Hey is there anyone in Sup Forums that plays wow?
I got interested in warcraft 3 a year ago and since then I seek to continue the story and play a good MOBA game.
I want to know how much is it gonna cost me to get all the expansion packs and how much per month will I need to spend to play the game.

Also is it even worth at all and what are the things players hate most about the game?

>playing wow

I can be fun for a while.
The problem is that it's developed with the mentality that it needs to keep you busy all the time, which means you need to keep doing a lot of repetitive shit to "keep up" and eventually it just gets boring. Might be worth it if you have friends playing it.
Just wait for WoW 2 at this point desu

DO NOT buy the game now. They normally offer a massive discount around December. At the moment, they want $49.99 for Legion alone. I was lucky to buy a second account during 7.3 where I bought the Complete Edition for $39.99.

Subscriptions are usually $14.99 a month, unless you pay for a full year...which also isn't recommended since certain retail stores will sell subscription cards on discount (seconds before they sell out).

You're like 8 years too late.

WoW is not a MOBA

>and play a good MOBA game.

the fuck am i reading

>is it even worth at all

>what are the things players hate most about the game?
modern wow has pretty much nothing to do with the game known as wow 10+ years ago.

in general you can divide wow into two eras:
"old" wow - original wow, the burning crusade, and wrath of the lich king.
"new" wow - cataclysm, panda, warlords and legion.
when cataclysm released, they removed the entire original world and replaced it with an updated and streamlined version instead. they also did a massive overhaul of class mechanics, skills, talents, and game systems. this was a major turning point, and many people disliked it. this is also when subscriber numbers started going down.
and with every expansion since then, they kept remaking, streamlining, dumbing down, and redesigning stuff over and over again, to the point where the way classes play today doesnt even resemble what they originally used to be anymore.

if you want to experience olf wow, i recommend playing on some private server that runs wrath of the lich king.
if you want to play new wow for whatever reason, feel free to dump your money on legion.

>"old" wow - original wow, the burning crusade, and wrath of the lich king.
and you can divide that into vanilla wow+ pre 2.3 tbc and the rest

>>if you want to experience olf wow, i recommend playing on some private server that runs wrath of the lich king.

what else would you recommend? wrath is the only expansion that private servers actually do reasonably well.
TBC is completely dead, with all servers being heavily bugged and/or broken garbage, and vanilla is not much better off. wrath is by far the best emulated version of the game, and wrath has the most stable and active servers.

and yes, you can arbitrarily divide time in a million ways. choosing the pre-cata vs post-cata division makes sense because the release of cataclysm was the most radical change that the game ever experienced.

wotlk is casual trash

Are you ok, user? All WoW raids are casual. If you were lucky enough to raid during BC progression, then good for you.

doesnt change anything though. pre-wotlk servers are near unplayable trash, and post-wotlk wow is even more casual trash than wotlk.

So what's the deal when you suspect someone of being a player? I work for a fast casual restaurant and the other day a gentleman came in wearing a Horde tee shirt so when I handed him his food I smiled and said "victory for Sylvanas". This dude gave me the nastiest look, snatched his food and walked away with out a word. What the hell? Is this normal behavior?

epic for the win

>I handed him his food I smiled and said "victory for Sylvanas"
he probably wanted nothing to do with a cringelord like you


I think you need to play WoW like you need AIDS

alterac valley is basically dota

I contracted AIDS from reading your post. You should probably kill yourself before you spread it.

Don't listen to these fools. None of them have played WoW in years, obviously.

The game is good for what it is targeted at now; the casual MMO crowd. If you're looking to play maybe 10 hours a week, it's good. The base game now includes every expansion except Legion, which means you can play up to level 100 for like $30?

might as well play some facebook game

Problem with Legion is that once you complete your dailies there's fuck-all to do, you can try to engage in PvP, Dungeons or even World bosses but the RnG will put a damper on your interest, if anything check out a private server instead of retail, the game is worth playing but it is not worth paying for.

Also if you were a fan of the lore then mute your sound and skip cinematics because it's full board rape.

I strongly advise you to NOT play on official servers. I've been playing legion up until august pretty hardcore so've seen everything this game has to offer at the moment.

Long story short: the community is DEAD. It's not just dead, it's literally non-existent. Unless you can find yourself a good guild which will accept you and engage with it's activities you won't have a good time (I played with people which I knew IRL for a long time). And at this point it is literally impossible. Playing solo or with randoms is aids, don't even try it. They will make you feel like a prostitute which is only needed for short-term services and will get rid of you asap.

End game content is good but incredibly repetitive. It doesn't feel like wow at this point it's a completely different game. Pretty close to worst offenders of korean mmo games in terms of amount of grind required to get anywhere.

Story is awful. If the new low for wow and warcraft in general. If you really loved warcraft 3 don't even fucking bother it's gonna hurt your brain what they did with malfurion, tyrande and illidan.

Find a decent vanilla/bc/wrath private server and play there. Elisium for example is a good choice. The experience will be 1000 times better than on live server.

>"Old WoW"
Spotted the Wrathbabby

All you have to buy is the current expansion and the monthly sub as far as I know. If you don't have any real experience with the old game you will probably enjoy Legion more, but it still falls into the same problems as every modern MMO. It's definately worth a try though, but also check out FFXIV, GW2 and TESO if you want to sample some other MMO's.
WoW isn't great, but it's the one that keeps me coming back.

wow is dead only has a player base in the MILLIONS!

Less players than battleborn GG blizz

Wotlk pre-3.2/3.3 is old wow. There's less differences from tBC to early wrath than Vanilla to tBC

It's only after 3.2 and 3.3 that new wow starts.


Kiting the emerald dragon into stormwind and watching alliance faggots die to the mushrooms, is there even an mmo were such feats can be achieved?

>It's only after 3.2 and 3.3 that new wow starts.
Yeah it's not like Wrath launched with literally no challenging content, made tanking mostly braindead and started homogenizing the classes for Blizzards new "bring the player not the class" mantra while still having bosses that required class stacking until several nerfs later. Ulduar being the arguable best raid in the game is irrelevant at that point

>People quit the game because of its quality and not for the reasons that there are hundreds of MMO alternatives like WoW without subscription fees, the game being 13 years old and people wanting to move on or MMOs losing popularity and people going to MOBAS

Linking that graph is a bit pointless. Subscriber numbers went down as people moved on and when friends quit in this game it has a domino effect.

No one quit because of constant redesigning of classes, skills and talents.

LFG likely played an impact as well as you didn't have to interact with anyone on your server to do dungeons so you would only develop further ties through raiding.