Former Naughty Dog employee says he was sexually harassed by a lead in late 2015
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>show me on the doll where he touched you
Nothing will happen. Everyone will forget by tomorrow.
Sony must die, the shittiest company in the fucking industry.
EA and Activision are God tier compared to fucking Pony
Almost forgot what a nervous wreck this guy was.
It's okay, he's a man. Nobody is going to believe him or write any articles.
I hope he's happy.
The creator of Unravel cuckest game os 2016
Why didn't he give a name? What's he so afraid of?
At least he had the balls to go up there and do it, especially when he was so nervous. He could've hired some literally who to show it off for him, but he wanted to be the one to reveal it.
Everyone thinks they are going to perform great at E3, then you see all the cameras, and how huge the audience is. You forget half of what you were going to say, and then realize that you are messing up.
normal people don't get their hands tattooed, he's probably an alcoholic or junkie
fucking christ whats with all the sexual harrassment claims from literally everyone this shit is getting crazy. I hope it ends in some massive fucking scandal that shakes the entire country
and then your knees get weak and your arms get heavy
How many times are you going to post this dumb shit today?
>im going to post and bump this thread to show just how much I dont care
Who cares. All these alleged sexual happenings and no one has the balls to give a name. He's been sitting on his ass for almost two years now, and only now does he feel like this was the appropriate time to come clean?
I feel nothing for him.
Do you think anyone will care that a man got his butt groped? What a pussy.
With Weinstein going down people think there's a chance to talk about this kind of stuff.
God I hope Weinstein goes full nuclear and takes down as many as he can with him.
>immediate response is to believe without proof
Look, it's shitty if it's true, but it's just a guy's word with nothing. Some people are even trying to figure out who it is, which is even worse. If it's true leave it to proper investigators.
>all of these """progressive""" developers and teams are actually filled with the worlds biggest racists, abusers, and rapists, and are only using liberalism as a smokescreen for their shitty behavior
>joins socialist team
>surprised it's full of fags and transqueers
why do the investigators get to decide what i believe?
>hurr i'm just going to ruin my career and get blackballed from the industry off of an accusation that i have no evidence of
because it is literally their job
>a man got his butt groped?
we don't even know it's that, the way these snowflakes get triggered someone might have just had a picture of Tracer in their cubicle
And now he won't because of some Hollywood drama?
Damn the movie scene sure is filled with sexual harassment huh
You don't try to hush someone up with 20k for that.
>one unverified accusation
i can't imagine 20k is more than four months salary, which is a reasonable severance, especially for someone who snapped and is making claims with no evidence, you know kotaku and polygon would be jumping on top of that
He isn't naming names, if you don't outright accuse anyone they probably won't do anything since shit like this happens all the time in pretty much every industry
I cannot believe the amount of people who just believe this shit without a single shred of evidence to back it up. Maybe the guy isn't lying, but believing his Twitter story without any other input at all is why sexual harassment is a fucking mess. You have people like Corey Feldman who clearly dealt with some type of abuse as a child, but for years he has struggled to get heard or anything accomplished because so many people cry rape.
the decider of fact in criminal and civil matters is actually a jury of individuals off the street, dipshit.
It was Nathan Fillion He goes 0 to Prison gay when he is bored.
So this is what sony shills mean when say Naughty Gods huh?
Mom's Spaghetti
Reminder that this guy is probably face down in a ditch behind EA
>Frog poster posting something legitimately funny
w e w l a d d y. Didn't see that coming.
Boo hoo, your boss rubbed your bum a little. Get over it.
If he doesnt have parkinsons there is no excuse for wetting your pants because
>people are paying attention
just like the closeted repubs and pedophile priests.
>now he won't
He's been unemployed for 17 fucking months. Clearly this won't harm his "career", this is the guy's chance to score a sympathy hire from Bioware or Ubisoft or someshit.
You may be gay and want to be a sissy trap, but Im not be keen on random people grouping my ass
It's not that deep, especially if you're a man. Life goes on.
So you've never had a single idea that you wanted to share in your entire lifetime. Must be nice to never have to worry about even basic thoughts.
This hits me in the feels. This me every time I leave my home. Hate having to see anyone else having to experience it for any reason.
Reminds me of a kid i went to school with in elementary. He just wanted to show other kids what he made usually silly putty men. Poor kid was neglected by his parents and his peers.
I'm starting to think at this point, everyone is just making shit up.
I bought that game for 5 dollars during a psn flash sale and it fucking sucks. I used to feel sympathy for this guy but now I just want my 5 dollars back.
I rooted for the lad, he did something that I probably would have just hired a PR representative to do for me.
The feels
>People peddling SJW shit are usually always the molesters or harassers.
>not horribly deformed
>average to above average height
>slender build
>not bald
and yet he spills the spaghetti. that's how you know he's broken on the inside
It's the new "claiming someone is racist" to destroy a person's life
especially the christians, the original SJWs
With all that Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein shit you would think people would realize it, but they don't. The thing is that these people are untouchable because they donate millions to the demoncrap party.
>Implying the left and right aren't fucking children left and right
>rich people getting away with shit
you don't say
What's the backstory on this guy? Is he typical SJW trash or what.
>rape victims can be open about getting raped
>rapists can be open about wanting to rape
>everyone rapes each other
problem solved
What do you mean untouchable? Weinstein was dropped by his studio, you won't be seeing his name in films again. He had to retire early, not that this is a huge inconvenience but still. If you mean charges aren't being pressed, it's because these whores who willingly sucked his dick have zero evidence of it so courts would have nothing to work with.
Word around the office is you have a fat cock
What is a 'lead', how many people fit this description, and can we figure out who did it
>poor people are saints
Except this is real and not just a stereotype invented by the (((media))).
>Comes out 2 years later.
This is what I don't understand why not just say it right away.
With all the happenings, will Beer Can Dan be next?
Nigger, cultural marxism is opposed to religion.
not an argument
Well yeah he gets a comfortable retirement. He'll still avoid doing any real jail time though.
whatever you say user, just don't leave your car out in a bad neighborhood.
>all the faggots assuming the victim is female from the OP and going off on sexist rants about how women are little angels who are terrorized by evil men everywhere
>not realizing that the victim is male and by extension the perp is more likely to be female than male
neogaf cracks me up. they're like Sup Forums but in the opposite direction.
___ __ ________
>one says a thing happened to them years ago
>"omgosh, how brave"
>another says it happened the same years ago
>"jesus christ, what is going on? we need to stop this"
>a bunch of people follow that same trend
>internet and social media goes full crazy with more stories, drama and viewers rise up
In the end they want attention and deals which leads to great amounts of money as a compensation for "my life is ruined****drama***mental compensation please".
yeah but poor people can't usually afford a good lawyer or to bribe political officials. all people are trash.
>the first shall be last and the last shall be first
did i just quote marx?
>and by extension the perp is more likely to be female than male
wrong. more likely that the perp's a faggot
This post makes me sad
how can you just up and be banned for saying that? it's not like he said any bad words or anything.
The mods are really desperate to keep this under wraps, huh?
It's wrong think, and we can't have that. You should only spout the opinions of the collective.
>He's never spoken in public before
I literally start violently shaking, can't look at the crowd, and my breathing gets completely messed up when I have to do public speaking, it's the worst thing imaginable.
>Humility is the same as Marxism
To be fair I clicked on a couple of different threads today that got deleted
They've been killing a shitload of threads lately, even some that are unquestionably video games and on topic. They deleted a thread about Digimon games for no reason a few days ago for example, but I've seen more.
>humility the same as slave morality
>did he ever say stop?
whoa...never though about it like that...
Because it could cost you your career? Are you underage?
>biggest virtue signaling SJW cucks in the industry are actually projecting scumbags
Every single time.
>or just kept taking it and go to HR?
Except that's exactly what you're expected to do in that situation.
I guess that's why they call them “Naughty” Dogs haha amirite guys?
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