ITT: shitty excuses people use to defend a game

>i-its fun with friends!

>It's good

>It's got great lore


>it's comfy


fucking this, nothing makes me dismiss some mongoloids opinion faster than this.

>argumentum ad populum
these same people fail to realize that incredible popularity=mediocrity

>it has great potential

>muh fun
If you can't describe what's fun about it and why it's fun then you're a dumbass. In that case, fun actually is a buzzword.

>it's "fun"

>OP has no friends


Would you rather they say "It provides me with a sense of warmth and comfort because i am able to get so easily immersed in the game due to its great atmosphere."? Because thats what comfy means.

>it's hard

>well I like it, and I'M not shit, so therefore it must be a good game
It's like no one thinks it's possible for people with worth to enjoy bad things, or that if a bad thing can be enjoyed that means it's good.

>i-its fun with friends!
Just like real life.

Imagine being that guy, forcing yourself to make that expression for 10 seconds straight.

I thought comfy meant you could spend hours doing it without much thought. Stuff like minecraft and farmville. Autism simulators.

>it's fun if your high

>you can just ignore the lootboxes


*or that if a bad thing can be enjoyed that doesn't necessarily mean it's good

>It has great music

Nigger, I want to play vidya, not listen to an anime mixtape.


I thought that was "you can just turn your brain off and enjoy"

"It's fun with friends" is always the worst way to describe a game. Anything is fun with friends. You could be watching paint dry and still enjoy it because they're your friends and you're bantering around or what have you.

you look good in dress
you look better on my floor

because a game is usually fun with friends, a lot of games i wouldn't play unless i was playing with a friend. get the sticks out of your asses Sup Forums

I think this is why comfy is a problem because clearly nobody knows the real definition of it. Its just a broad throwaway term that translates to "i like it just because"

>have fun with a game
>so it must be good!
When will these cucks realize the only important thing in vidya is how much it redpills you?


>You obviously didn't play it.

He doesn't even look happy, he just looks like someone dropped a weight on his foot.

Pay 2 win has always existed as a model in games. I dont know why people are getting so butthurt about it now. Lootboxes will only become a problem if they lock real content behind them. (Note that cosmetics and pay 2 win weapons are not real content)

>user is so fat and lazy, making a facial expression feels tiring

I'm pretty sure everyone who calls a game comfy could agree that it fits this criteria
>low skill floor
>low stress, not punishing
>upbeat or calm atmosphere
>able to have long play sessions

haha ikr
edit: OMG thanks for the gold!

But what if its comfy AND good

>Muh whyfoos!

>it's fun

How many games actually fit that criteria, the only one I can name is paper mario

p. sure comfy is about the quality of immersion and the world therein.
basically believable lore + an atmosphere that reminds you of when you are most comfortable IRL
(like rainy or winter games remind you of warming up by a fire) + good visual style/theme,
almost always with some sort of exploration element.

that's why generally accepted comfy games are series like LOZ, TES, stalker, etc.

Can we at least agree 'comfy' games usually have stuff like fires? Shelter, a sense of safety while it's raining or otherwise 'dangerous' outside?

>the long dark

What are some others?

What else?

>You have to at least play it before judging
>It gets better around the 3 hour mark
>It gets so good after you see the plot twist
>How can you say it's bad, you haven't beaten it yet!
>Well if the game sucked so much why did you bother beating it?

tf2 is visually the best game and has the most interesting lore, i love to just explore maps in that game. imagine if it were open world.
one of the few comfy PVP games.

Stardew Valley
Harvest Moon
Animal Crossing

A game doesnt have to be comfy 24/7 however, it can have comfy and intense moments as well, World Of Warcraft is a good Example (Before the Lich king expac anyway, there was always a good mix of combat and comfy traveling on your way to max level)

>when saying a newer game in the series is better than an older one.
>You're nostalgia blind!

When I think of comfy, I think of something light hearted like Kirby.

>when you played it, the game didn't have all these patches

shit people said to defend messes like FFXV and RE6

Are you fucking retarded?

No. I find Super Mario Sunshine pretty comfy and it doesn't have any of that. What people find 'comfy' is way too subjective to the individual to have any real worth when describing a game. You can get someone to explain why a game feels comfy and then figure out based on their answers whether you would also find it comfy.

How is it 'comfy' though? I usually find pic related is the 'comfy' aesthetic, TF2 is a good game with a good artstyle, but it's not really comfy is it?

I was thinking type of games fit the bill better, TF2 is a good game in it's own right but I guess everyone has their own definition of comfy and it's just what they enjoy the most in a game like

Retards can't make expressions though, my flabby retarded friend.

this is now a comfyposter thread.

I was thinking of STALKER would be considered comfy by anyone else but me, glad I'm proven wrong. Comfy is something I strongly attribute to STALKER.

>git gud


The only people who have a problem with others saying a game is fun or comfy are ones who obviously have shit taste. Nobody ever says their games are comfy or fun, the concept to them is foreign. It may as well be something they never even felt before.

You have to be a pretty sad fuck to get angry when someone says "game x is fun". The type that just play video games to escape their shitty life, or to pass the time until they die. Please tell me I'm wrong, I hope to God there aren't faggots like this in the world, but I get a strong sense that many of them don't even like video games, and get angry when someone uses them for anything other than a way to avoid their shitty lives or to pass time until death.

Probably because p2w is kept to mobile games and pretty much everyone wants to keep that shit contained in mobile games because mobile/phone games aren't video games,
they're skinner boxes disguised as games.

I think that's ultimately what "comfy" is to people. Just a really good, warm and fuzzy feeling inside whenever you play a game. Metroid Prime for example, gives me a "comfy" feeling most likely because it reminds me of a more innocent and safe part of my life. When I wasn't a wagecuck and I didn't have any responsibilities other than school.


>This game sucks and here's why.
>Lol are you like, even bronze/silver/platinum/master in it yet XD frekin nub!!!! #anonisanignig

I mean, there are some good games on mobile that arent just pc ports

>it's a shit game as part of the series but its good in it's genre
I didn't buy game X to play another bland game in its genre but to enjoy another installment of the series

i posted this
feelings of comfort stem from naturally uncomfortable environments.
this is because in a comfortable environment, increasing comfort by a slight degree is not seen as worthwhile,
whereas in an uncomfortable one,
maximum comfort levels are more valuable by virtue of how much farther we are removed from them.
just as a populace is less likely to rebel when they are provided for in basic ways.
"Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties;
for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything,
now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses." Juvenal, roman satirical poet

we reach higher when we are farther from our goal of maximum comfy.

>the people who get angry when others say a game is fun are idiots
and so are the people who get angry when they learn there's people with other opinions than them you ultra retard

Either you're too retarded to read my post, or you're deliberately misrepresenting it. Pick one.

>I genuinely enjoyed this game and don't regret my purchase.
I mean, how fucking dare they?

"comfy" is just an excuse you and everyone who uses it made up to be an excuse for a game you bought that is so boring that you needed to justify why you bought it to yourself and everyone who tries to dismiss the game.

100% not bait

>You have to be a pretty sad fuck to get angry when someone says "game x is fun".
And you gotta be a pretty elusional fuck to think like this, you can enjoy playing with shit but it's not gonna make others avoid telling you to stop that because its making you look like an idiot

The problem with "comfy" is that it can't hold a game alone. Look at Minecraft for example.

>"dude it's comfy XDXD"

Yeah, and what else? Oh that's right, nothing. For 30 bucks I get to build a shack out of wood and do nothing for 500 hours. collect diamond? Travel to the nether? Okay, what for? To get prettier wood or prettier windows?

Shucks, at least Terraria lets me progress with tons of interesting bosses and world progression.

TF2 legit used to be the apex of comfy until casual matchmaking was introduced.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

More like Sup Forums in a nutshell. Nothing but cancerous weebtrash being praised around here.

You can just admit you're a homosexual, no hig deal.

at least Sup Forums doesnt praise a game as the second coming of jesus just because the main character fullfils their pedophilic fantasies

i think it's the most diverse in terms of gameplay options.
every character offers a genuinely unique way to play, some of them not appearing in any game before or since.
plus the fact that it's a quake derivative while still having a less serious tone, lots of customization,
andmany ways for players to interact with eachother lets you swap between goofy playstyles,
friendly cross-team chilling, and hardcore PVP action instantly.

>Sup Forums doesn't praise a game as the second coming of jesus just because the main character fulfills their pedo fantasies

How new are you?

>at least Sup Forums doesnt praise a game as the second coming of jesus just because the main character fullfils their pedophilic fantasies

>Watch this youtube video essay on why this game is good

>you just didn't get it

MGS2 fans in a nutshell. Doesn't help the fans wants me to believe an AI that has been lying to you the entire game

It's dangerous to be a faggot alone, take this (You)

>autism support or homo

But an AI -was- lying to you the entire game.

>But an AI -was- lying to you the entire game.

yes. So why should I believe it now?

>want me to believe
That's not implied or anything. That's literally the story. The entire plot of 4 is killing those AI. If you don't believe that then it's not that you "didn't get it", it's that you're fucking stupid.

You shouldn't.

>If you don't believe that then it's not that you "didn't get it", it's that you're fucking stupid.

they were lying to me the entirety of MGS2.Why should I suddenly trust them?

>You shouldn't.
then why does the fanbase?

What about them are you supposed to "trust"? Their stated ideology? Are you too much of a brainlet to understand that Solidus was the good guy?

>What about them are you supposed to "trust"? Their stated ideology?
According to the fanabse, everything the AI said at the end of Arsenal Gear. To be honest I skipped that speech because i saw it was the AI trying to talk to me an either: Glitch out again or lie to me again

>Solidus was the good guy?
He was also a bad guy, just not on the same side of the Patriots.

>Skipping the most iconic speech in video games where Kojima literally predicts the future
I'm pretty pissed right now desu

And you have to be pretty retarded not to understand what I was posting. When the fuck did I say idiots? As it clearly says in the greentext right there, sad fucks.

>skipping exposition in an exposition driven game

>>Skipping the most iconic speech in video games where Kojima literally predicts the future

the game picked the worst possible speaker to deliver the speech

>You have to at least play it before judging
This one's true though. If I played the game but you're adopting your opinions from some e-celeb shitter on the internet, my opinion on the game is worth more than yours by default.

>>skipping exposition in an exposition driven game

from an AI that was glitching out and before that lying it's ass off to you.

Not trustworthy at fucking all.

MGS4 proved it was full of shit anyway

>where Kojima literally predicts the future
Kojima didn't predict shit, stories written a literal century before MGS2 warned of the exact same thing and so did other mid-20th century works. Kojima stole the narrative, it was not his.

>It's a great game!
>... you just need to stay away from these skills, ignore that character and focus on using these weapons

Well you would have a point if this wasn't Sup Forums.
Shitting on games you know nothing about is a preferred pastime of majority of Sup Forumstards around here.
Bonus points if they bothered to watch a 5 minutes of random let's play and became experts on the subject that way.