Start another online cardgame

>start another online cardgame
>find a mechanic/arctype/color I like
>build deck on the concept
>grind into higher ranks
>discover the concept I like and invested in is shit
>discover the meta is bottle necked into a few things because of imbalances.
>Rinse and repeat
Are online card games a meme? Pic related, play Rush and use swallow cards or don't play: the game.

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"Choice" in general is a meme, and people will actually complain if there is a small amount of viable options instead of a huge amount of newbie traps.

If there must be a viability concept, all you need to look to is a rock-paper-scissors mechanic at the very least. If a card game is about constructing concepts, you really don't have much of a choice to not follow this even if you can make your mechanics as generalist as possible.

But a lot of these games keep making one or two scissors, a few paper, a few rock, and the majority fucking mushrooms.

Thats how all card games end up. At some point someone will discover a broken combo that can barely be topped and it becomes the "meta." The developers could put those cards out of the standard and introduce more cards but then its just rinse and repeat of someone discovering the new meta

Except in good card games there is a larger meta. To see what happens when the meta is tiny just look at Duelyst. Everyone basically left when abyssal creep became a catch all rape machine.

>in good card games there is a larger meta
>good card games
Such as?

Magic and Yugioh retain popularity for a reason.

Hearthstone during Un'Goro had 17 viable decks, Shadowverse had a lot of class diversity during its first expansion (not sure about now)

I don't think there's any good CCGs anymore. Maybe Gwent but I know nothing about that.


>17 viable decks
Don't make me laugh with these doctored statistics, user.
The decks were simple reskins of the same ones adding one or two shits. That doe not make it a new deck, just the same deck with few tools to try and counter the meta.

Don't make me laugh, you dimwit.
MtG may have a thriving meta at times, but R&D has done plenty of shit and turned the meta onto 2 decks only in the previous seasons.

And yugioh, please cocksucker, PLEASE don't just come out to puke this shit.
Zoodiac is raping everything else. Cards do not retain value, and every new set raises the power level

I understand your attention span doesn't allow for it, but fucking hell inform yoursel.

MtG is the more stable environment so far, but it has had its faults at times.

Partly, but if the game were as imbalanced as some of these online card games they wouldn't continue raking in money.

It's not doctored, user, they were all distinct decks on tracking sites, which account for tech cards. There were all sorts of different archetypes available in Un'Goro.

Go shill elsewhe if you haven't played the game.

I didn't keep track, but to be fair every meta Heartstone deck can be considered "unique" in any instance it is played due to the RNG that goes into play there

Yes, they are. I've played 3 different ones and finally gave up after realising the same things as you. Occasionally a card game will have a great balanced and interesting meta game... for about 2 months, then the next content release will ruin it all over again.

Card games worked in an age before the internet, now netdecking just makes every meta stagnate extremely quickly to a few top tier decks, and there is no solution to that.
sage for generic pretentious gay hipster weeaboo casual faggot rehash viral garbage

>There is no way to avoid it.
Unless you withhold knowledge of what cards are available and stealth release stuff.

>Zoodiac is raping everything else.
zoodiac is dead you dork
spyrals are the new "fuck everyone else" deck

but yeah yugioh is definitely not a good example of a wide meta

And how the secrecy last? A week? Maybe 4 days? Maybe even hours before it's posted on the netdecking websites or whatever and already come up with a perfect deck

Oh come on it doesn't happen that fast.

if you are really serious about it, play MTG. It's competitive and refreshes it's formats with new sets that change metagame

In all seriousness, I like your idea, just that it's quite the undertaking to stealth release stuff that can actually impact the meta.
If I was a card game dev I'd do it just to spite the metafags, release like 3-5 cards every few weeks that just completely destroy the meta decks in various ways, then sit back and laugh

oversky ruined the fucking game
nothing good came out of it

Agreed, but oversky would just take a few strong nerfs to shit like swallow. Assuming the devs show that they care about keeping people playing their game rather than making sure desperate fags blow money on their Tree of Fuck you and Whale of only removal you'll ever need.

The real problem with Faeria that can't be solved with tweaking a few broken cards is Rush.

Conceptually rush seems like something that could work, but tempo and build up decks literally just have taunt to stop it. Making rush "just another method" rather than "the scissors that kills tempo and build-up paper plebs" is the biggest hurdle Faeria needs to leap before it's good.

Despite this, the game is still better than Duelyst ever got.

Just went to check faeria news out of curiosity

lol after the mess of oversky just ended they are ALREADY working on new cards.
Surely they won't be more powercreep, r-right???

Oversky wasn't even a creep really, except for maybe Tree of Everlife for green decks and frog tosser( I haven't really experienced why it is broken yet)

It just made fucking Swallow an absolute necessity for any deck because no form of removal is as cheap and effective. It's game breaking because you NEED it and of course Rush benefits the most from it.

Most of the Oversky cards seem decent or useless. The swordfish for example. I have no idea what purpose it serves since Green and Yellow hybrid decks usually utilizing yellows sacrifice mechanics with greens death buffing and the fish is just a speedy tank with a medium cost.

Can't speak for other games, but Shadowverse was quite enjoyable for a while, stopped being fun for another while and seems OK now.

I want to try Eternal. Coming from Shadowverse, what should I expect? Semi-serious answers, please.

Frog Tosser used to be 6/6 instead of 4/4. It was broken af when it was first released, now it's still a great card.
I haven't played the game in a while but I can see that crystal flower is now 4 faeria instead of 3, thats a pretty good nerf.
I saw swordfish being used in the GBY decks people were trying

Duelyst is/was fun because everything was batshit broken
>tfw beta Vanar cycling bounces and chromatic colds forever
>release kara with persistent handbuffs, pusling little shits to ridiculous stats
aw yis

No, paper card games have the same problem

EDH/Commander in MTG for example is extremely casual and popular due to its fun factor, but some colors and color combinatioms just get their shit pushed in, and thats with the ability to use roughly 95% of every card ever printed in a 25 year old game.

The only reason its "worse" in online card games is usually the card pool is much smaller and theres only ome or two game modes so the problem of one or two decls dominating a meta is much more exacerbated

>new sets that change the metagame

Oh come the fuck on how long has mono-red burn been competitive

>inb4 ita different cards so its different

Welcome to every card game ever, physical or online.

Only thing that stops this from being observed in the physical versions is that you had to shell out turbobux to build something moderately good, let alone meta.

>Crystal flower is 4 instead of 3
It honestly has done nothing to change its strength as a removal and its still needed.

Yellow as last nightmare as a straight up removal right? 6 mana, 3 land, it can take the wind out of you for a turn. Second best removal is obviously frogify but hey, you still get a frog and a frog can be useful. 3 lakes and what, 4 mana?

Then red has it's damage cards for its removal which vary, then green has its spider and debuff girl which while some argue isn't enough is still does the job most of the time.

All of that shit has its hefty downsides for stopping your death, but crystal flower doesn't. The logic that the creature isn't dead doesn't make it balanced. It basically teleports the creature away to a safe spot for 5 turns unless you have a card that can whack it, which they will make sure you don't and keep it out of reach. In almost every situation it functions no differently than last nightmare for 4 mana. It needs a range limit, at least 2 spaces, or it needs to cost more mana than last nightmare. The whale is worse, guaranteed indefinite removal and a 6/6 wrecking ball.

Tree of Fuck is still broken. Used to make your orb invincible. Now they made it give 7 life back per turn which is better, but the +7/+7 shit is still a nightmare. Someone suggested they make it 7+7 randomly distributed which could work.

When I played it only abyss was broken. Vanar was so shit most decks using it used like 3-4 Vanar cards and the rest neutral. I played Truv, the most OCD faction of the game that was either complete shit or completely broken (generally by virtue of like one or two cards, conceptually Truv was a confused mess of trying to be draw power, artifact heavy and dervish spawning that basically sucked dick after the few broken cards were nerfed).

abyss was fucking GOD of the game when I last played, followed by Manar. Abyss had two completely defined play styles that had lots of support and mechanically functioned so well they shat on everything, swarm and creep.

Creep was the absolute resentment of the game, perma damage dealing zones that got stronger the more they grew followed by a board wide nuke based on the number of creep on the board with only one aoe debuff neutral card to remove it.

Don't worry, child.

Magic Arena will save Card Games and humanity.

I hope it saves my wallet from MTGO draft addiction.

Economy will be a deciding factor in Arena.
Without trading, they really have to give a good reason to invest cash or time to grind cards.

Creep abyss was pretty broken and forced a meta of gotta go fast to avoid the uber damage nukes finishing you off
But creep got completely changed by now, the huge nukes are gone
vanar has been alternating between broken and shit, leaning towards the viable side more often than not
I stopped playing with one of the last expansions, that changed the purchase model- mini expansions, so only a few dozen cards, 300g packs with iirc 3 cards inside, where you get all three copies, can't craft them with dust, but don't get any dupes either
Good system for completionists, awful system for people playing one class, since I have to get all the other cards for full-price too
Also around a time where lots of instant/board-ignoring efffects were introduced, essentially negating the importance of the board
Allegedly the last expansion was pretty good though

I stopped playing after the patch that Nimbus was released, that Truv angel robot that generated obelisks that killed anything that attacked it.

I was trying autistically to make dervish Truv work because I liked the concept and felt that they needed more stuff to make it work, such as obelisk protection cards. Nimbus seemed like an answer to my prayers but conceptually I thought that his method of generating them (I actually forgot it, but it sounded broken) was going too far and that they should probably include his special type of obelisk as its own card like an alternative to the buff obelisks.

I figured if I invested in him they'd just nerf him so I just never bothered, it wasn't enough of a change to truv to make the dervish concept a complete idea like that of Abyss so I stopped playing.

Nimbus was considered broken for a while, but people eventually realized that he wasn't, just viable
IIRC there was a viable dervish Vet deck around that time

Even if there was, I don't recall seeing any new cards that displayed the kind of synergy I wanted to see. Abyss had a lot of cards that made use of the imps or creep for example. There was almost no synergy stuff for dervishes to that effect even when nimbus was released. I guess what pissed me off is Truv just lacked identity compared to abyss.
It had an artifact fixation that was incomplete and a dervish mechanic that was incomplete.

It was sort of like a junk pile for all the ideas they couldn't fit into already well established deck types like abyss and manar. Maybe they wanted Truv and Vanar (who had a similar problem, I think its thing was board positioning like the reds but with more of a straightforward beat down than control.) to be the decks to have an easier time making use of neutrals but then that would be a terrible waste of design philosophy in neutrals, which should always be based around improving or alternating an already established deck style in these class based card games. They should have just completely flushed out all the heroes, then thought of alterations through neutrals and generalists "out there" cards that don't work within the main concepts but are meant for broader mix-and-matching with neutrals.

I get what you mean, trying to make archetypes work is about all I do in card games
You might want to check out the new card pool, Vet got tons of support for both the artifact and the dervish types. They did some work on the faction archetypes in general, even tho0ugh they also muddied it in other ways- by giving vanar lots of aoe, for example

I think OP is looking for something off-internet cardgame that has a playerbase to tech-illiterate and/or otherwise braindead that he could go and sweep the floor on them with a shitty deck he "built" and where nobody else would copy that deck

>Are online card games a meme?
Meme does not mean "things I don't like", so no they are not.

No, I'm just salty because I can't get a green yellow sacrifice deck, a mechanic that was basically designed into the arctype to work effectively because it has no defense against rush thanks to the shitty swallow mechanic that even I had to utilize and see that I've spent over a 100 hours into the game realized that this shit has happened to me one too many times.

Basically Invest into the wrong thing thinking it works only to be taken out by the simplest, most broken playstyle in the game. Let's not also forget part of enjoying a card game requires your opponents playstyle to be "fun" if that makes sense. Well the meta isn't fun to win with or play against.

>Are card games things I don't like?
That doesn't make sense. The question is "are card games a legitimate, fun pastime to invest into or are you bound to be running around like a headless chicken trying to get a meta deck before it's nerfed?"

The meme is a myth, are card games associated with a myth of fun?

Card games are fun to begin with, and you can shape up your limited experience anyway you cna with house rules and specific stipulations within your group of friends/players.
The unfun part begins when corporates force single pathing and paywalls to enjoy the game; that usually works within digital environments, because you are generally limited by the system rules.
Paper card games, you can do what the fuck you want.
You could go out, buy a box of Ixalan boosters, meet your friend and stipulate to only use tribals.

Jup, I used to fucking love and shill this game untill they added swallow. Now it's all just tempo tempo tempo and If you play big O BOY HERE IS A FUCKING SKYWHALE!

green yellow sacrifice is one of the types that work best again yellow rush tho?
you have loads of cheap creatures and soul drains as well

>started playing Eternal
>it's a midrange fiesta with the best course of play being "play dudes until they don't have removal or rush face"
>chalice is 'control' but it's also cancer
I hope it gets better
I have enough gold and crafting currency for the next expansion (whenever that is) so I don't need to play too much
Faeria was fun but I didn't really want to build up another card collection for something

I think if MtG had Yugioh's card limiting it'd be a much better game.

Anyone remember sword girls? That game was awesome and also made my dick hurt

>Card limiting