I got a letter. The name on the envelope said Mary. My wife's name

>I got a letter. The name on the envelope said Mary. My wife's name.

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what a shit game

what did he mean by this?

He meant it was a shit game you fucking dickhead.

It looks like a shit game to you?

He meant that he has shit taste


The jpg of a lake they're using always looked slightly off kilter to me, like the lake is scaling up or something.


its intentional to make the player feel unease. trust me i am a videogame scientist

Silent Hill 2 is my favorite vidya, I could talk about it for hours, and I'd do favors for all of the former KCET employees who worked on it.
That is all.

bravo Team Silent, bravo!!

Is that you Lying Figure? Why have you not posted any more comfy videos?

>original game
>sad acoustic guitar

>HD collection
>radical electric guitar

The way they fucked up every second of this game in different ways is fucking incredible.

My theory is that they were TRYING to fuck it up in order to get more buzz around Silent Hill so that they could figure out what people actually wanted from the series

I'm not, I have a shitty youtube channel that has no relation to Silent Hill.
I miss LF too.




Fug that music is /comfy/ I'd love to just walk through an abandoned town with this in an mp3 player on a November evening.

You nailed it.

Ironic posting aside, the atmosphere in this game is so fucking great.

Game has GOAT art direction, soundtrack and plot but is unfortunately right, as an actual video game it is a piece of shit that was already wonky in 2001 and is borderline unplayable today.

One of the few "classic" games I would absolutely like to see get a remake.

Remake would fuck it, it plays fine.

The Real Silent Hill Experience is good

how its "unplayable"?

I don't see how some wonky combat makes the game unplayable.

I disagree, the creators have a stick up their asses

Also I don't care what anyone says, the voice acting in the original is garbage. People try to convince themselves it was Twin Peaks when it's really just PS1 Resident Evil-tier garbage directed by the guy who did the horrible dub for the original Valkyrie Profile. The HD Collection voices weren't great either but at least they got real actors who actually tried.

>is borderline unplayable today.
Weird, because nothing's stopping me from popping the disc into my PS2, starting it up, and playing the game. Weird.

pretentious faggots state their opinions as facts

(You) (Cunt)




Saved. Thank you, my friend.

HD voices sounded like "Try hard anime dubs" complete with weird grunts and "i just orgasmed" gasping/breathing.

>Not posting thread theme


Movement is terrible, camera is terrible, combat is trite, repetitive and terrible, puzzles are terrible unintuitive sub-point-and-click adventure shit, level design is mind-numbing and terrible (walk down hallway, check 50 locked doors, see a handgun in a shopping basket, stand right in front of it but the game doesn't let you pick it up until you've triggered an unrelated cutscene on the other side of the map).

Even the multiple ending factors like James committing suicide if you spent a lot of time at low health are concepts that are neat on paper but make zero actual sense in game design terms (e.g. conserving resources is the objectively correct way to play a survival horror game and no player could possibly deduce that it's invisibly connected with the story progression without a guide). It's a game made by incredibly talented musicians and artists and writers who didn't have a fucking clue about game design.

Always loved this track.

So what you're saying is you don't want to play Silent Hill 2. You keep saying it's terrible,, but give no reason as to why that's the case. Have you ever considered that these games just aren't your thing?

What's with this hostility towards them? I never liked Fungo but the series is great, and it's hard to disagree with them when they do present an opinion. Mostly they just present well researched conclusions based on shit in the games themselves.

And for 16 years fanboys have been deflecting every single criticism by saying "IT'S MEANT TO BE LIKE THAT, TEAM SILENT MADE THE GAME BAD ON PURPOSE"

>What's with this hostility towards them?
Hostility from them, turning anyone who disagrees with their conclusions into their caricatured butler who they routinely shit on in unfunny sketches. They say in trshe that Silent Hill 2 is not open to any interpretation. The fuck are they talking about?

I just outlined half a dozen different reasons why the game is terrible but you know what you're right, I don't want to play Silent Hill 2 because I like video games that are engaging and fun and well designed. I just hate that SH2's legitimately brilliant atmosphere, music and storyline have to be married to such a crappy game. Killer7 and Xenogears are bad games with good aesthetics too but at least those are just boring to play and not actively infuriating for people who aren't masochists or deeply autistic.

>turning anyone who disagrees with their conclusions into their caricatured butler who they routinely shit on in unfunny sketches

I think most people misread the tone on this stuff. Just seemed like some light ribbing to me, and they seem extremely self-aware of how they would have been perceived, and are perceived.

Besides that, most Silent Hill fans probably needed to be poked for having a poor grasp on the series anyways.

you're what's wrong with video games

>but you know what you're right don't want to play Silent Hill 2
Glad you admitted it, now fuck off and stop wasting so much energy on something you clearly hate. Life's too short.

imo my games don't need to be fun, or play like they were made in 2010. It is too bad you don't have the stomach to "put up" with the low barrier that Silent Hill does have, speaks of your weakness as a gamer and probably some impatience as a person.

>boring to play and not actively infuriating for people who aren't masochists or deeply autistic.
Christ, you either like the gameplay or you don't. Why do people who hate on certain types of gameplay have to insult people who do like it?

Nearly everything they say makes complete sense though. Rosseter really understands what Silent Hill is all about.

>Movement and Camera
I didnt see anything wrong with that, i could make all the game with any complain about that, and i even played it with the KEYBOARD

Yeah thats true , but its not like you could avoid almost every enemie, right?

terrible?? nop nop and nop, you just cant look at the area and THINK? almost all of them are intuitive,

>level design
its a kind of true, but that part of other side of the map, WHERE? , about the doors, you want the game to beat the bosses too?

>Multiples endings.
i didnt have the ending with James killing himself and im not the only one, not everybody thinks like you, the James commiting suicide its the most played ending, but not the only one.

Been years since I watched it, so I'd have to give it a once over to explain why I really hated it, but the example I gave about their comments about SH2 not being open to debate always pissed me off.

Don't bother, the guy doesn't want an actual conversation. He's just here to be a dickhead.

>Movement is terrible
Tank controls are fine
>Camera is terrible
A necessary compromise so that the developers can show you what they want
>combat is trite, repetitive and terrible
I'll give you that, but why should nice feeling combat be a focus in a horror game? That said, the game has shit like strafing and blocking, so that already puts it ahead of the mechanics found in most horror games
>puzzles are terrible unintuitive sub-point-and-click adventure shit
Puzzles are one of the best things about the original trilogy, dunno what you're on about
>level design is mind-numbing and terrible
Could be argued that this is what they were going for. I think it's a predictable downside of them trying to make the insides of buildings highly believable. IMO the process of fumbling around in dark corridors with monsters lurking while you check a bunch of doors/rooms is essential to the tone

Tank controls are never fine and never were fine. There's a reason no game made since 2003 has ever used them. Even by comparison to other games with tank controls like RE1-3 Silent Hill 2 is particularly poor with its wobbly imprecise movements that make every single encounter less tense than headache-inducing.

I'm not seeing any other compelling responses here other than the same "i-it's bad on purpose!!" nonsense that fans have been spouting for well over a decade. Just admit it, the game is not well designed at all; I can't keep you from liking it anyway.

I'm not just trying to be a contrarian troll here, I wish people would hold the rest of the game to a higher standard because again, the art, music and storyline actually do live up to the hype.

What the fuck is wrong with you brainlets who complain about every control scheme that isn't a direct clone of CoD or Gears of War?

The game is meant to be played with the control scheme that it ships with, you cannot change the control scheme and make a more maneuverable character without fundamentally altering the feel of the game.

ITT subhuman underage fags who cant comprehend tank controls.

I literally died three times during my first SH 2 playthrough, if you were criticising the enemy design of SH 1 then I'd be inclined to agree that they call for a more precise control scheme, but nearly every enemy in SH2 is sluggish with well choreographed attacks and placed in large enough areas that they can be avoided.

> games don't need to be fun
Didn't Sup Forums have a giant collective freakout a few years ago from "game critics" all saying shit like this? Might as well play walking simulators or Depression Quest if this is your outlook. (Hell at least most walking simulators don't make the process of moving your character from one end of a room to the other an act of wrestling with the controller.)

>Killer 7

I was with you until this.

Combat is unchallenging =/= combat is good

You're right, the game was designed around its shitty control scheme! Yet the control scheme is still shit. All the nostalgia and "retro" fetishism in the world will not fix this.

The whole freakout is about what "fun" means to everyone.

I think games just have to do what they intend to be for their audience.

I certainly dont buy a horror game to have fun.

But then I get shit from people who equate fun with enjoyment. Its a semantic argument.

PS2 isn't retro

Boring to play, not to look at. It's all awkward rail shooter segments and Resident Evil for Dummies puzzles that get old long before the game is over. And it's still head and shoulders above anything in SH2.

If you'd prefer to substitute "fun" with more specific adjectives like "engaging", "immersive" or "intense", go ahead - the argument still stands. Bad controls and level design interfere with all of those things.

thank controls are the exact same as fps keyboard+ mouse controls except the rotation is on the mouse.

Almost all games that dont use fully directional analogue controls to this day still use "tank controls" and people don't even realize it because they are camera oriented.

The complaints on the older games are not from the control but from having the fixed shifting camera angles.
Most people brains are just too stupid to do it properly.

The correct name is rotational controls.

bad controls is subjective. I never had problems with it even as a kid.

Level design is fucking perfect. But ok.

>I sent a letter
>And I missed

For you. As you can see here by how many people disagree, the problem is you engaging with the game, not that the game cannot engage with others. The problem us you, and not the game obviously.

>The name on the envelope said Darnell Jontavious Washington... My wife's sons name...

>almost all of them are intuitive
and you can bruteforce them

I like you. You're alright.

PS2 came out in the year 2000 and we're well over halfway through the 2010s. How long before we can agree to shift the "retro" cutoff point?

I feel more immersed with "bad" controls in horror games and so does a majority of horror fans. Maybe you're just not the target audience.

for me, retro doesn't just mean "old". It means a time when many things like complex graphics engines and high definition didn't exist, a time when a game could win with one gimmick and didn't need to have shittons of features.

Didn't SH2 have an alternative control scheme that allowed you to play without tank controls? I never played it with a RE-like tank scheme.

Yup. I remember there being a similar option in the original Silent Hill also. So it makes no sense to me when people start complaining about the games having tank controls.

Tank controls were fine, camera controls well enough, combat feels exactly what you'd expect it to feel like: Some generic white civilian picking up a stick or a gun for the first time in his life and using it to shoot monsters.
This is something that pissed me off about the original Half-Life. You're supposed to be a scientist with a degree in theoretical physics, but you move and shoot like you're in the Navy Seals. That's some heavy dissonance between character and capabilities. At least it's consistent in this game.

The puzzles are exactly what they should be: Difficult enough that you have to actually think about them, but not so frustratingly hard that you quit the entire game. Granted, it's no Resident Evil Remake, but it's a hell of a lot more enjoyable than the puzzles we seem to get in every other game, which is

> Area 1: Open Door 1 with Switch 1
> Area 2: Do thingamajig 2 with puzzle item 2

andsoforth. There's no real puzzle solving involved in these games anymore.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for shifting it.

Not even because of only dates, but because 360/PS3 is such a different world than what came before; online focus, achievements, broke as launch games (what are we going to do when the servers close?) etc.

playing pc version and james shadow looks like an early nineties box model. i have all the fixes. what do i do? inb4 ps2 version

This is straight up wrong, or at least misleading. Very few third-person games still use this movement style (RE4, Gears, and maybe a few others directly copying these two) and those that do take an adjustable camera and analog controller into account - which makes a huge difference. Many third-person games still use fixed camera angles as well. Almost no games use digital-focused rotational controls AND fixed camera angles - what is colloquially known as "tank controls" because it is an almost universally unintuitive and immersion-breaking style of control that was only ever implemented in the first place due to limitations of hardware, design and (some might argue) imagination.

There's straight out nothing that can fix that.

Shadows were like that because of directx8 or some shit? I dunno but the shadows in the ps2 version was made especially for the ps2 hardware.

You know you can change the controls from 3d to 2d right?

This is a poor argument imo because unintuitive game inputs are not a good or clever design choice for representing the physical limitations of a character.

When I'm playing Kane & Lynch 2 and firefights are a clusterfuck of spraying bullets and imprecise firearms requiring me to hobble closer with the game's heaving, short-lived dash move for any hope of accuracy, that makes me feel like I'm controlling a out-of-shape loser trying to fight barely-trained criminal thugs and worn down piece-of-shit weapons; THAT immerses me.

When I'm playing SH2 and I can barely move James across a room without walking right into an enemy, then smushing the square button 15 times as I wait for the right point in the combat animations to make the same input over and over until the enemy is dead or my weapon breaks, that doesn't make me feel like an average joe taking on monsters, it makes me feel like a guy putting wonky inputs in a poorly designed video game (or, maybe if we're being generous, like a stiff fingerless gimp suffering an apoplectic seizure while fighting sluggish braindead fleshbags. "Intentionally" bad inputs are a poor and lazy substitute for good game design. This is the same logic that justified Final Fantasy X having an infamous racing minigame where you ride a giant bird that randomly contradicts your button inputs. Because it's a wild animal, get it? So immersive! And a horrid video game.

why do you complain so much about this if the game has directional and rotational controls? Just don't use that option. You're not obligated to.


If it received a remake it wouldn't have any of the things you like about it.

what a shit post

2 did, that's how I played it.
To my knowledge the original did not.

Этo pидикyлёз.

HD Collection trashing and supplementary videos sure as hell were great, but other than that it wasn't that good. Games introductions were straight up lazy and critique of Homecoming and Origins was stretched over trivial shit (not like games were good, just saying...). Downpour and BoM reviews were boring as fuck.