Is the Switch Nintendo's Dreamcast?
Is the Switch Nintendo's Dreamcast?
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Nintendo's PlayStation 2.
Genesis = Wii
Saturn = Wii U
Dreamcast = Switch
think about it
Hope so
Nintendo don't deserve to live
It's more Vita just with a better first party line up and actually had marketing behind it.
>tfw roomie just ordered a switch and the new mario
feels pretty gud desu senpai.
Its nintendos king crimson - discipline
>Getting to play Mario Odyssey in full without having to buy a model 1 Switch
That's pretty much living the dream right there, user.
>Underaged doesn't know what happened to Sega
No. Dreamcast was ahead of its time in every way possible.
For every step forward Switch takes (well.. only portability really) it goes 15 steps backward, and then trips itself.
Fun fact, here are 3 things the Dreamcast has over the Switch:
-An Ethernet port
-Microphone can be used on the system itself
-Doesn't require a phone to be fully operational
Ikr. I'm honestly looking forward to it.
nobody gives a shit about voice chat lul
Its more like Nintendo's PS2, or Iphone, a dramatic success and turnaround when everything seemed to be collapsing around Nintendo.
>a dramatic success and turnaround when everything seemed to be collapsing around Nintendo.
because the PS1 was a failure right?
Voice chat is far from the only thing exclusive to the phone app.
Switch hsa a plethora of other problems that even the Dreamcast doesn't.
not really you can even get an ethernet USB dongle for it.
What do you mean model one? What's the difference?
Some people think, with good reason, that there will be a revision of the Switch like their other handhelds. Extra battery life, less bezel, etc. It's not confirmed, but it's entirely plausible.
A dongle more than the Dreamcast, which is a 19 year old system, mind you.
This is too sad, just stop. It's also hilarious that Switch has one of the worst possible WiFi chips too.
nah, its doing pretty well in that short period of time, its kinda good seeing nintendo going back on track
>-An Ethernet port
No. Dreamcast comes with an RJ11 port attached. You can get an RJ45 port attachment, but those are expensive and hard to find due to rarity and Phantasy Star Online players.
But user was talking about it as if it's coming with the Odyssey bundle or that it will be out by the time Odyssey is released.
wtf i hate mobile phones now
It's the same Switch that's been released, it just comes with a special "Mario Red" Joy-Con pair. I think the other anons were saying Model 1 to indicate that this is the first form factor of the Switch, as they believe more will be released.
The Dreamcast only came with a 56k modem. If you wanted broadband you needed separate adapter.
>one of the worst possible WiFi chips too
You have no clue what you're talking about
There's like two companies you get wifi silicon from these days, and Broadcom is the most common. The fact it's 802.11ac means it's not the worst on the market by any metric.
dreamcast had a better first year line up, even including the launch in '98 imo
This Switch model is a fucking disaster and every single person who bought one is either delusional, a fanboy, trying to justify their buyer's remorse, or in their honeymoon phase (or all 4 of them).
It's a scam on so many levels, there are people ITT already defending Apple-like dongles to get basic ports - the absolute state of Switch fanboys.
A Revision will come out sooner rather than later, especially to reduce manufacturing costs. Not that it can fix the most important core issues, which will be with the platform permanently, but the smaller ones will be fixed (better wifi chip, more battery, a base that doesn't fuck your console up and has an ethernet port, etc)
No. They still have at least one more console gen before they go third-party.
The Switch is fantastic.
>dreamcast had a better first year line up
No way. Soul Calibur is great but Sonic Adventure is only alright.
it refers to the iPhone, smartass
Doomed. DOOMED!
go back to 5th grade then
>no live subscription
>dlc was free
>controllers weren't 70 dollars each
>2 memory cards making out
>memory cards played snake
>Toy Commander, Soul Calibur, Power Stone on its release
HOTD2, virtual on, tech romancer, dynamite cop, shenmue etc.
How does it feel to wake up every morning and have to angrily post this pasta, sonyfag? It must make your shitty blood boil to know that the Switch has been a resounding success since day 1
That's the best insult you could muster? Pathetic
>Wii is nintendo's genesis
HAHA fuck no.
You have to be truly retarded. Nintendo's genesis is the fucking snes.
try again.
>more battery
Nigga like half of the Switch's current bulk consists of the battery. Unless Nintendo is the one to break the decades-long technology barriers concerning battery power, becoming billionaires from patenting/loaning out the tech to literally every other manufacturing company on the planet, there really isn't a "better" battery to use in a $300-ish dollar device you seem to think will be even smaller than the current model.
When the fuck is Jet Set Radio HD getting a Switch port?
I want to go for Jet Rankings on the train but the Vita port has fucked up audio and shitty pop-in.
So why did SEGA go to hell?
how the genesis and wii are the companies most successful consoles
kill yourself, cuck mistress
lol wut
i just want a gaming device with a headphone jack I can use on the bus. the switch delivers on that in spades. i've enjoyed it greatly so far
just wish it was a smidge smaller. if they do a revision i'd love a version maybe only a little bigger then a vita
becuase they had no money?
who said the wii was Nintendo's most successful console?
The genesis might be pretty successful but no one is hell is saying the Wii is the most successful Nintendo console.
try again.
>controllers weren't 70 dollars each
You forgot to mention that the Dreamcast came with a real controller, not these child penis sized mini tablet-shaped "joy"cons with no d-pad and Vita-tier half-sized analog sticks & mini triggers. Which are only there to force everyone to spend the $70 on the actual (but still mediocre) Pro controller even if they don't want to play local co-op.
Seriously I've never seen SO many people buying a second controller just for themselves right after they got a console. Switch does indeed beat records.
Yes if you lower your standards pretty much anything goes. What were you trying to accomplish with that post?
Even then, there could be improvements for your case. What if you had wireless headphones as your outside choice? Anyone would assume the Switch wasn't a piece of shit and try to use them, however they can't because Nintendo actively blocked bluetooth headphones even though we know for a fact they could work on the Switch.
Just shooting out an example, one of dozens of "small" faults that build up real fast and everyone seems to ignore.
>no live subscription
for awhile, but then they made you pay for online. the difference is that they sold it with an ISP
the point of my post was that everyone ignores the complaints (valid as they may be) because the switch carries out its primary function excellently
they will certainly dribble in that other shit with future models. And for what its worth, I wouldn't be interested in the switch if there were other options as powerful. fuck, if the gpd win ever gets a new version that a lot more powerful i'd pretty much use that exclusively. once we get portable windows devices like that to a good enough point, everything else would be cute by comparison
You mad white boy? The joycons are fine both connected to the switch and on the controller grip.
Largely fallout from the Saturn's failure and shitty investors who panicked when the PS2 released and demanded SEGA kill the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast also had a massive piracy problem.
I have 2 ps2 games.
>The Dreamcast also had a massive piracy problem.
so was the ps1, but that somehow helped sony
>recently sold my xbone and got a switch
>pc + ps4 + 3ds + vita + switch master race
Feels fucking good. Got a xbone for killer instinct and scalebound but ki is on steam now and scalebound is canceled. Good fucking riddance, I could keep it for BC but I still got a 360 and modded og Xbox.
So it's accurate then.
The PS1 didn’t have a “massive” piracy problem. You needed mod chips to even do it, which usually meant soldering.
You could literally download a Dreamcast game and burn it to a CD to play it on a Dreamcast.
t. americlap
you dont understand how rampant it was here in europe
Which is funny because I have over 10 WiiU games, I had never bought so many console games before.
There’s a huge difference between having to use a modchip and just burning a game. Dreamcast piracy is even easier than PC piracy. By 2001 computers were already coming standard with CD burners.
More like jaguar
Dreamcast is good shitch is not.
>because the switch carries out its primary function excellently
And my point is that literally every console ever does that too (except for some extreme bad cases like the VirtualBoy or PSPGO). So you're not saying much of anything, really.
>on the controller grip
Thanks for pointing out 2 other flaws for me. You're making this way easy.
1) The grip removes on of Joycon's most marketed feattures, the "HD" rumble. It simply doesn't work as advertized once you have something between the joycon and your hand, in this case a piece of hard plastic.
2) Nintendo's so cheap and scummy that they offer you the "standard" Grip, which is literally a piece of plastic with zero functionality. You could print more ergonomic grips in 10minutes. Instead Nintendo sells their "charger" Grip seperately for $20 extra, and the only thing those add is a USB port to charge the joycons though a cable while you play in TV mode, you know, like any normal console would?
So yeah, Nitendo cheaped out, removed a fucking USB port from their Grip, and made a gimped version of it that comes bundled with your Switch, while they keep the one with an actual use behind a $20 paywall.
>Weakest system gets the most sales due to good advertising and dual functions
Sounds about right.
Oh man, you could die if you saw the amount of games sold on the street back then.
gl downloading dreamcast games with '01 internet
Kill yourself, pokebarneyfag.
>needed a modchip
You could literally rent a Dreamcast game (or download it) and burn it to a cd to play on the Dreamcast. Nothing else required other than a computer. Piracy was a far worse issue on the Dreamcast.
You forgot piracy.
Some games didn't even worked, like Shenmue because they were too big for common cds.
Burning Dc games back then wasn't that easy. Programs weren't that good as around 2004.
In 99 I had a schoolmate that every 10 burned games, 5 wouldn't work, even in slow mode. So yeah, 50/50 shot, even with good cd brands, cheaper cds wouldn't even work.
And the pc, all those cds and cracks.
GB roms existed, shit like Pokemon Red/Blue/Gold/Silver were in any pc on school
All those chinese ripoffs of Snes games
Every Amiga or older shit with floopy disks or tapes
>modded og xbox
That is some good shit
External mod chips for PSX were plug and play and were all the rage back then, it's what helped sell so many PlayStations. I knew alot of people that did it inclluding yours truly.
I lived in the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere and still managed to get burned CDs with Sonic Adventure and Ready 2 Rumble Boxing. It was pretty damn widespread.
>You needed mod chips to even do it, which usually meant soldering.
Where I live most stores sold modded PS1 and PS2 consoles. You paid a bit more but could buy games for like 3 dollars each.