
What made this game so fucking enjoyable

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It was free and anyone could run it.

Im pretty sure nostalgia is the only thing keeping it going, since the game is basically just idling for days on end to increase a stat by 1.

>User friendly
>Amazing quests (not just kill x 100 times)
>Great community (not so much anymore)
>PK was fun (classic and OSRS)
>Fun mini games

I spent my high school years playing this fucking game. Best thing I ever did

>active community with tons of people, both friendly and scummy
>great OST
>quests are actually adventures and not glorified fetch quests, with a few exceptions that aren't too bad
>a big open world with its own intricacies
>the fuckin Wilderness
the only part that wasn't great was how grindy it was

It's the biggest Point and Click game ever, and it rrules

>Scape Soft

My nigga. Entire song still gives me massive chills. Makes me want to walk to Falador, just one more time.

a community that didn't care only for grinding

progression felt good and the soundtracks made it really comfy

really good quests too

Is Runescape even worth trying to get in to for an adult man with limited spare time? Some aspects of the game like PKing and question seems intriguing.

Not if he's a phoneposter

One of my favorites. Makes me wish I could do Ghosts Ahoy again.

b-but runescape mobile is coming out in a few months

I didn't post that from my phone though.

Was there ever a reason to go back to it besides Treasure Trails? Great track for such a small island

>Is Runescape even worth trying to get in to for an adult man with limited spare time? Some aspects of the game like PKing and question seems intriguing.
Yeah I'd say so. The nice thing about Runescape is that it can be played very casually. While capping a skill takes a huge time investment it's not a commitment like raiding in an MMO like WoW or FFXIV. There won't be anything forcing you to play the game everyday and you can really play it at your leisure.

About 20 thousand different goals to achieve and no easy way to do it other then optimized grinding.

Yep. You can experience everything the game has to offer in a couple weeks of solid play, and it's really quite magical.
If you wanna grind beyond that, it can be pleasant. The magic is gone for me, though.

>Was there ever a reason to go back to it besides Treasure Trails? Great track for such a small island
Nah sadly I liked that island but no treasure trails are the only reason to ever go back. Was always nice that you can select unlocked tracks whenever because there are a lot of good ones that play in areas you either won't return to or in a very short period of time. The Runecrafting altars are probably the best example of this.

Because despite what Modern MMO fags want you to believe, grinding can be fun when it has clear cut goals and fun rewards.

Its the reason why I have over 3000 hours in monster hunter games.

Another thing is runescape puts you in positions where you can die, it doesn't give you a minimum level requirement most of the time, and some times the quest enemies themselves are much higher level then what a casual player at low combat levels could realistically deal with.

fishing lvls?
Altars in general had great songs but then you have the fucking reveal for the Death Altar
>that slow lead-in
>that monochrome environment with ghosts and skeletons everywhere
RS was far from the most immersive game out there but it certainly had moments


>tfw unlocking a new tier of armor
>tfw completing a quest that lets you use the hot new meme weapon
>tfw getting your first million
>tfw getting your first 99




What did you guys do when you first got membership?

I fletched myself a bow

I played WoW ever since TBC came out (fuck Arena), I loved the game but it ruined my perception of runescape, I thought of it as this primitive, pointless game about grinding for days on end and losing it all on some rng bullshit

I tried to play it but the graphics burn my eyes, and im the kind of guy that doesnt care about graphics, but at a certain point you need something more than a black background and dull boring colors

Honestly does anyone else really love the graphics of old school runescape. the armor is cool as fuck looking

wandered around kandarin looking at stuff
did priest in peril immediately, trained farming right after

The very first time I walked through that gate, at combat level 40-something, a guy immediately started following me and spamming "noob"

I knew I was off to a great start

I always played Runescape off an on even in the 10 some years I played WoW i'd go back to Runescape every now and then. It's a completely different experience and not something you find in other MMO's.

>grinding can be fun when it has clear cut goals and fun rewards
I've never played another game, especially a MMO, that does this well. I tried explaining this to my faggot WoW friends because they think grinding the same boss every week to get that sic mount drop is the most rewarding/taxing thing in the world, but they always respond with CUT MUH TREES FOR MONTHS.
>tfw have never had actual friends to play runescape with

that was me

Post those hans ages

>tfw i got a money order for the first time for five dollars when it was available
>mom made my write out the fucking thing and back then you had to write your name on a piece of paper and put it in the fucking envelope

jesus fuck shit was shady back then but god it was worth it

went to karama jungle and did acrobatics

you could send money through the mail then too

>lower-level armor all looks the same outside of color differences
>higher level stands out a lot more, still looks like (mostly) sensible armor
>can pick out everything that someone is wearing at a glance except their ring
They had some pretty genius design choices, whether they intended on having them or not

>that group of faggots in elegant costumes and cavalier hats in varrock

>each and every one of them equipped with a gnome scarf

It's ok user I forgive you, I went on to have a fulfilling experience and enjoyed the game to its fullest

Walked through Taverley's gates and immediately did that quest for the Witch's house

went through taverly straight to catherby, then camelot, then whatever was next to camelot, then ardenough

i got depressed sometimes in that game because i wanted to do so many different things all at once and couldnt decide which to do so i just fished or cut maples

good times

>Mournings ends part 2
>Going into an ancient temple underground to stop the elves from getting access to the death altar
>Redirecting and splitting light beams everywhere while shades attack you
>Constantly have to go back to restock prayer potions
>Took hours to solve the puzzle even with a guide
>Failed the handholds over and over
>At last, open the final door
>Walk through
>A fucking dwarf is already there, he tunneled through the back of the temple, negating all the locked doors you spent hours opening

To be fair runescape isn't a very fun game to play with friends at its core, since a majority of the gameplay doesn't even have multiattack enabled.

user, if you turned in Lady Sylvannas's necklace as a blood elf with all of your friends, you would understand.

If you survived STVietnam, you would understand.

If you got your Kara Attunement, you would understand.

Nowadays, the rewards are different in wow. Its all cosmetic, stuff for you, the player, to look cool. Back then, clearing all the bullshit and becoming one of the first T5 geared player made you FEEL cool.

Too bad casuals got their way

>you will never play something like runescape again
>you will never play a game with quests that felt like a grand adventure
>you will never play a game with quests that actually unlocked amazing rewards
fells real bad man

>tree branches on the rune altar
>even though it has a big-ass temple built around it

>tree branches
>not simply shittily rendered cracks and moss

I get very bitter when people try to say that one game is better than the other. They're both completely different games that fill different niches. My friends have been playing WoW since BC and they always try to one up me when I try telling them about the stupid shit I do on Runescape. Sorry, just wanted to vent.

Are there any modern MMOs that capture the sandbox style of player freedom runescape had? Then again even with gameplay elements the community would probably never be the same with modern gamers not valuing player interaction or challenge.

i was in draynor cutting willows when I logged in. Someone gave me a dueling ring and I played castle wars the rest of that night.

It's weird, I love Runescape's music but I always play with the sound off



EVE is the only MMO on the market that captures the grind = reward feel.

Its just got an open sandbox PVP gameplay structure as well that drives away casual comfy fags, IMO I really wish there was a fantasy style EVE.

Other then that, you could try games like Haven and Hearth, but that is full on sandbox with no real storyline

I never got membership

ginger prick

grinded 99 cooking in a week

Druidic ritual. Had the meats in my inventory before logging out as f2p, hype at its maximum. Fuck I miss being 13

>tfw you first did Dragon Slayer

That quest is so epic

Fought rock crabs

>tfw runescape ruined my life

Blocks your path.

Never thought I would be posting on a board about a game that I played 10 years ago back in 2007. It's strange how life's like, isn't it Blackbeard? Strange how I can't seem to find you...


Post the best soundtracks
Hard mode: No nostalgia shit posted in every thread

2004 Sup Forums: Runescape is a boring grindfest
2006 Sup Forums: Runescape is shit for poor people who cant afford wow
2009 Sup Forums: Runescape is dead glory days are over
2012 Sup Forums: Ok Runescape is truly dead this time
2015 Sup Forums: Runescape was kind of cool
2017< Sup Forums:
>you will never play runescape back in the golden days again


*wind strikes you from across a small hole in the ground*


Anybody remember those "riots" back on December 10th of 2007? Remember how those changes caused Salt Lake City No. 2 to form? Good times!

god damn, I remember getting so hyped at having super stats that I just unequipped my whip and had a blast kicking TDs in the foot and still dealing crazy damage

*Lodges Sagittarian arrows into your skull*

>the real blood and soul altars will never be in osrs
All I wanted to be comfy
And it says a lot that Runescape could make a temple with an altar surrounded by a pool of flowing blood comfy

It was fucking cozy, and for a lot of people it was the first MMO. It really isn't a good game, but it didn't matter at the time.

For me it lost it's charm when it went 3D.


>Sup Forums has always been full of contrarians.
>Sup Forums hated on a fantastic MMORPG adventure game in it's prime
whould'a thunkit

If anyone actually fell for that shitposting and never played Runescape in its prime, I honestly feel sorry for them.


You were a twelve year old retard and had no understanding of the difference between good and bad. Runescape was both free and the first thing you really tried so you have happy memories.


I agree, it was fun while it lasted. And even if it required a lot of grinding, the people you'd meet while grinding made the experience more charming!

This game made me socially awkward but if I could go back in time, I'd play it all over again.


So where did you guys spend most of your time? Pic related for me


>Post best soundtracks
>hardmode: not the best soundtracks

Fishing lvl?


Get past your social awkwardness user.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Fally tomorrow.

>tfw teleporting through walls
I wish they had kept in the construction bugs (and the vast majority of player model changing bugs/items), only disabling/reverting them when you got into PvP areas.
Seeing some guy running around as a gorilla on the mainland was mindblowing.

I remember after just getting member's status for the first time after negotiating it with my parents, there was something cozy about fishing for hours there. This game was strange: you knew that there were better games out there, but this game was like that charming woman with an endearing personality that you just couldn't let go and would be distraught if they left you.

>not paying attention to prayer
>he hits you for a 60

Durial321, I remember how much of a legend he was on JaGEx's official forums back then. And remember how this incident happened on 06/06/06? I wonder if it just was a coincidence, in hindsight.... Probably, lol.


never really played oldschool on this account.

Im pretty sure the quests are beyond compare. I cant think of any game with a better ariety of quests.

>Posting on Sup Forums about getting over awkwardness

>Implying that anyone who regularly posts on Sup Forums ISN'T awkward.

Man, wasn't Sup Forums supposed to be a nerd haven? What happened to that?