What does Sup Forums think about Pokemon: Gale of Darkness?

What does Sup Forums think about Pokemon: Gale of Darkness?

I like it! XD

never played XD

Fuck off.

isn't this pokemon XD?

>can't even crosslink properly
is where you belong

what are you talking about?

it's boring and forgettable just like Colosseum. There's a reason the meme is more popular than the game itself.

Fuck off


You Redditors are fucking cancer. can't ask a simple question without adding an XD? Lurk 2 years before posting

its alright. i like how every battle is a double battle and you had to mix up pokemon that would work well together as a team. would be cool if gamefreak would do this again with the switch.

>grown men playing pokémon

I hope the play this on Disney XD


kill you are self

I personally enjoyed it, probably more than I should have. Some of the locales were top notch though, with mount battle being one of the best things in pokemon.

I remember dozing off playing it, doing Mount Battle and playing on some kind of autopilot

well they are "grown", but i wouldnt call them men

My gf plays Pokemon and i'm pretty sure she isn't a dude
