How do we stop people from liking the wrong video games?
How do we stop people from liking the wrong video games?
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shitposting and memes
Bad steam reviews
By encouraging them to play more video games and recommending them more and better games that fit their tastes.
You don't, you fucking psycho.
It DOES NOT WORK. Give it up, OP. I've had friends preach to me about Nintendo, and I've preached about Sony. In the end, people have different tastes.
By giving publishers the money to market the right video games to them.
if everyone listened to me when i called their favorite game shit the world would be a better place
it doesn't matter if you're having fun, because you're not. it doesn't matter if you pirated it and "liked" it, or if you got the game for free, or if you like the game and say you like it despite it being bad, it i shit, and i am telling you it is shit. now stop playing it, or i will say you have shit taste.
Boycott Sony
Nanobots that specifically target anyone who owns a console and gives them terminal brain cancer
You can't the masses always choose wrong.
That would outright remove Sup Forums from existence sice Sup Forums is a weaboo forum.
>That would outright remove Sup Forums from existence
And that is counterproductive to the aim of OP how?
It would probably work better on anyone who has a PC, considering there's so many autistic people like yourself online.
>wrong video games?
All games are the wrong games go outside and play after you are done your homework
You. Kill. Them.
Pc gaming declined 9.3 percent this year the end is upon us.
I have never met a person who games on PC who doesn't also have and play on at least 1 modern console for those exclusives as well.
What are you, poor?
>I have never met a person who games on PC
Go Master Mobile gaming! Crush those PC Slave Race fags!
Not really. I mean, I regularly fuck a chick who plays mostly FPS and RTS on her gaming rig PC.
Oh yeah, the nanobots would also need to target anyone who has had sex. That wipes out 100% of the casuals
Mass Effect is the best series in existence
How do we (you) become better at living and letting live?