Friend loves Dark Souls bosses

>friend loves Dark Souls bosses
>doesn't care too much about the lore and whatnot, just the bosses
>recommend Monster Hunter
>he hates it
I don't even understand this guy

They're not that similar, OP.
The base concept's the same though, I suppose.
Why'd he say that he hates it? What was his problem with MH?

Dark Souls:
>plenty of heals
>comparatively low boss HP
>no real prep work needed for encounters
>sweet spots and weak points rarely a concern

>no lock-on
>limited healing items (no spells)
>Mons are literal damage sponges
>tons of prep work (gathering) required before each fight (after LR anyways)
>sweet spots and weak points are crucial to understand if you don't want fights lasting 20+ minutes

I think monster hunter controls and boss fights are quite different, combat is much more tedious and even boring for someone.

Honestly they're barely similar beyond the two being third-person action series that make mistakes punishing, that but that's it.

I'm not even sure. Maybe he didn't like the aesthetic? Or maybe because of the whole key quests/guild hall multiplayer system? I don't like key quests either, but I got over it.

He never used lockon or that much healing in the first place. The gathering might be an aspect.

To me they're both punishing dodge-roll heavy boss fights dependent on knowing tells and how your more-complicated-than-most-games weapon works, and I find my skills transferring between the two fairly easily.

Well it doesn't really mean anything to say he doesn't like it, it could be anything from designs to controls that's his issue with it.
Gathering quests are a meme, by the way. You rarely have to do them unless you're going for 100% completion.

You didn't let him start from the beginning, did you? You at least let him play on your save against a proper boss, right?

His 3DS was hacked so I loaded it on and we both started on a new save. I think he got all the way up to Gore before we dropped it. I guess he didn't like how single and multi player progress was separate, because he never really played it by himself unless I brought it up. You can dislike what you want to dislike, but I find it interesting how hes still playing through DS3 to this day but is absolutely apathetic about MH.

I don't think it's that odd. As others have said, they're only really similar on paper.
I've only played DS2 and DeS, but I can't say I think that they're anywhere near as fun or engaging as Monster Hunter.
It boils down to personal taste, really.

It really is because those games have almost nothing in common. They both have boss fights, rolling, sprinting and items, that's about it. DS fights tend to be much shorter, are more visceral and play out faster than in MonHun, the lock on is an actual lock-on, bosses have health bars to give you an idea of how much damage you're doing, which is great for build testing. DS is also on PC whereas MonHun is stuck on handhelds with shit controls, low framerate and samey arenas from fighting on them dozens of times split into sections with load screens, and a laundry list of other differences.

They're entirely different games in every possible way to be completely honest, the comparisons between them have no real basis in reality, and often just point to completely not understanding one or both of the games

Mh has lockon wtf u talking about?

The difference between a monitor + controller and a tiny screen with 3ds controls is what put me off when I tried it

probably not a lock on like DS where you can simply just spam L1 and your swings will go in that direction

What he should have mentioned was that DaS has hard-lock when MH has soft-lock

I had a friend who was the opposite, he loved MH when I recommended it but hated Dark Souls.

I love Dark Souls and hate Monster Hunter as well. MH lategame is a boring grindfest where you're expected to fight a monster twenty times to get some part to build a sword so you can fight some other monster twenty times to build another sword.

I like Dark Souls bosses, but not enough to fight them twenty fucking times.

He's a scrub who likes target lock on.

Monster Hunter combat makes even the mediocre soul series look fluid and dynamic as fuck

Monster Hunter is genuinely the most boring game I've ever tried to get into. And considering my autism, i thought it would be perfect for me, too

MH has a camera focus feature. It's not a lock on.

>tons of prep work (gathering) required before each fight (after LR anyways)
No, not really. Have you even played the series?

>>he hates it
Because he played it for 10 hours, 9 of which was gathering and stupid fucking japanese shit.

Both are great for different reasons. Dark Souls' specialties are atmosphere and lore, whereas Monster Hunter's are balance and reward.

Despite both being considered to be in a similar vein of difficulty, I find Dark Souls' controls a lot more sluggish. It's like all inputs are processed on a quarter-second delay.

Dark Souls player don't like Monster Hunter because you have to actually commit to the action you take. Whether it be swinging your weapon or consuming an item. Dark Souls players think this is "clunky" and bad design.

t. neogaf user when 3U and 4U came out

As someone who loves Monster Hunter I think the combat is great, I'd even say it feels fluid to me. In comparison games where monsters track with their hits, games that have lock on, or where animations move you in weird ways (like DDDA) I absolutely fucking hate. They just feel bad to play after playing Monhun.

That sounds about right.

How far did he get? Honestly I dropped the series twice (played about 2-3 hours both times) before picking it up a third time and sinking 500+ hours into 3u and 4u

It's pretty simple, early game Monster Hunter is incredibly boring. It doesn't even start to get good before High Rank.

Monster Hunters gameplay is utter shit. You fight the controls more than you fight the bosses.