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>tfw sexually harass my coworkers all day every day

What a fucking faggot. What kind of "man" let's someone rape him? Fucking beta.

>sexually harassed
If a man harassed him then he should had punched the guy in the face, if was a girl then he's acting like the gayest gay in gaytown

Have you seen the women who work in the videogame industry? It one of them constantly tried hitting on me I'd feel uncomfortable too.

Can't people just say "don't do that"? How hard is that? Why are simple social skills never even tried?

>how a 15 year olds mind solves problems.

You can't punch people in the face at your job and get away with it. Go to sleep.

Let me guess, daddy told you boys never cry too right?

But let's get real now, ask yourself why when it happens to Woman's, they stay quiet, all the situations that apply to Woman apply to Man too, including the fear of losing your job if is a superior.


He taught me to stand up for myself and to not just cry whenever something bad happens in life. To deal with it, get even and move on.

He didn't get raped. He probably got told he was cute and probably got sent animations of the lead wiping his penis on his neck. Those assets still exist in Uncharted's files

>But let's get real now, ask yourself why when it happens to Woman's, they stay quiet, all the situations that apply to Woman apply to Man too,
What a retarded logic, women don't react and stay quiet because they are 99% of the time they would get their ass kicked by a man and because society is against females defending their own honor, men in the other hand are supposed to protect themselves and their space, if someone put their hands on your pants you are expected to punch them.

He taught me not to be afraid of our dicks, especially since they're such good size and all.

>dumb leftists will pick this up as their weekly participation of public opinion and sharing
>99% won't bother to do the research, and will drop it for another cause next week

Social media was a mistake.

big mistake buddy. my dad police, he come to get you.

it happens to the best of us

Sounds like good advice

But never will it be the last of us.

Why should I care?

It's a man getting raped. They won't pick it up at all.

this, I had all kinds of shit happen to me at my workplace but at the end of the day nobody really cares



There's that word again

Don't people who work in offices flirt with each other all the time just to kill the boredom?

>will pick this
>white male

Yeah right. If it was a woman they can use it but a while male being harassed? It doesnt work like that.

Wtf i like Naughty Dog now.

I worked fast food back in high school/uni and sexual harassment of all kinds (mtf, ftm, mtm, ftf) was the basis of the entire work culture

Are they our /naughty/ dogs?

If only everyone did what you're doing instead. Not giving a shit whatsoever and using the incident as a means to shit on dumb leftists for another few meaningless points in the culture wars before completely forgetting about it yourself but also maintaining the delusion that you're morally and intellectually superior.

I love how Anita only uses definitions of words from Feminist Magazine and not an actual accredited dictionary.

Finally, a relevant use for this pic.

>society is against females defending their own honor
Are literally retarded? Women get away constantly with physically assaulting men and when a man tries to defend himself from a woman HE becomes the bad guy suddenly and all the men that were standing around doing nothing before will suddenly jump on the guy defending himself. The pussypass is real my dude.

I wonder what the performed action was. I had a dude touch my ass out of nowhere and I didn't really care that much. I get advances from gay people all the time.

Guy sounds like a massive faggot. I get if you are a women because you can't overpower the dude but as a dude...

it was probably some faggot thinking he can get away with it because he's gay, and could otherwise accuse him of hating gay people or some shit

like that university kid who's life got ruined by a faggot because he wouldnt go out with him


Mind your tongue shitlord. Listen and believe.

Mmmm these redpills taste so good please keep them coming user yum yum tell me more

You mean a fucking slap in the face? Bitch please I'm talking abut DEFENDING YOURSELF, fucking punching, kicking and even braking some teeth, no society is against that, fathers teach girls to never EVER fight but teach boys to fight if someone call them a faggot.

Probably something along the lines of
>chick touches guy without consent
>man pushes her away
>ego of the roastie is scratched, goes to superior and tells him the guy sexually assaulted her
>he loses his job, faces criminal charges, has his life and reputation ruined because an entitled roastie gets her ass kissed every day

>got tired of chasing money
>now they chase dick
Oh Naughty Dog

Fuck off Io. Jazz sucks

Good man, your father.

Does this just seem sketchy to anyone else? Why would he not go into detail into what actually happened? For all we know “sexually harrassed” could mean someone just said he was attractive or something

If he was actually harrassed yeah that's fucked up but I get the feeling he's hiding something from us

>If only everyone did what you're doing instead. Not giving a shit whatsoever and using the incident as a means to shit on dumb leftists

you're an idiot, I have complete anonymity so I can't profit socially off of this.

> for another few meaningless points in the culture wars before completely forgetting about it yourself but also maintaining the delusion that you're morally and intellectually superior.

I am morally superior at least, and I don't claim to be more intelligent but they certainly behave like idiots.

And none of this is "meaningless", this social media culture does have consequences and is huge problem we face today. Thanks to it we have slacktivism and people have an easy way to improve their social standing, even if it means misleading the rest.
go fuck yourself, you probably participate in this nonsense too.

as a straight guy try to win a charge against a woman or a gay on sexual harrassment

pro tip: you can't, even if you were harassed legit

I've been a bartender for 10 years in 3 different bars, and have easily worked with over a hundred different people in that time, and at ALL times sexual harassment was a common occurrence. I don't mean stuff like randomly grabbing some girls tits or smacking asses all the time, just dirty, inappropriate jokes told among friends.

The problem is 99% of us don't give a fuck and think it's hilarious. When I show up late my coworkers start saying "Why late, get distracted by some nice dicks on the way to work? Had to suck 'em all before you got here didn't you, faggot?" We all laugh and it's good fun. But then years down the road, suddenly some person involved in that conversation decides he/she was offended and makes a stink about it. Look, if you're offended by that shit, say something, and people will stop doing it. The restaurant/bar industry is full of fucked up people and the vast majority of us enjoy a dirty sense of humor and inappropriate jokes. All of us enjoy the job more because of it, and we aren't going to stop fucking with each other because 1% is offended. If you don't like it, speak up, and we won't include you. Don't bitch about it years later like you were a fucking victim.

>all these people saying he should have manned up
He DID, for months, and then when he got caught acting weird at work and honestly answered why, they fired him for it.
Reading comprehension, c'mon.

I would have taken the money or even better try to get on the harrassers side for benefits lul

It's a common marxist tactic, controlling language. look at how they changed the definition for racism over night.

It's what they do. Control the language and you control the people.

This is real life kiddo, not Jonhy Bravo, women avoid conflict.

>caring about FUCKING WHITE MALE
Oh I'm laffin.

>femninism is retarded, men were born to be dominant, women are just property
>waah, why does society expect me to handle responsibilities, I want to be pampered by society like they do women!
MRA's can't make up their mind baka desu.

One that really makes me uncomfortable is rape survivor. You survive if you come off alive from something that normally kills. You may survive a plane crash, being shot multiple times, falling in a meat grinder. You can't survive rape just like you can't survive getting scammed. It might be vile but you don't normally die from that.

not video game related

either he is lying or he is just trying to get something out of being a lazy sack of shit for months and pin it on them lol

this is true, if it's a hambeast doing that everyday that would be hell, can't do anything or else you're the one that would be blamed, can't call it out or you'll just be called a beta ass faggot.

>Says he refused hush money
>Won't go into detail or name them

Yeah, real believable. Way to jump on the latest victim train, David.

Lurking Naughty Doggos twitter waiting for their response

>social media culture
Please tell me more about your world changing posts on Sup Forums

I believe him. It's just why did he wait so long? Why is he so afraid to give a name? Especially if that lead is still employed.

>femninism is retarded, men were born to be dominant, women are just property
If that is what feminists in your country deal with then you live in some country in the middle of africa.

how can a lead sexually harass someone?

he was lucky if that actually happened, never had someone with a postion try make advances on me

whats big deal anyway, a mouth sucking the cock is just a mouth sucking a cock, it doesn't matter if she weights a million pounds

think of the benefits

>Please tell me more about your world changing posts on Sup Forums

Never claimed I was changing the world, I just refuse to participate and promote in extremely reckless behavior.

these people pick up, use, and throw away social issues like toilet paper. Don't buy into their hype.

its not like you can't find out, just play a shitty naughty dog game that came out before 2015 and you know who it was

You're in the wrong place, sweetheart. Let me redirect you:

Does nobody remember how nothing happened when Kesha claimed she was diddled? Id have put my dick in her too if I knew id get away with doing it like that guy did

All anti-feminists in the west think that, they just don't say it.
>dood, we're just defending women's RIGHTS to be feminine, motherly, house-bound and completely subservient to men, that's their nature
>kinda like niggers are violent, LOL

no one cares about male rape/sexual abuse. even though statistically it happens more to males. the day society cares about male issues is the day ppl will care about male sexual abuse. pro tip that day will never come. especially in a country as "progressive" as the us

Stop taking the bait.

Kesha is pretty thicc now

>men have the power

>I wanna go out for dinner
>I got food here I'll cook something
>No I want to go out
>I don't want spend money I got plenty of food here
>I'll suck your dick
>What restaurant you wanna go to?

can you overpower every man?

>these people pick up, use, and throw away social issues like toilet paper
Yeah we're all going to be talking about this guy next month right?

Why is the left and hollywood fucking imploding and destroying itself right now. What the fuck is going on.

Let me guess, you're a fucking faggot right?

It is true that chefs always have stress relief fuckboys?

I don't think Naughty Dog has a gay feminist agenda

>Naughty Dog lead sexually harassing co-workers

I swear the more virtue signaling someone does the more likely they are to be diddling kids and groping co-workers.

yes I put them in hypnosis with my dick

He's with her.

No, we're not. The difference is that this is an anonymous board so we don't benefit socially at all.
They have their twitter accounts linked to everyone they know and the rest of the world, to witness just how much of an incredible human being they are for voicing opinions once a week.

It basically explains why The Lost Legacy was such a shitfest so yes it is related

i wish people would explain what the "sexual harassment" was. i've been called cute at work, can i claim sexual harassment?


Do you think you are clever? You're just being gay.

it's not

enjoy another downvote

Lost Legacy was great though. Besides this guy was on the MP team and left before TLL was in development

so, who was it Sup Forums?

not that many leads


"Toxic" is the worst meme word to exist these days.

>being this much of a thirsty virgin
Have some standards.

brainlets please realize that sexual HARASSMENT is not anywhere near rape. stop being really stupid!!

What a fucking numale, how can you get sexually harassed as a man? If it was a woman doing it, then you can't rape the willing, stop being a fucking humongous faggot. If it was a man, just beat the shit out of it, you may lose or not but you need to stand your ground you fucking nu male.

its not gay if my dick is being sucked

>people yelling at you for a completly legitmate post
really makes me think

I've never seen this or heard anyone talk about this. Most of the chefs I've worked with tend to be ex cons, overweight middle aged men, ex junkies, etc. They probably want some fuck boys but nobody wants to fuck them.

One time we browsed my old chef's internet history and found his database of black dick porn. He was a 40 year old fat white manlet.

Why do women always try to bring up the nigger shit as if white women were ever as oppressed as even black men?
This shit is like watching little kids complain, white women are literally the most privileged people on the planet and have the gall to complain.
If I were a noggier nigger I'd go out and murder some white bitches just to counteract this shit.
Here's hoping white men stop being faggots and stop trying to defend retarded children who hate them.

>Lost Legacy was great though

Jesus Christ. I lose faith in this board every second.