What are your thoughts on it?
The Evil Within 2
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Poor man's Evil Within 1.
Im about to finish the first one , how does this one compare?
the Dead Space 3 of the EW franchise
the silent hill downpour of resident evil
Playing through it on nightmare, it's fucking great.
Dropped it at chapter 6, this game is fucking shit.
I'm a couple of hours into the game and it feels like a step back from the first. Going the route of an open-world was a misstep. I could point out the atrocious VA and writing or unpolished combat, but this uninspired area to explore has been mundane in every regard.
Even Jerma couldn't play through the thing due to boredom.
The fact that this game had literally no fanfare when it released gives me the impression that Bethesda just kind of dumped this so they'd have something to fill the drought until Wolfenstein comes out.
This. It's obviously just cucked into being some generic western rip off of The Last of Us.
Of course western developers can´t develop a husband and a wife relationship and kill the wifey. Happened the same when they killed that woman in TLoU because they want their daughterfu game. Boring.
It's great, way better than the first. Dropping the clusterfuck setpieces and shitty grey dingy filters did wonders.
Is it worthwhile to play the first one on nightmare?
butt wolfenstein is only a few weeks away
Worst controls and boring enemies.
Enjoying it a lot less then the first one and I knew the ride I was in for. The first one bothered me on survival because of all the instant kills and being annoyed with expecting real horror then I played through on nightmare and loved it after learning the placement and sequences of the game with alittle more difficulty.
I see even more difficulty making me hate this game even more. Its painful to play and I liked chapter 5/6 but I've hated the rest so far and chapter 7 is trying my patience making the first boss appear all over the place and when I do any little side quest.
>When you realize the Stefano fight is basically the Konstantin Brayko fight from Alpha Protocol.
First game is shit, it's a budget shit playing RE4. Whereas this is a budget last of us without the boring set pieces.
You do know they only published it, not developed it, right? And you do know there's a difference between the two?
Last 4 chapters were the best imo. Other than that, a pretty disappointing sequel.
The game was made by a Jap you dingus.
Yes. Nightmare on the first one is probably the best way to play it. It doesn't really make any sequence gay and Akumu is a special challenge mode above it. First playthrough I did it on survival though and had a rougher time then I did on nightmare but that was just the learning curve for me.
>john johanas
doesn't sound like a very japanese name
Guys, I want to inseminate Tatiana. What do I do about this?
the way the game feels with the controls and movement is fucking horrendous, not to mention the terrible menu system. clunky garbage.
Budget RE4 is still 100x better then budget TLOU since its budget good game versus budget bad game. But ill give you the fact TEW2 doesn't have gay instant kill sequences all around the fucking place like the first once was litter with. Otherwise though the first is miles better from level design to atmosphere. I felt like I was in a saw movie atleast cheap but gorey but this is gorey plus some fuck on a intercom talking to me every other second.
It controls fine, git gud.
Directed by a western, that´s why there is a lot of muh daughter. First game was better, Sebastian thought his daughter died and he was looking for Myra. Would have liked to see them getting revenge for his daughter´s death together.
The controls are even clunkier than the first one, I didn't think that was possible.
No, it's pretty awful.
>Made by Japs
>No Mikami director
>In house bethcucks
>Hollywood as fuck cheaply written story and VAs
>Every ounce of charm from the first game not present.
Guarantee more names on the list of devs for this are western/European then Asian. This game oozes shitty western influence.
John "jubilant" Johanas here, thanks for buying my game 4chaners!! :D
I wish Sebastian would stop talking.
Hello. I'm the director. Mikami-senpai is becoming senile so I'm taking care of his wife, daughter and game series for him heheh.
The pace of the game is sooo bad compared to the first one. It has none of the charm.
>Obligatory sequel hatred
I remember Sup Forums hating the first game, now the second one is out they're all acting like the first game was amazing.
>Sup Forums suddenly likes the first evil within
The first game wasn't amazing, but the sequel is definitely a solid step down.
The sequel makes the first game look like a masterpiece.
Absolutely. I feel like the game comes alive at that difficulty since you know what to watch out for.
>hating another man for being more attractive than you
Wew, user.
I bought it for 5 dollars like a month ago, installed it earlier this week and I haven't regretted it thus far. Its been quite fun, although there are some definite glaring issues, a lot of which I think can at least partially be excused by a small studio.
What's actually wrong with it?
>Quasi-open hub based game has worse pacing than a game that is nothing but setpiece after setpiece
Really gets my almonds activated
>go check the game's specs
>40 gb
>bit on the heavy side but okay
>check specs for EW1
>50 fucking gb
Actual improvements, holy shit.
i hated the first game. somehow this game is worse.
monkey paw, the game is actually just short as fuck
>Aim with shotgun
>Sebastian's arms start twisting in impossible ways
how the fuck did this pass QA
>John will never take Nakamura as she thinks Mikami is the cutest
who cares. IT BOMBED
This is why we need Denuvo™
Pretty hilarious, EW1 is a horrifically flawed game that's average on a good day. Now it's the best ever and this sequel that's a marked improvement in most ways is suddenly worse.
>The pacing of the first game was shit with constant environment changes, and a horrible back half
>Controls were stiff
>Enemy variety was complete shit
>So many one hit kills/game overs
>Akumu mode was shit talked all day but suddenly it was great because it's not in 2
>Le not matrix trys too hard plot with a mountain of "why doesn't ruvik just fucking kill you" moments is somehow stellar now.
>melee combat without momentum
>horrible implementation of a cover system where you have to hold down buttons to navigate cover
>barely able to move any direction but straight ahead while sprinting
>climbing over and dropping down platforms is clunky and doesn't always register
>weird period between using all your stamina and having it regenerate. I think you have to be at a complete standstill?
So we rate games based on player count? Does that mean PUBG is a masterpiece? Or CS GO?
the first one peaked at like 4.5k
>What's actually wrong with it?
There's a lot of colission issues with mantling/ladders and the range on melee needs to be a little longer, otherwise it handles fine.
Overall it's better than the first, on paper, at least.
It plays better, more variety, less assholish difficulty, the new additions are great and the story is more congruent but it's just not as memorable.
For all it's flaws the original was fascinating. It certainly graved my attention, and it's not like this is a bad game, like I said, it's better than the original but I'll put it like this: there was nothing here remotely close to having to inject Needles to a head's brain that has both cut in half down the middle and it's still alive.
union is a shit setting with no atmosphere, and the enemies leashing like a fucking MMO mob kills any sense of tension that there might be in exploring the hub areas
Mechanics are all improved. But that is about it. It is like they failed to realize what made the first one so good and simply say lets make the mechanics more polished and make it open world. That is fucking retarded. Open world spaces makes the game a lot worse.
>Cover system
All 3 are completely fine, did you even play the game? You can Sprint in all directions, cover is snap and easy to round and holy shit have you never used a stamina system before? You would have hated the first games.
>The pacing of the first game was shit with constant environment changes, and a horrible back half
The constant environmental changes were a positive. Agreed on the abysmal endgame, like always it's around when the enemies get guns that things go to shit.
>Controls were stiff
>Enemy variety was complete shit
The sequel is, sadly, no better. It might even be a bit worse.
>So many one hit kills/game overs
Glad they removed this.
>Akumu mode was shit talked all day but suddenly it was great because it's not in 2
>Le not matrix trys too hard plot with a mountain of "why doesn't ruvik just fucking kill you" moments is somehow stellar now.
The plot of this game is even worse, somehow.
You can only inch in other directions while sprinting like you're a fucking tank. I'm not talking about snapping to cover but navigating while in cover. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't regain stamina once depleted by running at your normal speed and have to stop completely. Melee combat is still ass where you're locked in place to take a swing and hopping onto and down from platforms is unpolished. It's not unplayable but it is pretty dogshit.
I find myself missing with melee a whole lot, which leads to me getting whacked.
I NEVER had an issue missing with melee in the first game. This is with the Axe ofcourse.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't regain stamina once depleted by running at your normal speed and have to stop completely.
You can, but the delay is extended if you keep moving, it's meant to punish you for draining your stamina completely so you can't just cheese your way through boss fights.
refunded after an hour, its some of the worst "horror" shit ive played.
Game is a joke on survival and on nightmare you end up having to cheese everything with stealth.
its not scary and action is underwhelming and not visceral like in the previous game. enemies are boring and not scary, the actual villain is not even killed by you.
Sounds like every game these days.
So Joseph is trapped in some uncharted level of STEM? Sounds like he'd be better off dead.
You saw him get dragged off in the first game (or was it the DLC?)'s ending. They were explicitly moving the living people, which Joseph was. It's why Kidman told them Seb was dead, so they wouldn't grab him.
>enjoyed EW1 a lot
>downloaded EW2 expecting a good survival horror
>game spends like an hour showing you cinematics and dialogues
>for some reason there's open world and instead of going through well-designed levels you have to explore points of interest
>you can now have RPG-like dialogues with NPCs
>main character says WHAT THE HELL every two seconds
>have to gather resources and craft a lot of shit
>enemies are so twitchy and fast it's very risky to engage them with pistol on high difficulty so you have to slowly crawl around them
I hope it gets better soon. It's way worse than EW1.
minus the garbage obsidian gameplay
It doesn't
So it's a great game?
I've heard this game is the Dark Souls of the survival horror genre
One white dude was all it took to completely destroy the entire series
>That entire section with Torres.
What in the fuck were they thinking?
Never allow westerners to direct video games.
>ebin nobody survives but you
Yukiko dying was retarded and im gonna assume Sykes is gone too
How Stefano (the photographer) got into Stem in the first place? I believe they explained this but I forgot already
lvl99 psychopath passed the psycho and sociopath checks and requirement
>launch without Denuvo
>everyone pirates it
Damn, Mobius is truly all-powerful
how do you use the counter move from the melee tree? i've never seen the prompt come up, feels like i wasted my gel on that skill
Just have a bottle in your inventory, if the grab attack can trigger the counter it'll happen on it's own.
I'm more pissed that dodge is now a skill that you can't control and is RNG, who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
>sebastian or kidman have to stop and explain everything when something happens or what they are going to do because americans couldnt follow the plot in the first game
what counter move
>auto bottle is auto
>stun kick is stun(shoot in leg) then press F
>dodge is also auto and luck-based
there is nothing else
you can set cover to toggle, helped me a lot and the stamina thing is weird, it feels like the game has out of combat stamina regen and in-combat regen so it feels slower than it should be sometimes
Something along the lines of "we will never stop reusing the RE4 cabin sequence:.
the stun kick, i was expecting seb to kick them away like Leon in RE4
poor tatiana looks so bored in this game, her slow clap in the shooting gallery was the high point of the game for me so far
it literally works the same way you retard
how different would this game be if Mikami was the director?
Not much
He is still credited as a producer for 2
It'd hopefully be as good as the first.
probably more