Do you guys want to talk about Monster Hunter?

Do you guys want to talk about Monster Hunter?
Are you excited for World or is it the biggest mistake in the series after swimming and styles?

I want to play it already.

swimming did nothing wrong

It took me a big to warm up to a lot of the changes, but I'm pretty excited now. I do think the color saturation or whatever seems a bit bland though. Just needs to be a lot more vivid/colorful. Anyway, DEMO WHEN

Never been anything but excited for it because I'm not retarded, but the one thing I dislike is all the fucking dust and rubble whenever the monster is hit. Really hope that's just a placeholder for the blood effects.

It will be my first Monster Hunter game and I'm very proud of it, not because it's a virtue in itself but because it makes all the stuck-up MH elitist so mad.
It also looks like the most appealing game in the series for me, I've never been a fan of handheld platforms.

swimming was trash

i wish they revamped swimming for worlds instead of removing it forever, but i can see it being hard to balance 14 different weapons for underwater

This game looks like shit. Why would anyone want to play this garbage? I've played Monster Hunter 4U for at least 3 hours and I can't see why anyone would spend the time and investment to get good at this shit game.

hehe for you


It was great

Why do you retards still call it Worlds

It is called Worlds you fucking numbnuts, don't bring this stupid mandela effect crap here

I'm going to have fun playing it, but it's undeniably the biggest mistake in the series. After it underperfoms in the West Capcom will either kill the franchise like they did to all their other franchises that they tried to bring to a mainstream audience, or they will come crawling back to Nintendo.

You people who keep praising legacy Monster Hunter, I hope you die from a Plesioth hipcheck.


>muh mandela effect!

I'm enjoying MHXX, am hyped AF about MHW but worried it'll be too easy/casual/westernized. It has so many changes, it's a huge risk. Capcom have a record of fucking up good franchises forever by changing too much





Excited for World yes. I want to see if they successfully modernize the formula of the game.

Styles weren't a mistake, they just needed more work and balancing in general. I'm a bit sad to see they're not returning.

>Styles weren't a mistake
Fuck you

>variety is bad
The bad part was how ridiculously OP aerial and adept were.

yeah wtf i love variety when are we getting cars and wings this game sucks

None of them fit into MH.
When all gameplay modes that weren't the normal one were broken good or broken worthless it was a fucking mistake.

Nice argument you got there. Here's your (you)

>variety is bad

People on this thread get off to Plesioth's hips

fuck off Joshu

What's wrong about appreciating some robust, fishy hips?

you know you wanna fish those hips

No thanks, got my waifu right here.

I've never played a MH game before, since I've never owned a Nintendo console and I'm a brainlet when it comes to running emulators and whatnot. I'm stoked to get to finally try one.