Can faster pace shooters that aren't CoD or mobility FPS ever make a comeback?
Fast/Arena Shooters
no, just play quake live if you actually care
global agenda 2 when
....What would it take to get Sup Forums to play tribes on it's birthday?
I don't care which one...
Modern Sup Forums is too young to remember it.
Titanfall 2
Quake Champions
Unreal Tournament 4
>Titanfall 2
That is a mobility shooter. Therefore not what counts. Examples of fast shooters or arena shooters would be Turok 2, Tribes, Quake, etc. Titanfall 2 is more like a modern shooter that while fast pace is more closer to mobility shooters like Blops 3 and Advanced Warfare.
That doesn't make any sense.
Titanfall 2 allows you to go faster than those other examples barring Tribes.
It'as fast paced, like it or not.
You're just comparing it to CoD cause it's military themed and made by the creators of the CoD series.
You aren't getting the point. It is a modern mobility type shooter period. Doesn't matter how fast it is.
>Not playinf Titanfall 2
I'm farting in the general direction of your face
The problem is each time its just another Quake or Unreal clone, nothing new, no new weapons, no new mechanics, nothing. You could have a fast paced arena shooter but it would have to do so much different to grab gamers attention.
What do you roll as senpai? Trying out spitfire/cloak right now, and finally getting around to learning Ronin. Been a Scorch main thus far.
Titanfall is bad for other reasons though. It has all the typical dumb mechanics like aiming down sights and not being able to fire while sprinting. A real video game like Quake lets you fire whenever you want to and the accuracy is always the same.
>not being able to fire while sprinting.
There's a gun runner ability
Let me put this in as simple terms as you dumb faggots could understnad.
TITANFALL 2 IS NOT A FAST PACED ARENA SHOOTER. Emphasis on ARENA shooter. Read the OP again.
>aiming down sights
>not running SMG/EPG
Another thing: you have to lock on to something if you want to fire your rocket launcher, which basically takes all the fun out of it. Why would I even carry a rocket launcher if I can't blast people with it? It's barely even a game at that point.
thee map sizes/kill times go along with the pace of the game. if you could have sonic speed but if you still diee in 1 shot the game will be slow as fuck when going against good players.
Titanfall 2 and even tribes being fast paced as they are, are not arena shooters. When thinking arena shooters think weapon control points on the map. Its all about power weapons and controlling them over the other team. Not always fast paced either for example halo is an arena shooter. Not saying titanfall and tribes aren't a good time, just a different type of fast paced shooter with pre-determined loadouts
>halo is an arena shooter
I don't consider it one. It has regenerating health, slow, uninteresting movement physics, a 2-weapon limit, and a lack of verticality. If anything, Halo is a good example of something that isn't an arena shooter.
Halo is a good example of a very simplified arena shooter. What I was trying to say was arena shooters are more based off of weapon control over loadouts and movement. Though most arena shooters have faster paced movement this is true.
It's hard to say what really defines an arena shooter, though. Map control is largely unimportant outside of duels and team modes, while FFA is normally the most popular. I consider an important factor to be the player's dependence on their own skill. In games like Halo or Titanfall (or even UT), team modes become the most popular because the individual fights don't have enough variety to make any other modes very interesting. As a result, individuals have little control over the outcome of the match and little incentive to improve.
This is a cancer that is killing gaming.
I understand what you are saying but I'd actually define arena shooters under weapon control. A game like halo or even gears of war is closer related to arena shooters of old in just the manner of how they play. Getting a hold of the rockets, or quad damage, or overshield, or invisibility, ect. Is what wins or loses the game through the control of the maps through power ups and power weapons. Even in FFA these become noticeably important. Just cause the FFA mode is boring doesn't mean its not an arena shooter
>Halo is a good example of a very simplified arena shooter
Halo is a good example of something that is objectively not an arena shooter. Period. They can't have regenerating health or simplified ammo as basic rules
>I'd actually define arena shooters under weapon control.
countless people played millions of hours of quake in modes where weapon control doesn't exist because you don't play on maps with powerups
"arena" fps is defined by player velocity relative to map size and also player velocity relative to direction (cannot be arena fps if you backpedal significantly more slowly than moving forward etc) and by lack of regenerating health, ammo, or shield.
Hence simplified, and it has ammo and health pickups its just the shield that regens. And also thatd make quake champions not an arena shooter since BJ can regen health. Halo is a simplified arena. Quake champs is an arena/hero shooter. Not saying it perfectly fits the mold but its closer to an arena shooter than anything else
No they are shit relics of the 90s