creative, I hated how linear and small most of chapter 2 was.


But it's guaranteed that he talks to you while doing one of his other contracts. You don't have to wander around.

No it isn't. I had to specifically wander around and find the circle to trigger the next quest.

They're all in specific places though. Either in the village or after you cross the bridge to the manor.

Yes, and you can specifically avoid them without really trying. Other people had this same issue too judging by several threads with questions like
>How do I unlock the finale? There's nothing more to do

But if you are doing the things you need to be doing in your contract, you WILL stumble upon him. I don't know how you fuck up this badly.

what a nice excuse

You serious? Subcon is probably the best part of the game.

Are you retarded? The game spawns you in the area you need to go to for each contract. You can very easily miss the circles. I had to go out of my way exploring the level during the Mansion quest to actually get one of the additional traps.

>Hating the best world in the game
Fucking hell

Subcon forest was great. Maybe you're just bad at video games?

My issue with Subcon was just how spread out everything was. It takes forever to get anywhere and you can only go vertical in select places. Though apparently I'm weird cause Alpine Skyline was my favorite aside from the rails

Subcon>Alpha Skyline>Battle of the Birds>Mafia Town But they're all damn good

You mean the two traps that are all but impossible to miss while doing previous chapters? Yeah nah, you're just garbage.

>I’m the master at wandering around aimlessly in a flat forest in a platformer
>all these scrubs are just bad at videogames
Whatever makes you feel better, slugger

Post your favorite version of hat girl!


How can you legitimately believe that? I love spooky forests as much as the next obnoxious PC gayming shill, but this stage is such a god damn snore. If it was meant to be something to aimlessly wander through, it should’ve been infinitely more rewarding than it currently is.


Exploring in general is pretty shitty.
>Another piece of yarn
>Another piece of yarn
>Another piece of yarn
Don't even have any more uses of this fucking yarn.

What? You don't got a fetish for hideous art?

Nigga outside of mail delivery there is literally not a single fucking mission in Subcon forest that demands you explore that forest
I literally fucking beat Subcon in it's entirety without opening up any of the flame walls besides the one you do in the first mission. I literally didn't fucking open up a single extra fire wall until I had all the damn hats in the game collected. You can TOTALLY ignore that part of the world if you don't want to do extensive exploration
>TWO excellent bossfights in the toilet and snatcher
>The game suddenly turning into a horror game at the mansion out of fucking nowhere
>Subcon Well was a great timed platforming bit but obviously not quite as special as the train falling apart
>The statues enemies which genuinely struck terror into me like I haven't felt since I was a wee lad playing N64
>All of that creepy content like the fire spirits being super happy about dying, the game making an explicit point of telling you the paintings you're burning have living people inside of them by showing the mafia man getting sucked in, the nooses, the princess in the mansion, the sort of stuff that never makes it into over-sterilized all ages media these days
>Also Snatcher, the best character in the game
If you can't see how Subcon is top tier you need to re-examine your tastes in video games because it's the mechanical and aesthetic peak of the game.

So the rest of the forest being subpar is okay because you don't have to explore it?

>It's the mechanical and aesthetic peak of the game.
I legitimately respect your points/opinions, but if this is true, than this game is a disappointment to me and I’m bummed about that

>Has the best 3 missions in the game in the two bossfights and mansion
>Also a forest you don't even need to touch if you dont want to but is there and fucking massive if you do
Yes, it's exactly ok.

What? How far in are you? What have you dont in Subcon so far.

can we all agree OP has shit taste?


The well, the mansion, the toilet, and 2 rifts. It’s just not fun to traverse the area, it feels so aimless, and the landmarks are so sandy. Plus I hate that swamp with the hands the slow/pull you

No, it's really good. It's got diverse areas that reward exploration. I do think that some of the missions aren't as good as some other worlds but some are also really good.

I'm split on it because I do like the characters and story of the other parts and riding on the flags is kind of annoying but the main areas are fantastic and offer the best platforming in the game.

You've still got the toilet boss and final boss of the world then?
Even if you don't like the aimlessness of the world you're gonna like those two. They're amazing bossfights, trust me.

I'm mostly being a typical Sup Forums poster. Anyone's personal preferences could put any of the worlds at number one really. While I like Subcon overall the best. The Conductors levels are my absolute favorites of the game. It's just that DJ Grooves parts dragged it down for me.

>No bossfights when that's the mechanical strength of A Hat in Time
It's still my second favorite but no bossfight hurts

The bossfights are great and there should have been at least one in the world but I think how amazing the 4 platforming parts of it are make up for it.

Wait until reach Alpine Skyline. I dropped there. I really liked the game, but after the train, it gets boring and boring. Shame.

why do people like chapter two so much?
half the levels are tedious busy work with no actual platforming
really the exploding train and the finale are the only decent parts

Are you one of the people that think The Big Parade isn't platforming? There's plenty of platforming in Murder on the Owl Express too.

>He doesn't like Madlibs/Clue stealth platforming

This. I've played the game for like 45 days worth of time and still haven't gotten to the fourth chapter yet. I've heard people beat it in a few hours still.

>No boss
>Ziplining takes 7,000 eons and there are a hundred of them
>Worst music
World 4 blows cocks

Yeah but
>best theme
>best platforming

>Worst music


World 4 is my least favorite

i don't really agree with that, no

Subcon forest is the best world in the game by far. It’s huge and very vertical too. It’s exactly what I want out of this game and I hope future worlds are this big and fun.

what mod is this?
also the light posts are supposed to be checkpoints

Need to have Alpine Skyline's main areas but with a Subcon-like central area and with the flag line travel removed. And with a boss.



Because webms are cumbersome to make and this post shows up in literally every thread where Sup Forums talks about a recently released game.

Nah, I liked it a lot.

Absolutely fucking exposed.
My sides, I thought I didn't recognize that stage

you don't need hats or badges at all

Goddamn you can do some serious shit with perfect rolls. I shoulda kept doing that instead of switching over to the scooter I guess