Enemy can sneak attack you

>enemy can sneak attack you

Other urls found in this thread:


dumb kitter

>you can pick up and throw enemies

>enemy can summon clones

You guys just wanted an excuse to post animal gifs, didn't you?

>enemy can cry

>bullets can tear through enemy's head

deer mind blown.gif

>enemy has no self-awareness

I thought MGS guards' lack of awareness was purely fictional but lo and behold.

did she died?

Theres a gif of this that loops super smoothy.


The man that tried to save her died while she lived.

That dude is pretty badass. Racoons are assholes

fucking women

>sneaking up on enemy
>right behind him
>at the absolute last second he instantly snap turns 180 degrees and sees you

*tips fedora*

>Enemy predicts your moves and you think its cheating

More games need enemies that are faster than you.

Fuck off faggot

falco vs bowser

ayo where's the webm of the cat stalking a mouse and then suddenly a cock finishes the job, tyrannosaurus rex style

Why the fuck

Fucking retard. Why did you reply?

Enemy outnumbers you, larger than you, is smarter than you and superior to you in every single way


By the looks of it, this occurred in China. People whose lives are in danger can sue the people who saved them so maybe he was better off dead

>Tom Nook comes to collect

Where the fuck is the owner with a rifle?

Apparently it was the bitchs grandma who got killed

Did the dog perish or what

>that image

this desu
>own hunting dog
>don't go hunting with it

Why the FUCK would she just stand there?

What an incredibly stupid bitch. This is natural selection in its purest form.

What's that thing that comes off the raccoon on the right? Like while it's being thrown.

>Armchair generals watching a camera feed feel superior for knowing that someone didn't react to something that was off camera

>enemy turns into a skeleton

>At a safari
>Being outside of your vehicle
No, this is fucking retarded. You don't get to pretend like someone could not see this coming.

>Racoons are assholes

The dog probably started it. The raccoon was likely just minding its own business.

>that cutscene after fighting a boss where they fall down a pit

Probably a tuft of fur or something. If it's been fighting with that dog for a bit, it's likely scraped against things. Depending on how warm it is, could be moulting as well, so grabbing it and hurling it will likely throw a good clump off.

You're not supposed to even exit the vehicle during those drives, retard. She deserved death.


Looks like a bike


>enemies can attack you in menus


Too bad that didn't kill him.

Apparently one of those can stink up an entire city for days

Iirc this can actually happen in extreme cold. The body remains rigid, but gets eaten by scavengers.

>Believing Fake News

there was one that exploded in a busy street a few years back yeah

it was her mom, not a man.

the lady who was initially attacked then sued the zoo

>Pressing start doesn't actually pause the game, it just brings up an additional screen that you have to navigate in the heat of the action

She didn't even die. Her retarded sister that got out last died.

Like I said, she deserved death.

>enemy knows and exploits all your weaknesses

More like
>Enemy telegraphs his attack
>Get hit anyways

Rest in peace doggo.

>taking your dog hunting instead of keeping him safe at home on a soft cushion
what a piece of shit

>not fake news

Abolutely painful


So, you can't be charged for letting them die? I'll have to remember that if I ever see someone choking or something. My life sucks already, don't want someone making it worse

doggo was wearing steel lined vest and survived



holy shit that webm why

>final boss is skippable

>women can't do anything right

le epic reddit fedora tipping xDDD

what the fuck are they doing to mike stoklasa?

Why does an antelope freeze or stop fighting?

Because they are prey. Prey animals don't want to be seen as a threat, even when their life depends on it.

For a second I thought someone strapped lights and fireworks to that lizard, I only realized it was CGI by the third shot.


Apparently the doggo was okay.

If you read that article, don't check the comments. Brits are fags.

She looks a lot like my ex.

the webm was made to trigger autists and obsessive compulsives you stupid fat cunt

Why isn't that a grape drank in his hand?

asians r not human


So what's your source, then?

>Guests are warned not to leave their vehicle
>Decides to leave the vehicle to argue with her family

Literally natural selection

oh fuck


>mememee, london, United Kingdom, 1 year ago
>This is the last thing that babies see after being left alone with a relatives pitbull
I don't know what you're talking about, these are great

Chinese people arguing with their families makes me hungry.

>he's never tried coke with codeine

Greetings Outlander

>random enemies run away from you if you're a higher level then them

Newsreporter's first time firing a rifle?

>Factory farms are cruel! How could you eat meat?!
>Fucking baboon ripping animal to shreds while it's alive

This is nature at work

>when they say women can't do what men do
like, umm no, sweetie

Would they call that a CocaCodeine?


i knew they were chicken

Thar she blows

That's a trick question, all news is fake news

Saying a woman who gets out of the car during a safari zoo visit with live tigers around her deserves death is hardly fedora tipping. The woman deserves literally whatever she got, it's a shame the other woman died trying to save her retarded ass.


funny how veganfags call human ways of killing animals cruel yet most carnivores eat the entrails of their prey while theyre still alive

>enemy transforms mid-fight

only people have shown the ability to rise above it