Xbox One is a dead brand

Xbox One is a dead brand.

The smartest decision they could have made would have been launching an entirely new platform and migrated their backwards compatibility plans over to it.

When your brand only sells ~30 million consoles or so in a 4 year period (7.5 million a year is horrible and near Wii U level), attempting to continue the brand or pass the brand off as something that's successful is a really strange idea.

The Xbox One brand should have been shoved under the rug quickly, and we should be getting something like The Xbox Midway (midway between PC and Console), or something like that, and it should have been designed from the ground up to run original Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One games, but had entirely new software for Xbox Midway.

The Xbox One brand continuing is like if Nintendo decided to call it's Switch "The Wii U Tablet +" or something dumb.

Why did they do this?

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You're a dead brand, punk.

Do you care about the Xbox's future?

> please stop competing with Sony because my jap overlords are not fucking me over enough

Just ffs, why would you want Xbox to fail? It's a good platform that has BC, PlayAnywhere, Crossplay, good policy for exclusives.

Plus MS earns their Xbox money back.

I don't think you read the OP right.

>The Xbox One brand continuing is like if Nintendo decided to call it's Switch "The Wii U Tablet +" or something dumb.
The argument you should have made was "This is exactly like when Nintendo called their new system the Wii U", but you'd still be fucking retarded.

Xbox One is an infastructure. Anything that has "For Xbox One" on it will work on any Xbox One system. This isnt "Im gonna buy a Wii U game for my Wii because from all the marketing its just a Tablet but im still dumb", its "Im going to buy thos Xbox One game for my Xbox One S and its going to work without issues".

The Wii's audience was young children (+ their parents) and the elderly, people who wouldnt understand that the U meant a new system.

So it basically means
>Xbox One X games are just Xbox One games, the system has no reason to exist unless you have a 4k TV

>the system has no reason to exist unless you have a 4k TV
Yes, and all high end graphic cards have no reason to exist if you dont have a 144hz monitor or a 4K Monitor

Its the enthusiasts purchase, someone who has the money and wants the most out of their games (even without a 4k tv, games are going to supersample down from 4K to 1080)

Its really not that hard to comprehend.


Stop falseflagging, nigger

>enthusiasts didn't buy the original Xbox One
>So they'll buy the 4k one

Microsoft stopped announcing sales data for Xbox One so there's a good chance it hasn't even sold 20 million, based on the sales of games on it I would say that this is accurate.

Microsoft would if they consolidated the Xbox brand into something more akin to Steam but with an out of the box hardware option as well, but they won't because the entire Xbox Arm is z grade retarded, a level only matched by Capcom and Gamefreak.

>enthusiasts didn't buy the original Xbox One
Who said they didnt buy the Xbox One?
>So they'll buy the 4k one
If they didnt own an Xbox One, theres nothing wrong with that.
If they did own an Xbox One, theres also nothing wrong with that.
They could:
A: Give the old system to a friend/sibling
B: Sell the old system and make some money back
C: Have a second system that still has all the same content in another room
D: Use it as a Dev Kit as Xbox Ones can be their own dev kits
E: Still use it as a perfectly fine BluRay Player/TV Cable Box/Netflix Machine

In bongland everyone plays on xbone and only weirdos like me have ps4s for exclusive games. So it always seems weird that v is constantly making threads about how it's the deadest console ever

Nah, Xbox One is doing fine, but Mattrick damaged them pretty bad

Xbox X should be a decent comeback, but the gap between PS4 & Xbone is hard to close

Assuming you're telling the truth the console is dead everywhere else that isn't some inbred island

Xbox One is dead and I don't see how the "4k" version is going to somehow sell more.

No, my point is, if the Xbox One didn't sell, why would suddenly a 4k version sell. 4k doesn't fucking sell. 4k tvs arent even selling.

>if the Xbox One didn't sell
Not selling as much as the PS4 =/= Not Selling
>4k tvs arent even selling
Thats just incorrect.

30 million consoles is shit, dude.

Xbox deserves to die for introducing paid online. microsoft is cancer.

>more consoles sold than the previous generation
You are remarkably stupid.


Xbox 360 sold 80 million consoles you fucking moron.

>paid online is a bad thing
Id love to hear why

No, because consoles suck.

= Mind blown over :Oblivion, Far Cry, Instincts Predator.and... Gears of War!

we are talking about 8th gen

Because it's just a pointless, unnecessary paywall?

>Multiplayer Games become more popular
>Servers cost hundreds of thousands to maintain
>PC Developers just forced people to pay and maintain their own servers if they wanted Multiplayer to stay alive
>Microsoft creates a system using P2P that cuts the cost of Multiplayer down incredibly, only requiring one or two validation servers
>Charge developers next to nothing
>Developers can keep the Multiplayer of a game you enjoy running even if they go belly up
>Price gets shifted to the consumers, people who already spend hundreds on games
>They get benefits in the price of Xbox Live as well

Let me guess, you think they're cancer because you had to beg your parents to buy you Xbox Live or because like other Valve drones you think Microsoft forced Valve into making the Left 4 Dead DLC paid and that they charge a billion dollars to update their games.

>Because it's just a pointless, unnecessary paywall?
Those servers are just free, right? Everybody gets unlimited free dedicated servers and the ability to transfer game data to millions of people for free right?

Titan fall 2, Gears of War 4, Halo 5, Destiny 2, BF1 and RUST

Microsoft don't pay for the servers, retard.

360, Best console after the PS2.

PS4 was memed and joooped,

However, the games are now on.

They pay for their own servers, the servers used to handle everything around your profile. As for their individual servers, they lowered the cost from hundreds of thousands to thousands, including the cost of using Xbox Live.

There are only so many developers (Like 10), especially back in 2002, that could have handled the server load of every single person that wanted to play their games online not including the development of the infrastructure that would have cost even more money. What about every game you like that wasnt a commercial success? If they had to pay for everything themselves the servers would be offline in less than a year.

Then how did Sony and Nintendo keep their servers up during the 7th generation?


Xbox will always be the best console brand and nothing Sup Forums says will ever change that

It's hated by parasitic weebs and brainless third worlders

Except I actually love Xbox and wish they weren't doing this X shit.

>Then how did Sony and Nintendo keep their servers up during the 7th generation?
Do i have to explain Moores Law to you? Do i have to explain to you that the price of computing declines while still getting increased computing power?

Ill give you a simple answer though. By doing it at a loss while still providing terrible services. WFC was actually terrible and PSN while being closer to Xbox Live as it actually functioned for the majority of cases, was still riddled with a billion performance issues and not to mention lack of security of consumers private information.

when you meet one of your own

>I wish they didn't have the most powerful console that is objectively a very impressive piece of hardware


>Moores Law
So why does Microsoft STILL charge money, if computing power has become cheap enough to support such a network for free?
Note that Nintendo, along with countless PC developers, are able to support non-subscription multiplayer while MS can't.

You at least get some really good games you otherwise might not play out of the deal. Better than what the yokels are slinging at Sony, that's for sure.

>When your brand only sells ~30 million consoles or so in a 4 year period
you mean like the ps3 and xbox 360?

>if computing power has become cheap enough to support such a network for free?
What the fuck are you even saying?

1: Free to you doesnt mean free to them, they're the one putting the money behind it all
2: They havent been able to support such a network "for free", because those free networks have been objectively terrible
3: Nintendo is now forcing people to pay for their online service on the Switch, and its still going to be terrible

>Note that Nintendo, along with countless PC developers, are able to support non-subscription multiplayer while MS can't.
Clearly not, Nintendo is swapping to a subscription service and the only PC developer that handles "non-subscription multiplayer" is Valve because Steam as a digital platform exists.

If you're talking about developers with their own multiplayer for their own games, such as Riot Games with League, Blizzard with WoW/Overwatch, Ubisoft with R6 Seige ect, note that those are companies with money spanning back generations, and they operate services that only benefit themselves as they arent sharing those servers with studios outside of their company (Destiny 2 on Battle.Net is due to Blizzard being Activision/Blizzard).

>people on this board are literally quaking in their boots because muh sony boogeyman


>7.5 million a year is horrible and near Wii U level
WiiU total lifetime sales 14mil.
Xbox current sales 30mil

Yes, NEAR.
Fucking retarded nintendofanboys.

>Note that Nintendo, along with countless PC developers, are able to support non-subscription multiplayer while MS can't.
Do you not know the difference between a "network" and "multiplayer for one game"?

Name a PC developer that has its own network outside of Valve

>ble to support non-subscription multiplayer
You mean this shitty laggy network they have.
Which is already closed on wii and soon will be closed on wiiu? And you will be paying next year for it on switch?

still open on wii.

>Free to you doesnt mean free to them, they're the one putting the money behind it all
Behind what? What is Microsoft offering that's so special?
>Voice chat
Has been free on the PC for years, Microsoft themselves even offering Skype for free
Every website since at least 2005 has let you make a profile free of charge.
>Friends lists/Messaging
Literally email, the first thing that the internet was ever able to do
>Online multiplayer, 99% of the time it's just shitty P2P anyway
Again, I don't see how this can't be a complimentary service. It's not like they're hosting a ton of data or handling a ton of bandwidth, they're just matching clients together into P2P matches.
>Dedicated Servers
This could be handled by developers. Or better yet, let MS host the servers, and developers/publishers fund them as part of their publishing fee or whatever.
>Advertisements on my dashboard
Gee thanks Microsoft
>Free games every month
Wow free games that I have to pay for, fantastic

Are these things free, like MS can create them out of things air and give them away? No. Do countless other companies find ways to provide them without passing the cost to the customer? Absolutely.

Nobody cares about sony products or even likes them, even in their own fans. Sony faggots mostly just spend all their time attacking other products and never support their own.

>Xbox will always be the best console
>It's hated by parasitic

no you are the parasite if you don't acknowledge that the Xbox's prime is behind it and now MS is killing it slowly.

op is a faggot