So how is the first game before i try out the second for her?

so how is the first game before i try out the second for her?

it's shit

Just play Bejeweled for half an hour, and then go browse /e/ afterwards.
Same experience

First game was a wild ride, definitely give it a go.

t. never played it


>airport security

It's pretty bad.
The puzzle gameplay is enjoyable but extremely basic, the dating sim portion is terrible and literally comes down to remembering the answers to the samespread sheet questions and spamming items, the voice acting is absolutely abhorrent (but can thankfully be turned off) and the pornography just isn't that good.
I suppose it's worth pirating to give it a go but you should in no way pay money for it.

Bejeweled + dating sim + sex. Believe it or not it's surprisingly addictive. I'm definitely getting the 2nd one.

It's great.

>airport security
>repressed slut

I see what the devs did there.

is the porn bit animated/well drawn/ect or is it a single fucking cg per lady

what game is this?

You get one 4 cgs per character, 2 of them can be classified a "porn". There is also a "sex" mini game, which is basically just a nude CG.

The game is more for the gameplay, and I'll also admit that its only the dating / porn game (that I can think of at least) with voice acting in english.

What's the point of porn without cocks?

>being a homosexual



Wait a second, there's a sequel?

>tfw dating a muslim girl from Suriname who is a total little slut
>calls me daddy and around her parents lets me use a controlled toy
>going to show her this when it comes out
Muslim women love Bejeweled so much.

It's not out yet

it's actually really fun OP. haven't played huniecam though.
>"Nasty ass hair?! Fuckin whore ass bitch needs to learn..."

inb4 she's voiced by Mia Khalifa

It's stupid but fun.

>Writing fanfiction about himself on Sup Forums

One can dream

heard huniecam was shit

If Huniepop had been an actual comedic dating sim that would have been really fun.

However, the guy who made it infamously doesn't care about games having stories, so he doesn't actually want to make one; thus, the Bejewelled clone. He just put a hentai skin on top of it and lots of racist jokes to piss off the Social Justice crowd and prod their opponents into buying it.


Is there a date or anything?


her eyebrow is going through her hijab.

>hobby: watching porn

how is this a hobby? whose hobby is this??

Friendly reminder that Audrey is still your queen.





You know how there're people who like, play games to pass time and just pick up popular titles? Then there're hobbyist who keep up on gaming news and like to understand what they're playing or find new stuff to play?

This chick probably follows directors and studios and orders hard copies instead of pirating everything.


VA is a bro (sis?) but that's about it. Sup Forums's got the right idea with Aiko and Beli as runner-ups though.

I hate to admit it, but they're right.

>occupation: airport security
>airport security

Is there a name for this hot fresh meme?

Ins't hijab supposed to be "modest"? This shit looks like a superhero uniform

Memri TV


Audrey a best. The space chick was great too

>fresh meme

Audrey was my favorite but airport security slut might be my new favorite. I love repressed sluts.