Now it's over, what did you lads think of the Wii U?
Now it's over, what did you lads think of the Wii U?
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Still mad.
Gamecube = Mario
Wii U = Wario
It made me realize I outgrew Nintendo. Which sucks, because I used to love Nintendo. Now I couldn't care less.
I dunno. Just barely got into it.
I wish I hadn't bought one.
I don't know. I still avent bought one. or the switch. should i pick up a used wii u or just buy a switch eventually?
If you have to buy one, I'd recommend just skipping the Wii U.
It's unironically better than the switch right now and overall am underrated gem, especially if you get it for cheap and turn it into a piracy machine.
I liked it but 4 things held it back from being a good choice over the other platforms
1. Too little amount of internal storage space
2. Lack of anti-aliasing, this made games like XCX better played on smaller res TVs or the gamepad
3. Nintendo of America
4. Lack of 3rd party support outside of old game ports
Why is it impossible to like both?
It's just a WiiU related image I hadn't seen used in a while, don't take it so seriously.
I quite like mine
Just hacked it to play GameCube games on the gamepad, bretty comfy
Theres genuinely no good answer either way honestly. Youre either gonna miss some WiiU games that never come to Switch or play WiiU versions of ganes when a Switch one is right around the corner.
The only winning move was to have a WiiU during its lifespan and to be mostly wrapped up with the library by the time the Switch and BOTW came out.
Im out of the loop on Wii U hacking, but I opened up the game downloader recently and the list of new games was a bunch of GameCube games. What happened? Do I not need to through vWii anymore to use Nintendont?
>play GameCube games on the gamepad
You can do that?
Nintendo could have sold more units by calling it Wii 2. A lot of people thought it was just an addon for the Wii. It was a legitimate marketing failure
What's the source on the game downloader? And yeah, no more vWii. Just look up Nintendont Forwarder Wii U, very easy to set up.
title injecting.
you can add forwarders of full gamecube games to the Wii U menu. they do still run through vwii though, but now have gamepad support.
yes, it's awesome
Glad I bought it at a greatly reduced price, but even at $75 I fucking hate the pad controller, its so damn gimmicky. I detested the motion controls on the Wii as well.
I got my money's worth. I played the thing almost every day for years and it brought me TW101, which I consider to be one of the best games made. The Wii U wasn't the best thing ever, but certainly not the worst. Not to mention that now that hacking exists, someone who has a wii u can play any game from the gamecube through wii through wii u.
Off TV play was much more useful than most people think. I dislike being rooted to the TV for whatever reason, so being able to play Smash on the gamepad at my computer was really nice.
The title key website it asks for when you open it is
>Gamepad gets fucked
>You're fucked, too
>too old for nintendo meme
do people actually fall for this
TW101 was almost worth the price of the WiiU itself. Fucking great game.
This board is full of teenagers trying to impress others, so yes.
>tfw I've been injecting games myself this whole time
thanks user
A good console that people shit on for no legitimate reason.
There's a reason it lost.
A handful of good software trapped within a mess of Frankenstein tier hardware.
It had a very short lifespan. That's a legitimate criticism.
Thats Nintendos fault. It didn't sell well so they just immediately put all of their effort into making the Switch.
The selection of GameCube games seems pretty small for some reason
>Animal Crossing was only 40MB
It's really not that big.
You realize animal crossing on gamecube was an enhanced port of animal crossing on the nintendo disc drive, right?
Yup. I'm suprised someone actually put it into words. I thought some were still in denial mode.
Ahead of its time really. I think the Wii U was a great console. It just didn't have enough quality games. Yeah it had some like 3D World and Bayo 2 but nothing too exciting. The Switch has BotW (I know it was on the Wii U too but it was too late at that point) plus Odyssy and Prime 4 on the way. Also the marketing was really bad. A lot of people including myself thought it was a controller for the Wii. But the ability to play your games away from the TV was great. The Switch improved on the Wii U but I still think what the Wii U tried to do was mind blowing. I hope Microsoft and Sony make their future hardware a console/handheld hybrid.
>didn't have enough quality games
What I meant to say was "Enough quality games near or at launch"
Wii U has a bunch of great games. Most just didn't come until it was too late.
you can pirate everything, you can play gamecube games with the pro controller. Good console, don't listen to the faggots. I'll never know the feel of watching tv and also playing a game on a new console.If they made it not retardedly weak, it would have shat on the competitors, no joke
I really want to impregnate that sword
For all it's faults, I like the WiiU a lot.
I half think there's some saboteur high up in Nintendo after seeing this complete shitshow that passes as marketing in the Wii U era. On a fundamental concept, I don't understand. Naming it the Wii U was dodgy in the first place but could have been just fine if they actually could have been assed to advertise the damn thing. I vividly remember a distinct lack of commercials until like a month or three after launch, none of which focused that this was a --NEW-- console and how it was different from the Wii. Then a few years later you get absolute trash like that Smash Amiibo trailer, or Splatoon. Although, at least they tried with the latter, and IIRC had banners on even sports games
It's like how did they go from something as iconic and memorable as "Wii would like to play" to actually nothing?
Please don't talk about my wife like that
But I love her, and its Nintendo's fault a weapon of all things is so sexual
It really does feel like they're shoving the Switch down our throats compared to the Wii U. I can't remember a single Switch commercial that isn't Splatoon related.
They knew what they were doing. That had to.
I cant really blame them given the result. Id marry that sword in a heartbeat.
>They knew what they were doing
Of course. See: ARMS
Certainly learned my lesson about buying Nintendo products.
it was utter garbage, now we just gotta wait for that smash remake for the switch
Great games, terrible everything else: hardware, interface, concept all disasters
Pretty good shame about the censorship thou mods fix that
Personally, I think they wanted to do something like the Switch from the get-go. It was just the wrong time and place to do it. The Wii U was just their plan b. They had to put at least something out.
The entire game can be played with the disc out of the GameCube after the initial load.
I'll never be mad at the Wii U. It was legitimately good. Still is.
>Wii backwards compatibility was hacked day one.
>able to play GameCube games through hacking Wii mode
>pretty good exclusive library (still more exclusives than PS4 and Xbone combined)
>free online
>Pro Controller had GOAT battery life
>Wii U mode eventually gets hacked, so you can now pirate all the games
>now it's to the point you can play any Wii/GameCube game on the Gamepad
>again, you can play F-Zero GX while taking a shit
I will never understand Wii U haters.
A real shame the only game I liked on it was Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I'll probably buy a Switch just to play Xenoblade 2.
t. didn't play Tropical Freeze
As another user said, it gave me TW101 which is one of my favorite games, so I liked it. But I don't have many more games for it.
What are the best games for the Wii U?
I accept the WiiU was a bad design and did very poorly but I enjoy my WiiU and do not regret buying it on Day1.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Bayonetta 2
Pikmin 3
Xenoblade X
Yoshi's Woolly World
Super Mario Maker
Super Mario 3D World
Super Smash Bros 4
New Super Mario Bros U + New Super Luigi U
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Fatal Frame 5
Hyrule Warriors
It's not but if you do and talk about it people look at you as if you were some kind of mythical animal and you have to post timestamped photos as proof because most Sup Forumstards assume you're just baiting.
Bonus points when you post in BotW vs HZD threads.