In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization...

>In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time.

>They called it the greatest discovery in human history.

>The civilizations of the galaxy call it...

Other urls found in this thread:

God I fucking want a turian gf so damn much

>No Mass Effect RTS game
>No Mass Effect Battlefield game
>No Mass Effect RPG done by a competent studio
>No Mass Effect TCG
Such a neat IP, lost forever. Like tears in rain.
Time to die

>shepard, we need you to cover the alliance's ass on some mining rock crawling with pirates

>No Mass Effect Battlefield game
You have no idea how much I want this

>This amazing technology was shared with the public and not kept exclusively by the deep state and covert military op industry

Such an unrealistic premise

>covertly douse population centers with unknown chemical
>send infected humans to isolated training center run by aliens to turn them into supersoldiers
>black ops groups given free reign across the galaxy and near limitless funding

C'mon it was Star Trek meets Tom Clancy

>no Mass Effect prequel of the first-contact war and mankind's introduction into the galactic community.

it would cost billions more dollars than the initial expedition to bring that stuff back to earth. the taxpayers would want to know where that money is going.

Billions go "missing" all the time

It'll be like the original fallout. Popular when it came out. It will die. Then some studio will buy the ip, then start the series again

sure but i'm not talking about a couple billion, or a few billion. 30 million miles both ways, not to mention life support for as long as it takes to determine what the fuck it is and if it's even safe to bring home.

Never played it

Should I?

I really want to go back to 2007.

Andromeda is actually the best sequel in the series, shame it had such an embarrassing lack of polish that got it memed to death before people gave it a real chance.

Bullshit, Fallout never went through a decline like Mass Effect did. It was just flat out good, and then the publisher that owned it made a bunch of horrible business decisions and fucked it over, sending it into Bethesda's hands who immediately began ravaging it for parts. Mass Effect was destroyed by its own creators.


Fuck no.

I watched the first two episodes of star trek discovery last night and the soundtrack passed me off so much I had to listen to the ME1 theme to calm down.

I feel like I agree with you, but only because 3 makes 2 feel absolutely fucking pointless.
Andromeda still feels barebones as fuck and somehow manages to feel even more rushed about half way through.

>go to local mall for groceries
>see cardboard of picrelated in vidya shop all the time
>"man, that looks like a generic shooter"
>several months later, upgrade my PC
>want to test it
>download Dead Space and Mass Effect, thinking i would like the first and hate the latter
>end up loving Mass Effect and deleting Dead Space after a couple of hours
Right in the nostalgia

I'd say ME2 was better in general, as a sequel to ME1, Andromeda actually does look better.

What is supposed to be the point of this image?

Shut your whore mouth, go back to your legos, never post here again.

>I feel like I agree with you, but only because 3 makes 2 feel absolutely fucking pointless.

2 was pointless from the get go. It was fun because of all the missions that just let you explore the universe and the characters. Its actual contribution to the story was literally nonexistent even before 3 came out. There was absolutely nothing we learned about the main plot thread of the Reaper invasion that actually changed or advanced anything from ME1.

Yeah 2 was awful. 1 > 3 > A > 2. And I didn't even like 3.

I didn't say 2 was awful, I even said it was fun. I don't agree with you at all, 2 is a good game in a lot of ways. But it was a sign when it came out that the overall direction of the series had already gone off the rails, even if it had a lot of intriguing content as a standalone game.

2 was pointless story wise because hamburger helper and the biofucks didn't plan things out. Some user rewrote the triology after 3 came out - it makes more sense for the collectors to come before the reapers and shepard gain his spectre status from stopping the collectors.

I enjoyed ME2 more because of the combat and better characters, I can see why people like 1 - it had actual RPG elements instead of being gears of war with some RPG sprinkles.

I agree, 2 was terrible.

Mass Effect 2 was polished as hell and had good combat but it gutted the space exploration and any sort of character building. It's basically a corridor shooter, you only have 3-4 active powers per class and they arbitrarily limit your weapon choices. It probably has the best script and character moments in the series, but the squad is so fucking huge only about half of them end up being worthwhile.

Andromeda brings back the core idea of the series which is being a SPACE EXPLORER. You are sent out into a corner of a new galaxy and you get to drive around on planets and find stuff. Combat is the best in the series and you have so much control over how to build your Ryder it's insane, you can tailor them to suit any sort of playstyle.

I actually really like Andromeda's squad too. There's a few duds like Cora and Peebee, but they're not awful, just boring. Jaal, Drack, Vetra, and Liam are all pretty good characters even if they're not as great as legends like Garrus, Wrex, or Legion

The reaper plot was always the worst part of the series, though. It was clear they never had any idea how to resolve it from the beginning and they were only interesting when they were a vaguely defined space eldritch threat.

as soon as Sovereign possessed Saren and turned into a spider robot just to force a final boss battle I think I knew the reapers were never going to amount to anything worthwhile

Pretty sure I saw somewhere that multiplayer was initially supposed to be in ME1 and be like Battlefield.

>2 was pointless story wise because hamburger helper and the biofucks didn't plan things out.
Hepler had nothing to do with ME2's overall direction. Stop parroting GG propaganda. The series went the way it did because EA interfered and the creative talent that made the original ME what it was jumped ship.

Nah, it was leaked as early as the game came out that the Reapers originally had a more sensible motivation, and this was changed as the creative team behind the series was changed. But really, even the original idea wasn't necessary. The best thing they possibly could have done, and probably didn't dare to do, would have been to keep the Reapers mysterious to the very end. A game has really never done that before. In ME1 the Reapers are an inscrutable, godlike race of beings beyond the comprehension of mere human beings. If that had been maintained through to the conclusion of the series it could have been on the same level as Planescape: Torment in terms of bringing literary content to video game storytelling. The central theme of the series could have been humanity finally facing divinity and finding it malevolent. Instead it devolved into ever more vapid generic paperback sci fi schlock. Oh well. Someday someone will pick up where the ME1 team left off.


>It was just flat out good
Yeah if you ignore Tictacs and PoS.

You know, I don't particularly care for ME as a setting, I just wish there was a well realized space RPG with a world (universe, really) that's as detailed as ME('s codex) and that has a play-at-your-own pace exploration aspect. And maybe a little less cringeworthy drama. That's it. It shouldn't be unexpected but faggots love their fucking fantasy. Ugh.

ME2 wasn't that polished, gameplay-wise. I keep trying to replay it and put the shitty story out of my mind and focus on the combat, and it's janky as hell. Sure it's not as weird as 1 but that combat is not polished.

The art style of this game was fucking horrible. I've never seen such hideous armor and weapon designs in all my life. Looked like shitty nerf toys blatantly made by faggots that have never picked up a gun in their life.

What are you talking about?
ME1 is the game with unpolished combat

I never said it wasn't. That doesn't mean 2's shootan is good or polished just because it's less idiosyncratic than 1. It's still a fucking janky unpolished mess.

Spinoffs unrelated to the vision of the original creators, which were a part of the way that the publisher drove the brand into the ground and set it up to be sold off to Bethesda.

This series was way too boring and generic for my liking. Only thing I can remember and like is this qt.

it's polished, just repetitive. having to remove two and sometimes three layers of shields before you can actually do damage is extremely tedious and reminiscent of turn based RPGs. but the shooting is smooth and responsive, i can always count on hitting what i'm aiming at.

Like New Vegas and his not-bonus-worthy Metacritic score? Alright, hopefully bethesda has the same luck.

The charm of the first game, for me, is that it was generic, as in, it was a genre piece, a pastiche of star trek stargate star wars babylon 5 flash gordon and so on.

Yeah but they used all the shitty parts from all that, the normie dreck from the movies rather the wonderful and rich EU.

That's not polished in the slightest. All they did in 2 was strip everything to the bare minimum and ran with it in terms of combat.

If anything, 3's combat was the game with actual "polished" combat for the series.

I kinda disagree bit overall I guess I agree, the actual aiming and shooting wasn't bad, but even so I still maintain that it was pretty janky, plus the movement and the cover system and the encounter design all felt wholly amateurish. To me at least, I respect the fact that others may feel differently. But in terms of combat specifically (and more generally the game overall) I still consider it a fucking mess and the lowest point in the series.

I only care about the originals, I don't give a fuck about the EU for any of the franchises.

Don't. EA bought Bioware after 1 and it all goes down hill.

At least get 1 then headcanon the rest

i think you're confusing polished with fleshed out. polished just means it does exactly what it's supposed to do with no exceptions. the concept behind the combat however is another story.

I'd personally like a game where you play as a space cop. Investigating crimes and cleaning the streets. Being a C-Sec officer and finding out just how dirty the people you want to save can be would have been pretty interesting.

In defense of the Reapers even in ME3 the Capital ones still weren't shit on.

In ME1 we find out a Leviathan kills one (ME3)
Sovereign fights a whole armada and gets destroyed once Saren somehow fucks with him
In ME2 a race 50 million years ago killed one that went through it and destroyed a planet. The thing still was able to indoctrinate people
In ME3 3 Leviathans killed one

I think that's it. So they weren't entirely shit on. The ones they made for fodder reasons are another story.

That sounds good, but you'd end up with something like Observer.

Can't say I know it, you mean this?
It wouldn't have to be that spooky, it could be more in the sense of a thriller. I feel a more mundane game could be interesting to flesh out how the society and mindsets of people in this universe work, make it feel more alive. Deep down I'm simply a sucker for detective games, though.

in hindsight we can all agree that mass effect was pretty lame right?

>at least VR is developing so soon I will be able to have sex with it.
I will download Krogan models and make it that he will fuck me.
Sasuga Progress

Official Squadmate tier list, do not steal

>God Tier


>High Tier


>Upper Mid Tier


>Mid Tier


>Low tier


>SHIT tier


I think it’s supposed to convey that it took him 1 week to platinum the game while every other game on the list took months to a year but that’s a shitty way to criticize the game when all you have to do is look at it.

i loved this series so much
damn shame that andromeda was so bad that it killed it
mordin best bro
tali best girl
garrus best calibrator

>Garrus not in Bro Tier

Find an alien race that will talk to us, but they find all humans vile and disgusting and cant stand looking or smelling us. GL with that GF.

I'm surprised to see Samara that low, and Kaidan was surprisingly helpful in Insanity ME3, but other than that pretty flawless list.

>best girl
I honestly couldn't feel the same after 3's treatment of Tali
>one of the big reveals of the series is a shopped stock photo
>"hurr I'm getting drunk now"

>They somehow missed the giant mcguffin

>first game
>be a loose canon, constantly go behind the council's back to do what's right (like finding dirt on saren or steal the normandy despite being grounded)
>actually have to make decisions, like which character to let die or to even recruit characters to your cause at all
>second game
>be an errand boy to martin sheen and 80% of the game's missions is just befriending your team
>resolving conflicts comes down to just having the appopriate % of paragon/renegade points and if you haven't filled out the secret requirements then shit is taken away from you in cutscenes
Not sure why people like 2 more than 1 when 1 is clearly better.

I'd say this is accurate, but I'd put Mordin in High Tier. His loyalty mission is the best one by far.

>No Mass Effect TCG

yer mutha

>>geth in mass effect 2
>Shepard-commander, please don't judge us based on the organics concept of morality and society, we're different from you.
>>geth in mass effect 3
>SHEPARD WE WANT TO BE REAL BOYS JUST LIKE ORGANICS. Dyson sphere we were building so that no program is alone ever agin? Fuck this shit, give us INDIVIDUALITY.
Who wrote this shit?

So, if I understand this correctly, if they didn't find jack fuck on Mars or just decided to colonise space in a different direction and never discovered mass effect tech, then the Reapers would have destroyed the galaxy, but ignored earth?

It wasn't spooky, it was a mundane cyberpunk thriller. My point was the csec idea would end up as a walking simulator. And fyi, if you fancy chricing out Observer, go ahead, but be warned, the plot is cyberpunk noir, a detective story, but you'll see everything coming a mile away and the 'gameplay' is boring as shit. Only check it out if you're desperate. I say this as a fellow detective/noir fan.

>WREX Tier

>High Tier
ME1 Garrus

>Mid Tier
ME2 Garrus
ME3 Garrus

>Low Tier

>Shit Tier

Maybe, maybe not. The Reapers have that convenient "beyond your comprehension" thing that it's difficult to say.


choke on some dick you faggot

If they'd dropped the whole reaper angle after the first game and just left them as a looming threat that the next generation would have to deal with, the reapers speech in 1 would have worked for me. Instead lol human reaper lol catalyst fuck you mass effect. I still love the first game but they really shit the bed there.

>It wasn't spooky
My bad, I thought it would be given how Steam's description said something about fighting the suspects' worst fears.

I suppose it is true, though, that it wouldn't really make for a very interesting game gameplay-wise, these kind of games aren't exactly action packed after all.
A shame to hear that, I'll give the game a cautious look, see a small bit and see what I do from there, thanks.

Fuck off. The setting had so much potential that will never be realised because the IP's owned by hacks. I don't need to be reminded of it.
I'm still mad

No worries. If you do give it a go, don't expect much. It's not awful but like I say, given that you are a fan of detective stories, it won't surprise or impress you.

I'm impressed that Steam lists it as a spoopy game, that's just silly.

>Not liking the cheeky, overeager black brit with a love for film and vintage Earth cars

He's not the best character Mass Effect has ever done but he's still leagues better than most of the other humans because he actually has something resembling a personality

>"I have literally no personality also I snapped once and almost killed an authority figure before joining your team Shepard"
>"I was kinda strung along on your mission because a sense of duty skipper and I feel i have the right to make demands about which races gets to serve on this mission"
Which one did you save, Sup Forums?

Is there a feeling more satisfying than plowing your way through whole squads with a MANGUARD going balls deep?

Ashley. So I could shoot her in the face when she sides with Udina.

I met a girl once, saw her for all of two weeks, she worked in a video store, so every time I met her at her work I was talking about directors and actors, and she thought I'd be a great employee. Point is, no-one cares.and everyone is stupid and ignorant. It's just how we're built.

>actually have to make decisions, like which character to let die or to even recruit characters to your cause at all
Nigger this is 80% of ME2.

>resolving conflicts comes down to just having the appopriate % of paragon/renegade points and if you haven't filled out the secret requirements then shit is taken away from you in cutscenes
You clearly haven't played ME1 neither.

I checked and it's even tagged as both Psychological Horror and regular Horror. Go figure, maybe it's people memeing with the tags.

I might as well take the chance while I'm at it, something you'd particularly recommend? Even if it's not a game, I'd be interested.

I have played all Mass Effect games with mods again and my personal experience:

This game destroys my enjoyment because everything seems instanced. Also the planet "exploring" feels completely cheap. The story and characters are really good though. Would rate it a 6/10 on modern standards

I would say it's improved on every level compared to ME1. It still feels instanced, but it is a solid 8/10

I don't really dislike the ending and the graphics seems better. But because of the same instanced gameplay I would also only rate the game 8/10

So much potential, so much exploring, so much bigger and better in a lot of aspects... But then the sjw took a huge shit on it and destroyed every story and every boundaries you had with the franchise. 1/10 The only reason it doesn't get a 0/10 is because I sometimes imagined my own story while playing how things would be great.

This game opened my eyes to NEVER EVER play a sjw game EVER again. AND I MEAN NEVER EVER.

>W...WREX ;_; WHY!?!?!?!?

Psychological is accurate. I wouldn't recommend it but if you narrow the field to modern detective games, sure. It's not a pile of shit. Put it this way, if you can tolerate a lack of gameplay and a pretty standard detective story in a noir/cyberpunk setting, there's nothing better than Observer in terms of recent releases. That doesn't mean I think it's good though, it's just better than the alternative of 'nothing.'

I have to reiterate, don't expect any interesting or surprising elements in the plot, this is a classic case of if you know the genre you know the story.

Fixed your shit list bruv

>God Tier

>High Tier
Ashley (ME1)

>Upper Mid Tier

>Mid Tier

>Low Tier

>SHIT Tier


Reminder that if you didn't play through the game as a Manguard, you don't know shit about video games.

Ok, so you give ME1 a 6/10 because the gameplay is bad, but the story is good. And you give MEA a 1/10 because the gameplay is better, but all story aspects are shit.
Then how the hell are ME2+3 an 8/10, when their stories are completely shit?

Scores don't matter, user.

Is the trilogy still worth a play through in current year?

Just tell them Africa or building diversity camps and left wing death squads

Good luck with that. EA never let go of IPs they have no interest in. They like to hold onto shit until they can turn it into a mobile game.

>ywn have a flexible turian gf

I gotta agree even if for a different reason. No other game has made me feel like I'm buddies with some aliens who go and wreck shit up while being broes. I'd kill for a ME game where you are a bounty hunter with a small crew of aliens/humans and go around hunting different space pirates. You wouldn't be tied up by Alliance or anything huge like that, the biggest boss would be just some corrupt politician or the biggest space pirate around. Just make the interactions with the crew fun and the ocmbat not shit and that's a GOTY.

I think so, but only due to the fact that there aren't a whole lot of IPs like ME, and there aren't a whole lot of science fiction games that allow you to transfer your save between games.

If you can stand a sharp decrease in quality in terms of gameplay and RPG depth, then you'll be able to get through 2 and 3. Andromeda has the best visuals, combat and sense of adventure in the series but a terrible OST.

Yes, It's called playing as a Krogan Warlord in the MP of 3.

>Jaal, Drack, Vetra, and Liam are all pretty good characters
With Drack I agree, but not so much with the rest. Vetra and Liam has no real reason to be in Andromeda, but at least Vetra has some character development regarding the protectful nature of her sister. Liam on the other hand is a careless hothead that somehow was handpicked for the pathfinder team by Alec Ryder and doesn't change one bit over the course of the story. I had high hopes about his loyalty mission, since you can actually call him out on his unresponsible behaviour, but the game simply ignores your input.
Jaal is a bit more complicated. I think he has to many themes going for him. He's the desperate resistance fighter, who wants to defeat the Kett, the child of a famous family, who wants to write his own story and the defender of the Milky Way aliens against to xenophobic Roekaar. It also doesn't help that his species is the Mary Sue of races.