Yea or nay?

yea or nay?

>EA anything

woah.. who is that?


>p2w gamble shit
>literally CSGO in space


>CSGO in space
Where were you during Halo 5?

That has got to be the most random cover art I have ever seen for a game

>Darth Maul from Episode 1 and Rey from Episode 7 and a random black stormtrooper pilot
Does Disney and EA not know how to make cover art meaningful?

Maybe. I gonna observe the player counts for 1-2 months, then I will decide.


Space combat is fantastic and the idea of clone wars starfighter assault gets my dick wet.
But the ground game just doesn't feel substantial enough for me to really buy it on launch.

>trying to vopy the older cover but leaves out the bits that make it good

There's not enough guns for me. Meaning that's not gonna be that much varrity in how to play a class/make your playstyle/loadout yours becuase there will be a defacto for it.

That and it felt kinda boring from the beta. I found myself walking but not in the same way I did in like Bad Company 2. This just felt really empty and bland over all.

Deluxe edition cover was great

Yes that cover is superb and yet the Deluxe Battlefront 2 cover is pure shit

If I can't literally infiltrate the enemy's command post and steal a vehicle, or fly my tie fighter in to a rebel scum command ship and blow up its shield generators from the inside, its not worth my time. Disney resurrected the 2005 Battlefront 2 servers and I have plenty of fun with that, thank you.

They got the shitty voice actor from TCW then having Temuera Morrison reprising his role. Also the voice acting for Prequels is shit.

The game is awesome, if you want to judge it watch a gameplay, /v is full of contrarians with political agenda behind buying and rejecting games.


The sad thing is that people will buy it, even though it's full of outright p2w gambling boxes.

The message this is sending to the developers is awful.

It's even worse than the Battlefront that came out two years ago. And now it's Pay To Win.

this. Ea wont fool me again

I would love them to do the future battlefield gamemode.

That being said didn't 2015 have something like that.

You spawned on your main base hanger flew across a galaxy map into another teams base hanger and tried to blow it up.

I never played 2015 so I don't know but I greatly recall seeing gameplay of this

I preordered it months ago and the beta had no adverse effect on said preorder

nay because EA wants to force me to play on Origin.

It's incredibly fun yeah, but the cards and loot crates are really lame. For the starfish term mode there's a card that triples the time for an enemy lock at the max rank. That's not a small bonus, they're substantial in affecting gameplay.

>That being said didn't 2015 have something like that.
>You spawned on your main base hanger flew across a galaxy map into another teams base hanger and tried to blow it up

I believe you are thinking of the leaked pre-alpha footage of Lucas Games' Starwars Battlefront 3, for they had that very mechanic in development and practice since the beginning. We almost were able to hop in a fighter on the planet surface, fly upwards, and then break though the atmosphere and join the space battle above.

> EA involved

Just like all the modern dice games, they just aren't as good as battlefield 3.

A buddy of mine works at EA so I'll get a copy on launch for $20, so hell yeah.

If I had to pay full price, probably not.

>The message this is sending to the developers is awful.

This doesn't send any kind of message to developers. The developers didn't come up with the idea of monetizing every aspect of modern gaming; the marketing execs did. And the marketing execs are going to monetize the game whether the devs want to or not.

The devs know it hurts the overall game. The marketing execs don't care.

hearing the opposite but play to win

try harder

What do you think ever happened to the original battlefront 3? Who do you think still has the files? It really hurts to know I'll probably never play it.

its less like battlefront but more battlefield with the class system it has now.

there's also no more campers to spawn as hero units since you need points to actually play as them.

I'd say the only reason why you shouldnt buy this is to not support the pay2win aspect of the card bullshit.

There's an alpha build that was release last year. You need a X360 Developer Game Kit to play it though.

Looked into it.

It's the Battlestation mode which is completely scripted.

Normies don't care becuase they're buy it regardless

may -be

I'm gonna buy it, and I'm never gonna buy a single crate. Just like in every other heavily-monetized game I've ever bought.

The game is fun. I just don't personally contribute to the exploitative gambling model they employ. Can't help it if others do.

If it's EA, it's a nay.

I had fun "griefing" with the officer distributor thing that overheats your enemies weapons.
You can kill anyone who is alone.

>character from the prequel trilogy that you couldn't play in the first game
>character from the sequel trilogy that you couldn't play in the first game
>the main character from the singleplayer, representing the original trilogy
>A space battle
>A land battle

It sums up the game pretty succinctly, senpai. As cover art goes it's pretty decent. Not true art, but it's not bad by any stretch of the word for what it's trying to do.

Some might argue that by buying the game at all you're communicating that you're complacent with the system and will buy the game even if you're walked all over but I'm doing the same thing

Those people can make that argument. I'd respond with reiterating that I can't help it if other people have gambling problems. I'm not going to miss out on a game I enjoy just because others play into a devious marketing scam.

If anything, buying the game and then never purchasing a single crate will let EA know there are players who won't buy into that system. But will still enjoy the base game.

People have to ask themselves if they're fine buying the game but not buy any loot boxes.

Yea for the game, nay for the lootboxes.

>people conplain about lootboxes/pay2win despite the unlockables doing fuckall
>not complaining about how they fucked up vehicles again
>and spawning
>and bots
>and special units
You neo/v/ niggers are so dumb.

Good thing loot boxes cant buy an actual advantage day 1 and even if they could that advantage would disappear the more people play

Which Star Wars game was on N64 where you could play the battle of Hoth?