New Wolfenstein

>the series was always about killing nazis!
While the "kill Nazis" part is left, the game drops the "badass American" part. You shouldn't be getting help from communists, minorities, or any other shitters - you go in with your guns and kill everything in sight. It should be cheesy as fuck, with lots of over-the-top violence and one liners and posing with fireworks in the background.

Why? Let the developers do what they want faggot

B-b-but that’s something a n-nazi would say!

>You shouldn't be getting help from communists, minorities, or any other shitters

That's how Nazis were defeated.

But then again you're a trumpalo, so you probably have never read a history book.

>This game doesn't fit my vision of how the world should be
>Therefore it must be changed

I get that this is parody, but there are people out there that genuinely feel this way, yet at the same time feel they're somehow better than the feminists that complain about damsels in distress or cleavage

>a game where Nazis have taken over the world, effectively eliminating America
>"b-but where's muh murrica"
nice logic, dumbass


>shouldn't be getting help from communists, minorities, or any other shitters

lol, horseshoe theory in action.

Idpol is cancer on all fronts.

What's funny is that in a post nazi world the protagonists are the bad guys, they'd be hard pressed to get support even from fedora tippers, everyone who could've risen to fight the establishment would be long dead, think of what germany is today; cucked to the max and still asking for more.

The amount of butthurt generated by this game is beautiful, add more minorities to make these fags cry even harder I say.

The thing is - wolfenstein was never about "serious fight with nazis for freedom and shit" - it was a cheesy 90s movie with cyborgs, supernatural shit and non-stop violence, with one-liners and explosions behind your back.
Now it's all about politics and other crap and not a wolfenstein anymore.

Anyone who's not autistic can read my post and understand why it's not your post, so I won't post a real response to you

>shouldn't be getting help from minorites

The fuck kinda american are you?

Arnold is Austrian

Nice try Goebbels.

>You shouldn't be getting help from communists, minorities, or any other shitters
Read a history book you stupid fucking cunt

>the game drops the "badass American" part. You shouldn't be getting help from communists, minorities

B.J. Blazkowicz has always been a second generation Polish jew.

The thing is - Wolfenstin never was about actual history.

Nah, you're just salty because they're laughing at your "political views" like everyone over 20.

Underage retards ITT who didn't even play the original game. It was just the American fighting the enemy, never about politically charged bullshit. This is why this game will be irrelevant in a few years when the political climate changes, while Wolfenstein 3D is timeless.


Search "US lend lease Russia" on a search engine.
How can one person be this fucking dumb?
And you have the fucking audacity to tell someone to "read a book" on top of it.
Jesus fucking Christ

>Wolf 3D is timeless
No. It's aged horribly, and the controls are terrible. Doom and Duke 3D are timeless. Wolf 3D is more of a piece of gaming history that doesn't hold up very well to modern games.

Wolfenstein 3D is a classic because it set the stage for Doom which is the most influential fps of all time.

There have been like 30 wolfenstein games that are also non political yet no one remembers them. This game isn't even that political, it's just a twitter post using Donald Trump's slogan, which was and still is very popular

germans didn't even inflict a 2:1 kill ratio on the soviets on the battlefield. They mainly killed civilians & prisoners

Hey, here's an idea.

How about you just crawl back to your containment board that's not actually a containment board but a place that keeps drawing more mongoloids into this website?

What are you gonna do about it, fascist?

Only people below 30 and people not connected to reality enough (actors for example) support liberals. Being liberal is just a teenage phase (that is very prolonged nowadays, because nobody is required to "man up" by certain age and thus they come to right conclusion later), while evey reasonable adult is a traditionalist.


So you're happy to be a cuck, its on you for ruining the world.

So you're over 30 and you're hanging out on Sup Forums?

>evey reasonable adult is a traditionalist.

A responsible adult is someone who can be depended upon.
"fuck you, got mine" is neither responsible nor adult.

>people not connected to reality enough support liberals.
That's hilarious, coming from a "movement" founded on unemployed basement dwellers and chronic masturbators. It's also funny how you pretend to speak for all right leaning people when they're also rolling their eyes at you.

No, I'm 23. I just came to the right side in time it was in old times.

Is that image supposed to prove your point? It looks like they only barely missed the 2:1 mark.

Holy shit, the soviets were garbage. Explains how they got curbstomped by finland I guess.


What has to go wrong with your life to be over 30 and still indulge in that magapede horseshit? It's embarrassing to behold.

>Wolfenstein 1992
>haha yeah let's beat up mechahitler and these cartoony germans who say OH MEIN LEBEN dramatically when they die

>Wolfenstein 2017
>yeah let's chop these men in the necks with axes and stab them dozens of times in gruesome detail and hear them scream in pain and talk about murdering every last one of them in this gritty realistic world punch nazis nah kill them all it's really fun and my name is not important what is impor

I don't even understand what you're saying.

Are you implying communists didn't destroy the Nazis? Because you're wrong. World War 2 was won on the eastern front. Obviously the U.K. And US helped by splitting the Wehrmacht on the western front and squeezing them to Berlin, but the soviets are the ones that actually stopped Hitler.

>Jews get ahead by lying and cheating
I wonder which non-master race is stupid enough to let them.

You are going to be as well. Dont delude yourself you can ever leave.

How will ever recover?!?!?

You aren't old enough to have old times.

Would you fuck a Jew?

>discussion of the actual game will never happen because thin-skinned alt-right faggots have to cry over people killing nazis in a fucking videogame

not even getting 2:1 is pretty bad. US was getting like 10:1 in the Pacific and Israel regularly gets 20:1 against arabs. that's what real shit looks like

If soviet soldiers turned back and fled battle, they would've been met with more bullets from their commissars, so the only choice was to keep marching on.

This. This is literally WE WUZ levels of jealousy.

for how much longer will they be allowed

was the final solution just delayed?