do you even want it at this point?
Do you even want it at this point?
Yes. But I'm not sure what kind of campaign would I like... skip WoW storyline or continue from it?
Sure, starcraft 2 is my most favorite rts ever
Warcraft 3 is second
If it builds on most of what they put into SC2, no.
Alternative story that starts after WC3, no WoW bullshit
it's a no from me
For all its faults I enjoyed the actual campaign missions of SC2, even if the plot was fucking awful. I'd be cautiously optimistic, but no more than that.
Yes but only for the custom game. Starcraft II one just didn't work.
no one from old blizzard works there anymore
its full of san francisco numales now
>modern wow
>diablo 3
>starcraft 2 and its two expansions
>heroes of the storm
literally the only good thing to come out from blizzard since wrath of the lich king is overwatch porn
so no
I want a micro focused rts with a huge playerbase of people of all skill levels but it being a Warcraft game and Blizzard game isn't quite as appealing as it once was.
blizzard has produced 100% trash since wrath of the lich king
>only units available are peons and grunts
>every other unit and building is lootbox
>heroes are DLC
Absolutely everyone from wc3 is either dead or ruined, they butt fucked the IP so hard with wow there's not really a way to go around making WC4 unless they pull a clean slate/x years into future kind of shit.
>No pupil-less orcs
>No Thrall on badass wolf
>All models will look like pixar shit
>Art direction will look like League of Legends.
>Game will be dumbed down to shit
>Not like the game wasn't already casual as fuck.
At this point I really don't
Frozen Throne sucked balls, Beyond The Dark Portal was a far stronger expansion.
Nah, say what you want about blizzard but that's never going to happen
You just made me realise why i loved wc3 orcs so much user
The single player missions in SC2 were great so they're capable of making something decent.
And Metzen retired right? So maybe the story wont suck balls.
You mean Warcraft IIII.
I sure wouldn't mind a warcraft 2 2
>mfw they will
If they will then whole industry is doomed
Just start a new franchise
eh. custom games were the best part of it
But just imagine all the new warcraft porn and high rez models
And they will sell fucking millions because blizzard fans buy anything with blizzard slapped on it.
I have not wanted it since SC2 came out and showed me how bad Blizzard has become. D3 confirmed it again.
No thanks.
>> Warcraft IV Part I: The Human campaign
>> Warcraft IV Part II: The Undead campaign
>> Warcraft IV Part III: The Elves campaign
>> Warcraft IV Part IV: The Orcs campaign
No thank you, i had enough with how shitty SC2 was. Hated what they did with the narration and POV, you went from being the protagonist in SC to just an omnipresent observer that followed jim/kerrigan/the protoss dude.
Because after DOTA they literally force the map creators of SC2 to forfeit ownership of their maps/ideas. They own everything made with the SC2 map creator.
Only if starts where WC3 left off and completely ignores the mmo.
This is the only way to go, hey could even make it somehow canon since time travelling is apparently a thing.
>> WoW last expansion
>> Last quest involves travelling back in time to stop a new threat
>> go back to after frozen throne
>> WC IV is released, you can import your WoW character as a playable hero unit.
>> All the WoWfags buy your game
This, honestly
There were some okay lore points in the MMO, but the vast majority was just ruining it, so come up with something else
Oh how long have I been wishing for this...
>implying it won't be just horde and ally
I want everything, no matter how shitty it's likely to be
there are a few options
>shit, response: avoid
>absolute shit, response: avoid and have fun tearing it down with Sup Forums
>good, response: play and enjoy
no outcome is actually detrimental to me
even if there's a 1% chance of the third option happening, that's gambling without risk
>Anything from nu-blizzard
If everyone on the internet had your mentality twitter would have not existed
People are too easily offended by everything, even a fucking game that somehow ruins their life by not being what they expected
I mean I was pretty fucking pissed over diablo 3, but I don't regret that it was ever made, just mad that it was a wasted opportunity
no it wouldn't live up to people's expectations like StarCraft 2
old blizzard: dark, gritty and hardcore
new blizzard: bright, colourful and casual
fuck blizzard: fuck, fuck and fuck
If you honestly think that, then it's clear you've never actually played a blizzard game and only join in on hating them becasue Sup Forums does
Warcraft: IV would just end up as a way of them ironing out the mess of lore they've added during WoW so it makes more sense
No. I try not to think of this franchise since they killed Arthas.
Knowing today Blizzard it would be Uther shit.
my dude, they released a PATCH which costs 15 euro, just so you can unlock an existing class with items and everything already in the game. it's not a DLC, it was released as a patch, they are just testing the waters. and if it worked on a shitstain game such as d3 you can bet that they'll do the same in the future for different games
Blizzard should just slowly transition to making VR porn games.
Are you seriously saying that from the company that decided to split their game's campaign in 3 so that they could shit out 3 games out of it? Or that now makes you pay half an expansion worth of money for a single fucking class in the turd that is diablo III?
In sc/brood war you weren't really the protagonist, you were second or third in command, basically the guy who did all the hard work while the important characters got all the glory and story.
Screencapped. Hope you enjoy being laughed at in the future.
what's the difference between it being a DLC and a patch
would be cool as we could have a legion campaign.
this would alienate the WoW fanbase though
No, it would be shit
like people actually play it for the lore and not just to have shit to grind
correct, you were always an adjutant/cerebrate/templar(??? i don't remember the protoss title, might have been consulate, judicator, executor, praeator)
>nu-blizzard and nu-warcraft """""""lore""""""" including theme park outland, theme park northrend, there must always be a lich king, blood shits on horde, draenei retcon, cringe pandashit, non-silver hand """"""paladins""""" and god knows what else introduced post-vanilla
>dude it's just a game who gives a fuck about the lore
yep.. i couldn't take the cataclysm changes were announced personally, couldn't take the game seriously when the devs refused to take it seriously
>end of wrath was right about the time they merged with activision
>they told us this would have no effect on the games they make
>every game has been dog shit since the merge
In SC, YOU were Executor Artanis
>the massive arguments all across the internet about the end of blizzard, back when a lot of people still actively cared about games being good
>everyone defending blizzard because the developers had been gods after broodwar, wc3, d2, vanilla wow, etc
>now there is only apathy
i don't even know what happened to activision either, cod 1 and 2 were great.. wtf happened
in sc1 yeah, that is the most popular theory, and even though it's not stated it makes a lot of sense. Only for the protoss missions of course, the terran and zerg ones are other people who were never really identified in starcraft lore.
In broodwar you are not Artanis however, as Artanis becomes his own character.
As long as ALL of WOW is non canon and it's a direct sequel of Frozen Throne, yeah, I can't wait for it.
Of course that's impossible, but hey, a man can hope.
nope because Blizzards want a mobile warcraft.
i KNOW you were a cerebrate in sc/bw because that's how everyone refers to you... in the terran briefings i think you're "commander" and "adjutant" (which is basically just synonymous with commander at the ranks the narrative deals with).. however, it's weird because during kerrigan's mission at the end of SC1 you should have thematically died with the zerg attack unless you were on the command ship with mengsk... which begs the question why kerrigan was there in the first place lol.
who are you in broodwar then for the protoss missions, because you control artanis as a unit..
I honestly think big budget RTS is dead. The only way to innovate it to make things more complex and that will shrink your audience.
if you don't know the difference between a patch and dlc you may be legitimately retarded
There is no strong theory for who you play as in brood war. It didn't matter at the time and was just left as that I assume.
mobile game rts is on the rise
no seriously what's the difference in this case
are you upset that they expanded the file size by a gigabyte even if you didn't buy it or what
Old Blizzard: Copying the most generic shit popular at the time.
New Blizzard: Copying the most generic shit popular at the time.
Though your bait works easily on people who weren't even 10 by the time Warcraft 2 came out and never experienced the 90s.
mobile games are the scourge of gaming. Every single bad business practice is used there, and PC game companies are seeing what their mobile counterparts get away with and following their example.
it's true, but it's on the rise none the less. clash of clans is making a shit load of money, there are lots of clones of it. that's the future of rts
Yes, with a few expectations
>Undead not being part of the horde
>A new race to stand in for the night elves.
it would be starcraft with the fucking protoss shit and space ships and garbage that is wow now. so whats the point?
i know, and i hate it. Indie devs who make games they themselves would want to play are the future