DmC Devil May Cry

Has there been a bigger shitshow than this? Those months leading up to it were amazing.

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ME3 ending

That was pretty bad too

The fallout still hasn't subsided. It wont until DMC5 comes out.

It really made me realize what a joke everything is. The amount of shit every gaming website was spewing was staggering.

What happened to him? What's he up to now?

I get being salty about this game, but to me the bigger issue is that I don't think Itsuno knows where he's going with this franchise, so he just handed it off and told Capcom he'd oversee it. Franchise killer? Yeah. Awful game? _looks at GoW_ Nope, better combat and no tightrope/puzzle segments.
FFXIII and FO4 I think were bigger shitshows, honestly. I'd put it XIII, FO4, DmC, DS2 in order of most fucked to least.

>_looks at GoW_
lmao what are you doing nigger


Devil May Cry X came out in 2016 nerd. Devil May Cry players have thwarted Capcom's underhanded attempt to reboot the franchise. We are all balding middle age chainsmoking pachinko players now but a win is a win goddamn it.

>Dante's model got sold to be used in toothpaste ads


Balled and selling mental illness simulators

Yeah, those months were so amazing it made me lose all respect for Devil May Cry fans. It's no longer possible to have intelligent conversation with those degenerates around.

Still, I'm really glad Ninja Theory became validated and successful with Hellblade.

This game was great. Fuck the haters.

That's fine. You're wrong.

You sound like a salty faggot.

>"DMC is too anime"
>Meanwhile DmC manages to be even more anime

Star Citizen

Werent most major websites such as IGN defending the hell out of this game and ckmplaining about gamers being entitled? Same deal with the ME3 fiasco. Really shows how much they dislike their own audience.

Tameem calling old Dante a gay cowboy while ign praised him for sticking it to fanboys was the worst shit ever.