Evil Within 2

Why does Lily still look and sound like she's 6 years old when she was born in 2006 and the game takes place in 2017? Even when they get out of STEM, she's still literally a 6 year old.

how long until Shadman gets his hands on this shit?

She looks six years old because that's how Sebastian remembers her.
He never actually got out of STEM.

Technobbabble technobabble bullshit bullshit STEM

Stem is such a retarded idea anyway, linking minds on such a mass scale is just asking for trouble.

>No ruvik/leslie
>less mindfuck sections than the first
>cover kill makes the game far too easy
>less enemies than in the first game.
>the Room is considerably less comfy than the lobby

It's not as good as the first.

Thanks for just spoiling the game like that.

It's really shame that this guy is just mini boss or someshit

Continuing the guy talking about Johanas. TEW was his first game in the industry, as a level designer. Before being promoted to director/writer of the DLC and director of 2.

WHY DIDN'T IKUMI NAKAMURA OR SHIGENORI NISHIKAWA DIRECT THIS? Mikami even said he'd like it if Nishikawa directed something (outside of The Executioner DLC) and Nakamura was supposed to direct TEW1.

>less enemies than in the first game.
like, variety? No way, you had literally the exact same zombie regulars the entire game + keeper + laura + the big guys + the wolf + the chainsaw guy + mini ruviks + the final boss
as of chapter 10 in TEW2 you have the regulars + gas mask + fire linebackers + obscura + witches + saw bitch + stefano

Any tips? I just started the game. Is there matches?

>forgetting about wife's goo monster

Less enemies as in 90% of the game is just the regular zombie reskinned, like the dog enemies only show up 5 times through out the game, and the gasbags you only ever need to fight once

talk to creepy singing lady

>decide to shoot a rat on a whim

>it drops weapon parts

Crows dropped grenades in RE4. Fuck it.

matches are not in this game, but you can stomp downed enemies

thank god, these dog enemies are one of the more annoying enemies i've fought in a horror game

>W+E to climb objects
why not just make it space bar you niggers

If we're talking about frequency, those dog enemies by themselves still showed up more times than any of the things in TEW1 other than the basic zombie appeared, or the same number of times the chainsaw guy appeared if you count his dead body during the final boss.

I miss when video games had a jump button.

Just blasted through to chapter 8 today, I really like it. The hub locales are better than damn near any setting from the first game, and the constant disorienting set changes/le mind-fuck got really old in EW1.

Only things I'm meh on are crafting and the marrow. Hopefully it holds up for the 2nd half.

Stealth is so shitty and boring.

Bethesda wants to make sure the game is western enough.

What was the fucking point of the singing ghost girl? Nothing points to her being Laura and she doesn't haunt just Sebastian's memories of beacon but also transformed many of the people in union into monsters.

No explanation at all for her. She wasn't a part of any of the other bad guys in the game too, not even Myra.

He gave the best blowjobs to Mikami-san and got a fast promotion.

>laura is back
alright time to look it up on youtube because fuck not knowing when to expect her
the freezing ghost showing up randomly and locking me in rooms is already fucky enough.

She's not until the last quarter of the game and she's nowhere near as dangerous.

I honestly don't even think he's a bad director, I'm just disappointed that the guy Mikami actually wanted to be his replacement, has so far only directed a minigame DLC at Tango.

He will do TEW3 starring Joseph and his sidekick Leslieruvik

I would be super down.

He directed the Assignment and Consequence dlc's for Kidman. Some other guy directed the executioner dlc (apparently same guy who directed Madworld)

A lot of the characters felt underused, Torres in particular, she is barely there but is supposed to be important to the plot.

he was playing the game on his stream so not long

It is indeed the same guy. Mikami's gone on to say in an interview he wants Nishikawa to go on to do what Mikami himself does. He has also said he'd rather new talent direct games than himself though.

>A whole game with Yuri Lowenthal as the protag

I'd rather not.

Because western developers have the daughterfu syndrome, do you honestly think that 14 years old look like Ellie?

is the signing ghost stuff/sebastian's memories optional? I noticed that after you trigger the ghost appearances, some doors that were initially locked became accessible. I just started chapter 6, should I just head back to the town instead of pressing on? Honestly the ghost/seb's beacon memories are the best part of the game so far

honestly I thought it felt like an asspull to feature the stupid daughter in this game. She was barely mentioned in the last game, yeah sure her death was obviously suspicious but between her, leslieruvik, sebastianruvik, and myra/mobius, she was the least interesting angle. So far anyway, I would happy if ruvik showed up but I don't think they'd bring him back since they decided to replace all the old voice actors with canadian ones for some reason. Really bummed that the administrator's/tatiana's voices are different, they were fucking perfect in the first game

how many times does she show up

The evil within

Oh boy

There's only like 3-4 memories and yes they're all optional.

If you've done 2 already then that's everything done in that part of town. The other one will be in a cafe in a part of town that has the theatre then the last one will be during a linear segment of the game as an optional path.

It's in the labs behind shutters you need an electric bolt for.

Get your inception bullshit out of here

>one of the most brilliant game directors in vidya
>has a decently sized studio with Bethesda backing
>just wants to kick back and relax and have some DLC fuck make sequels

Three times, for under 15 minutes of screentime.

TEW3 will be about the daughter and you know it.

Walking that fine line between sexy and creepy

The first one had better lighting, also I swear the first one was gorier.

less gore actually, but more grime
it really shows when you move between union and beacon memories

>If you've done 2 already then that's everything done in that part of town.
I went through the "find keycard at hospital" and "find correct door through mirror" scenerio, what did I miss and did it contain slide#2

I wanted to fuck Tatiana pretty much right away in this game. Large contrast with TEW1 where Kidman was the only one that I wanted to see without a top on

Who thought it was a good idea to replace the horror with emotional character development bullshit?

I dunno, the corpse piles in the first one looked considerably more fucked up.

>No model viewer for beating the game

Actual garbage

where is the second scenario located?

With how much work went into nerfing the mechanics from the first game I feel like they're going to release a balance patch for this SP game nerfing cover stealth

people bitched endlessly about sebastian's aloofness in the first game so they devs did a 180 and made him an emotional wreck in this game compared to the first where he just waltzed out of stem and said he had a headache

Because she's cryogenically frozen or some shit, she's in a big ass pod that has "SUPER COLD DONT FUCKING OPEN" on the inside of it

in the cafe in the businese area, forgot how it went exactly, just stealthed my way through some passages and doors and ended up in a puzzle room full of doors where you have to look in a mirror to find the correct door with glowing lights to go through, in the second puzzle room the singing ghost comes out of the mirror and you have to stealth AND look in the mirror to find your exit.

My bad. There's only 3. You've already done the other 2.

Just keep playing until you reach underground labs which are in the Marrow. You'll get a special goody completing the final memory that makes it all worth it.

>nerfed sebastian's default jogging speed, now it's barely faster than fucking walking
>gave him a knife but now he has less fucking range than his random punches
>can't use the dpad weapon shortcuts to immediately switch weapons in firing stance, saving you the trouble of reloading, now sebastian's takes a second to cock his gun
>nerfed his default sneak speed, now you need to upgrade to level 2 in the skill tree to get comparable speed from the first game
>no fucking matches to crowd control with so you're left with a nerfed agony crossbow to do all the heavy lifting
>smoke bolts are a nerfed flash bolt, need to upgrade them to max to get comparable stun levels to a mid tier flash bolt
>no more freeze bolts because fuck you, that's too strong and would trivialize everything
>harpoon, shock and explosive bolts are ALL nerfed and have less crowd control capacity than their counterparts in the first game EVEN when maxed

but yeah hahaha at least now you can get some bullet time powers!

I don't know how to feel about the sequel literally gutting the mechanics of the first game so hard. All the interesting little tricks you could in the first were really useful and became mandatory for akumu and shit. They really just watered everything down, even the most intense gunfights in this game don't even come close to the first. All the bossfights are pretty boring as well, nothing as fun as lauara/keeper

There’s like three other ones you have to fight.

>>no more freeze bolts because fuck you, that's too strong and would trivialize everything
There are freeze bolts though, you get them around chapter 9.


also I forgot to mention that haunted track a lot more in this game and can often outrun sebastian thanks to his garbage jogging speed. In the first game, it was possible to run circles around haunted even on akumu. The controls feel a lot more sluggish as well, game feels like a sidegrade rather than upgrade. Also you fight way less haunted at once in this game, in the first you were swarmed with them

Kidman SFM when


>Also you fight way less haunted at once in this game, in the first you were swarmed with them
and thank fucking god for that
fighting big groups at once is already hell on earth in this game especially when they're all put in places where fucking with stealth is either impossible or has a really low chance of working

Had a grin on my face seeing it again. Even brings back the old reticle.

tbqh i just cheatengined away all the retarded nerfs because fuck retarded devs who take away everything you have already got in the 1st game and even more

also Predator is literally useless and straight up shit skill
i can manually sprint and spam F for a guaranteed stealth kill

predator is OP as fuck thanks to being silent and killing the thing way faster than a regular stealth kill.

>I stopped playing at chapter 3 to bitch on Sup Forums: the post

Apart from the freeze bolt thing he's right though.

>no range
>have to time it
>barely works overall
sprint+F spam is the actual Predator skill

The intent with most of that was to make the game harder, which they succeeded in doing. Adding cover stealth kills is the only thing that takes away from that since bitches can end you very easily if they're alerted.

>He has also said he'd rather new talent direct games than himself though.
You've gotta love Mikami. Dude is trying to be a sensei to continually get new blood in the industry, like with Kamiya. There's probably others i'm ignorant to.

I agree. I think of selecting lower difficulty because stealthing on nightmare all the time is just tedious.

He's trying to pass balancing changes as something thatruins the game, even though it jsut gives it a slightly different feel.

Is the predator skill worth my precious goo?

Refer to this guy I used the same technique. Just crouch walk until just before Seb starts pulling his knife out for the stealth kill then just sprint. Works everytime.

Buy bullet cascade instead.

people keep telling me that Union's supposed to be hot garbage but pretty much the one point where the feel of the open sections bothered me at all funnily enough is when it became linear as fuck in chapter 10 where you were running around in broad daylight. I felt like I was playing that shitty zombie game that Sony showed at e3 the last two years

No. Health, stamina, weapon sway, hp item regen, stealth speed.
t. Beat the game last night

im not sure what you are talking about
Predator was a waste of upgrade points
overall all the game i had it i barely had any prompts to use it and when it did it failed because of a timed press E under 0.2second prompt whereas i could have just sprint+Fed my way to a safe stealth kill just like the other user said and that prompt also appear very close to the enemy making it basically utterly pointless
the cover system is also garbage and clunky

its straight up garbage, just sprint and press F, works guaranteed

I thought the first game was alright, but not great. Will I like this game?

Yes. Max out stealth tree, then start buying everything else.
t. Beat the game last night.

I'm not saying it ruins the game perse, but it does a hell of a lot more than "giving it a slightly different feel". It removes the arcadey nature of the first in the sense that you had to figure out the nuances of the mechanics to play well and efficiently. This game is more interested in giving players a false sense of progression by gating a lot of stuff that available to base sebastian in the first game. The sequel feels like a game that was made for people who didn't like the first game, which is very disappointing

>mfw just found an article guide and reading it
I can't picture what the fuck is going to happen with only words, just gonna play that part and see what happens. also
>getting the key to that weapon cache room
>running away from the spawned guardian
>enjoying sweet loot and arranging weapon shortcuts thinking I am safe
>room goes blue door locks
>"whatever shes just gonna sing and go away"
>she welcomed herself in
>how the fuck do I stealth in a tiny storage room
>tried to run pass her and she rushed me which ended the sequence
>shortly before a spitter and four other assholes welcomed themselves in
They did a great job fucking with me

Haha go fuck yourself game.

>talk about Joseph still being alive
>says they'll talk about it later
>they never do

>a feature that was available in the first game for everyone now becomes an ultimate reward

does finishing classic counts as finishing nightmare and below too?

retarded question here, can you perform stealth kill without crouching? I never tested it, nor have I successfully used the predator skill even once.
What is this gimmicky trash upgrade


please tell me there's a brass knuckles or something like it

>magnum is a post-game reward
>and so are some clothes
>and black bars that i actually liked in the first game

Disappointing is the word i'd use to describe this game

I enjoyed that gimmicky segment with the gas mask. Just for fun, wish there was a mod
that let you use that first person the entire game

Brass knuckles, magnum, several outfits including the outfit from 1, black bars and classic difficulty is what you get for beating the game on Nightmare

>Your ultimate reward is blocking 1/3 of your screen with black bars
>Cinematic experience

>get for beating the game on Nightmare
You get everything but the brass knuckles on Normal, so they are the only reward for Nightmare.

Classic just gives you Infinite Ammo.

>magnum, several outfits including the outfit from 1, black bars and classic difficulty
you get all these for beating Survivor

>can hardly see the stealth kill prompt
>gives you super tunnel vision in general
no thanks
also is there a way to get out of cover really fast? sometimes I fail to ambush and seb just sits there awkardly stepping back and forth not exisitng cover for seconds

sebastian's wife is so much less attractive than he is i can only assume she's his beard. i don't like playing gay characters bros