>almost 20 years later
>still the GOAT
Almost 20 years later
I emulated it a few months ago and enjoyed every second, the game has aged surprisingly well.
Majora's Mask is better.
>nostalgia fag
Kill yourself dumb fuck
It wouldn't really be the greatest of ALL TIME if it didn't stay that way for all time, now would it?
That's an expansion pack with the exact same Link it doesn't exist without OoT
>auto jumping
into the trash it goes
Except it still works as a standalone story almost completely disconnected from OoT, other than Zelda and the Ocarina.
And I guess star wars episodes 4 5 and 6 are an expansion of the prequels and don't exist without episodes 1 2 and 3?
Nice argument faggot
>poor man’s oot
Mediocre game praised by nostalgic manchildren.
What's your favorite game?
Pokemon Yellow
Shit meme game. Only nostalgia fags love this
>highest rated game in history
>still holds up fantastically 19 years later
You were born no sooner than 2000
Sorry for being a PC chad when you were playing overrated nintenbro games
what the fuck. that isn't even remotely comparable.
if anything the prequels would be the expansion here. I don't even think MM is that connected to OoT but come on dude.
>literally rips OOT apart and pieces it together into a much better game
>"poor man's OOT"
>t. underage
>plagiarized oot
>reuses assets
>3 day cycle and terrible save system drove away casuals
>Anouma practically said he is ashamed of it
Ok then
contrarian MM fans are worse than idiots who just shout “”””nostalgia”””” btw. You can prefer MM all you want, it is in every way an inferior game to OoT
Ocarina is alright, but in the end it's just a shorter, less polished translation of A Link to the Past into 3D.
Came here to post this.
I hate listening to clueless idiots like this.
that’s not even close to being true
Probably yes.
second post best post
I can't even comment on this retardation. I love both games though.
what the fuck am I looking at here?
Not really. Almost every mask outside of the transformation masks are used once for a heart piece and then made useless and most of the quests involved just waiting around. Not sure if the remaster fixed any of this issues but the N64 version is very flawed since the two biggest aspects of the game are pretty half baked.
OoT doesn't have enough useless filler shrines and too many unique dungeons and items
A shrine from BotW and a grotto from OoT.
what surpassed it?
>gaming hasn't evolved in 19 years
I bet you're someone that thinks that Nintendo is the only company that makes colorful games and that everyone else makes gritty grey super soldier shooters.
> Almost every mask outside of the transformation masks are used once for a heart piece
utility masks with open ended mechanics: blast mask, bunny hood, stone mask, mask of truth,
giant fairies mask: used in 4 dungeons
keaton mask: used in 3 circles of bushes
captains hat: used in 2 locations, ikana and graveyard
postman's hat: used to get rupees from any mailbox
kafei's mask: used in 2 locations in quest
mask of scents: used in 3 locations, deku butler, lost woods & bathroom
garo's mask: used to make garos appear in multiple locations
only single use masks are:
>bremen, kamaro, don gero, romani, troupe leaders, all-night, gibdo, couples, giants
Your inability to comprehend sentences.
>gaming journalists love it
Yeah, I bet they call it the Dark Souls of adventure games.
I’m not a Nintendo fan, if that’s what you’re implying. The last Nintendo console I owned was the GameCube. This is just my opinion but I’ve yet to play a game that has blown me away like OoT did
Jak And Daxter: TPL is better. Better soundtrack, better art direction, better lore (later games ruined it, kinda like The Matrix sequels), better silent protagonist. I won't compare graphics or audio quality, since they're 1 gen apart, but the actual world of Jak is much more unique and stands out more than OOT.
I dunno. Maybe it's because I didn't play OOT until I was 18, but it feels like every game has topped it since then. I'm sure it innovated a lot, but so did Alien Ressurection on ps1 and I sure as hell don't want to play that. You need to move on, user. Nostalgia glasses are the same things that make people say John Carpenter's Halloween is one of the scariest movies ever made. You need to move on, user.
I haven't played a game that blew me away the same way Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath did.
... are we getting older? Maybe it's not great games we're looking for but our early childhood experiences with games. We don't want to play a video game. We want to play a video game as a child. But we can never do that again, so every gaming experience since then doesn't compare.
>but it feels like every game has topped it since then.
Even Ride to Hell?
My statement was too broad and clumsily worded. However, I did say every GAME since then.
Ride To Hell felt like an experiment in how advanced Tiger Electronic toys could become.