Why is such a shit game getting so much praise?
It's not even out of EA yet.
Why is such a shit game getting so much praise?
It's not even out of EA yet.
It's a really fucking good game. Only gripe might be the intro with the ship is sort of a slog if you're doing multiple playthroughs (which you should as it's an rpg).
It has like 80,000 voices lines all voiced which is fucking insane. I haven't noticed duplicate voices yet aside from the player character voice and some NPCs, which really makes you think since bethesda can't make a single town without six people sharing the same VA using the exact same inflection and accent.
Overall it's probably GOTY and reminded me why video games aren't dead
Should I play OS1 or OS2?
Wait, is there no day/night cycle? Have I not played long enough? Still in the prison area
Nah there isn't
that's pretty fucking weird, the environments are all super detailed so you'd think they'd want different weather/times of day to compliment it
any plans to add it?
OS1 didn't have a day/night cycle, so I don't think they'll add one in 2, even tho it would be a good addition.
From the Kickstarter FAQ:
>"Will Divinity: Original Sin 2 have a day & night cycle?
>No, we have no plans to introduce a day and night cycle. What we're trying to do at the narrative & scripting level is really complicated, so to even contemplate adding yet another extra dimension of complexity to that gives us a headache. The impact of the player origins combined with a higher level of freedom than the already insane amount of freedom you had in Divinity: Original Sin, added to the options required for multiplayer mode already means that our development is going to be hugely complex. Until we tame all of that, we won't add an extra layer. Perhaps for another game, but definitely not for this one."
what a load of shit
Why are Obsidian fans being so down on this game?
i'm starting to get really pissed off with the fucking enemy bloat.
my 5 persuasion 20 finesse rogue somehow cannot make a persuasion check against alice's corpse which despite being a mere 2 levels higher than my party, oneshots them all for 2000 dmg x 7-10 with a single attack despite me scraping and saving to get them gear that isn't horribad for their level.
>not to mention even generic enemies suddenly have my entire teams health, armour and mag armour as just ONE of their health bars let alone something FAIR like equivalent armour for their class / gear.
>fucking phys armour tank enemies somehow having x5 the magic armour of my fucking 'amge' guy.
and let's not even discuss the 'really 30 guys' bullshit with an encounter just piling on more and more void _____ that poof out of nowhere
>trying to save gwydion for hannig, LEL, horde of oil void mons, lets flame these guys and be done with it.
>nuking oil critters and magisters left and right, when suddenly a gorrillion fire void critters because FUCK YOU thats why
I'm about to kill Gareth. He's been acting like an asshole when he should be sucking my dick.
Alice Alisceon persuasian check will succeed, but it doesn't convince her to not fight you. That's just not what it's supposed to do.
When do I get to fuck a lizard?
Fuck off retard
i killed the silent assholes in his house LIKE HE WANTED, found the letter on them LIKE HE WANTED
and now the fuck won't even let me tell him 'here i found this you retard'
i just got fail after fail, and gear has my finesse at like 26 or something ludicrous, and yea, 5 persuasion and NOTHING? so it's just bullshit.
if you aren't the redprince the whore is actually a setup for a robbery, pulling the retarded old rpg
>hurrdurr your gear is all magically all gone'd BECAUSE I SAID SO SO THERE
Just make sure to save before you enter the room and sex the lizard
Thanks. Guess I'll look harder.
Persuasion checks against Alice just change what she says, but combat is inevitable.
Begin the combat by having your party separated and one guy tanking her initial burst buffed with armour of frost. After that, she's easy peasy and the summoned totems are weak.
If you wanna cheese her, have someone with polymorph teleport that one lava ground closer to her and then someone with a few points in aerothurge teleport her to it once combat begins.
>help Hannags friend through a fucking grueling 20 minute multi wave fight
>she takes away my pet pal permanently
just end me
it's just infuriating that the game is so jank broken that suddenly i have to unplay the game, using ultra cheese, or die instantly.
i have like ten different things to do that i can't progress because i'm armourwalled out of fighting the next lot of enemies in the quest.
>have the possessed dwarves castle thing, can easily nuke them all, find the cave, suddenly rediculous asshole voidwoken spiderthings that do 600+ armour dmg and insta 'web' my characters to useless. can't even cheese the fuckers because they literally pop out of the ground from nowhere.
I talked to her with another character and managed to keep the perk on my main character.
She's an evil madwoman sourcerer, what did you think was going to happen?
fucking seriously?
that's the 'reward'? removing pet pal? why the fuck even bother saving gwydion then?
She increases your source capacity at the cost of killing all the forest creatures.
You can go back to your ship and swap it out with another one.
first crpg since planescape torment a decade ago.
I play on tactician i am ~25 hours in it and i am just leaven fort joy, game is good basically every fight i had until now was a 20 minute thinking fest i love it, i freaking love it! Hollow knight and divinity 2 are goty imo
Her particular way of teaching you source is through murdering the forest creatures so source point at the cost of petpal. if you're already maxed out she just pulls a skillbook out of a portal and you keep petpal.
Driftwood and sex her with Fane. Best laugh i got in the game
wow this shitty bait thread derailed so hard into an actual discussion thread
not bad
Oh jesus christ you faggot. Spread your party out more and bump up everyone's fire resistance so that only one person gets hit with the first round nuke, then wipe out her armor and CC her to death. Should take 3-4 rounds max. There's a great perch for your archer which is way out of her range. I was two levels under her as well and fucking shoved my shining lights up her burning dead cunt, so you can too.
Worst case you can cheese by teleporting her to Jahan or vice versa.
The stat bloat is insane tho which is why the debloat mod is a must for subsequent playthroughs, but by the time you get to Alice you should have more than enough tools to deal with her.
She literally warns you that all animals will hate you for it and gives you the option to decline. She even mentions that she respects you a little for declining.
How long is the game? I've gotten my source points from Mordus and Hannah, but have yet to explore the graveyard/the northern area/anything past the gwynn fight.
lame and gay. what a whore. also childish as fuck.
>imma teach you how to be UNLEEMATEDD POWAH!!!!
>just let me go kill all da bunny bunny foo foo's hopping through the forest first *gigglesquees*
cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.
>trying to save gwydion
>spend half an hour constantly buffing and healing him because he won't stay out of the fire
>finally finish fight
>I have to go and see my family now
>land is still on fire
>he runs through it
I'm getting a strong feeling that this game is similar to D:OS in that only the first act was really thought out and the rest of the game was a rushed mess, except we're not getting an enhanced edition this time.
except you can't.
>unless you unchain your team and then they don't even get into the 'fight' condition together to take part in the combat
seriously, fucking infinity engine games , fucking JA 1 FFS had formations, the original xcom had formations.
fucking unity loving coding-for-dummies HBS put in switchable combat mode in shadowrun
>dos has columnal blob with party members runaround through the entire map at sanic speeds triggering a millionty and one other fights because you walked your main character within 50 m of one patch of goop.
You're almost 50% through.
>>unless you unchain your team and then they don't even get into the 'fight' condition together to take part in the combat
You can just click them and move them to the fight.
which leaves anyone INSIDE a fight standing there delaying their turn being a fucking muppet getting whaled on to death
Is that game that short? I stopped just as I got to the nameless isle, I might grind through the rest of the game if it's near the end.
Ehh considering another of the masters is running a goddamn voidling farm and he teaches you how to extract source from voidlings by eating them shes not the worst. I mean taking into account her backstory shes certainly one of the least moral masters but she isn't the worst and is optional so you can learn how to source without resorting to helping any of the less moral masters
Which is why you don't just MOVE them as the other user suggested, but sneak in and use a skill, which essentially gives them a turn out of order, which is why it placed them at the end of the turn order rather than recounting their initiative since that would be OP
If you're at the Nameless Isle you have maybe 35ish percent left. Game took me about 116 hours, but I was playing pretty slow.
Have you even played the fucking game? turn order doesn't progress past your first turn if you don't do anything. If you find yourself consistently last in the turn order maybe it's time to read the description of the wits stat.
If you ignore side stuff you can finish it even faster
Though not sure why you'd be bothering with an aRPG if you're not exploring everything and checking all of the conversations/hidden shit
None of them are exactly moral.
Mr. Demon Hunter is an alright guy and the succubus didn't seem that evil.
it does if you fuck off outside of the fight to some character not in it. the fight progresses in 'realtime' except all your characters in the fight do is stand there doing nothing except getting assfucked, automatically ending their turn giving the enemy infinite free turns until you join the fight with whoever you are controlling
I mean, if you master the control over the fibre of the universe when anyone barely understands it, your moral compass isn't your main concern
You unchain everyone and during the dialogue you select your non-MCs and move them into position and prep. Her nuke doesn't cover that much area so if you do it right, everyone aside from the ranger will be in the fight but only one person will have to tank the explosions. While she's busy nuking, select ranger and have him shoot her face off.
The fight pauses when it's one of your PCs turns.
Kidnapped Elf and the Demon Hunter seem okay enough.
except that's never happened to me. I've tried multiple times to seperate the party and use some kind of quasi formation by manually moving them. when it gets to a charcters turn in a fight he just passes and lets the enemy kill him like a fucking tard.
>Kidnapped Elf
Haven't gone to Arx yet, have you?
fucking elves s2g
Nope. Partway through Nameless Isles currently and heard the Master's speech on why elves are evil and we should genocide them/their mother tree. It gets worse I'm assuming?
Then either you're doing it wrong or you have some fucked up version of the game where you can't do the thing that literally every other player can do.
>[Narrating Intensifies]
>Why is such a shit game getting so much praise?
Because it pretends to be "tactical" while actually being easy as shit and catering to casual normies. Also because it caters to furfags as well. DOS2 threads have been absolute cancer for a while due to disgusting fucking animals posting their filth.
Do you have a year old pirated version or something?
>It's not even out of EA yet.
nope. clean install and updated to latest patch and hotfix.
Jahan isn't bad and best companion in the first game, succubus is fine, and Saheila isn't bad if you get her to chill - through making Sebille the mother tree or Divine, I think.
Hannag had a hard life. Talk to her ghost sometime.
The game is really rushed in Nameless Isle and Arx. You can tell. Act 1 and 2 are really good tho.
>2 levels higher than my party
Here's your problem. Never fight an enemy you do not outlevel in this turd. That's how you beat honor mode with zero risk.
He's right. The number of broken quests is so high that the game might as well still be in EA. Oh, and there are literally 3 broken achievements in the game that are impossible to trigger.
jesus fuck that's lame.
even back in the 90's this shit didn't fly in tactical games.
The amount of gimmicks in the fights that came at Arx really wore me down. Too many of them back to back.
If you put a character into combat that's already started, it will automatically put them after everyone else, as intended, it never skips their turn
You're either blind or just wrong
Dumb weebposter
not the character i put into the combat, the character i switch away from. the ones in fights just auto pass their turns and die like retards whilst i move the other into the fight
Huh sounds like a weird bug then. Just to be sure the dude you're letting tank the hit isn't getting cc'd or killed before his turn starts right? Like he actually gets a turn you can control if you stay on him?
The final fight is pure cancer, and now that they have a ridiculous Metacritic score there's no real motivation for Larian to fix their shit so that the 10% of players who reach NI or Arx will have a good experience.
The bloat is fixable with a mod. The broken initiative system and armor/CC system are not.
yes. If i stay in the fight the characters outside the fight do nothing and vice versa. if i swap back to the guy in the fight it's business as usual, but if i go to a character out of the fight, who ever is in the fight just passes until they get killed. the game has 0 ai at all.
That is definitely not right
Do you have a vid/webm of it or something? Sounds like maybe your initial guy is getting CC'd as mentioned
considering i leave the fight in my in-fight characters turn, and move my out of fight people into the fight and then the fight restarts with my previously infight guy having been railed on for turns on end, yea, it has to be bugged.
it isnt obsidian fans, its fans of OS1 since the game is nothing but a huge downgrade aside from muh graphix
>I play on tactician i am ~25 hours in it and i am just leaven fort joy
fort joy is the only enjoyable part of the game
the elf is a race supremacist
>shit game
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Obsidian fans don't post on Sup Forums.
It is a great game but not GOTY material given the 2nd half is really bad compared to the first.
>you can either have day/night cycles or multiplayer
[ ] i want multiplayer
[ ] i want multiplayer ironically
[ ] give me the fucking multiplayer
lmao it's a literal upgrade on every single front wtf are you talking about
Not played two but one is definitely worth playing the only problems i have with it is the start feels a bit slow but the game picks up once you leave the first area and begins to feel like a proper adventure. Also the later on in the game you get the longer you have to wait between turns because of the shear amount of actions enemy's get and would have greatly benefited from a setting that's in the VC games that skips enemy actions entirely.
>It is a great game
If you're a brainlet, sure. If you're actually familiar with the TBT genre, it's pure fucking cancer due to lacking any sort of challenge and having a broken, primitive combat system with a bunch of retarded fucking gimmicks that simply don't work. The reason why I'm calling it "cancer" is because normies are all over it, which will only encourage other TBT games to become casual normie bait in the future.
Why are the graphics so good?
No other crpg looks nearly as good
What is the prefect TBT then? Xcom with their RNG bullshit?
You mean like they've been for the past two decades?
You're the casual for even evaluating this game as a TBT
Biased and chadcuck.
Get out.
XCOM and nuCOM are ten times better than this kiddie shit. I've been more challenged in a single fight against the chosen assassin in WotC than I've been challenged through the entire game in DOS2.
>RNG bullshit
>HURR how do we help the brain dead normies cope with the difficulty of learning risk management skills that are important even in a game of chess?
>DURR, I know let's just throw out the entire aspect of risk management out of the window and turn each fight into a literal cooking recipe where nothing can go wrong unless you're fucking brain damaged!
>You mean like they've been for the past two decades?
Where's your XCOM2 ironman achievement? Where are your Mordheim campaign completion achievements? Show me them, you're obviously talking out of your wealth of personal experience and not just pulling shit out of your putrid shithole, right? Right?
10/10 GOTY
>He's an XCOM babby
As expected. Play a real game like JA2 if you want some actual credibility.
>Play a real game like JA2
From the shit I've read in this thread, it looks like I've played it before you were even born.