
What does Sup Forums think the chances of the halo series making it's way to the pc soon? Halo Wars is on there now which surprised me upon it's release. Even if it never would happen... would you buy a pc port of the series if it came out? How well do you think it would do?

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>What does Sup Forums think the chances of the halo series making it is way to the pc soon? Halo Wars is on there now which surprised me upon it is release.

All Xbox exclusives are on PC now. The next Halo game will be on PC.

Halo 1 and 2 are already on PC, all we need is Halo 3 and Reach if that's your thing
inb4 someone posts the abomination that is eldewrito/halo online

Sunset Overdrive isn't on PC and Halo 5 campaign too

Better question. Will halo ever return to its former glory?
I get that the halo formula got stale as more and more sequels got shat out by microsoft, but how come cod is still selling millions? CoD has the triple of sequels compared to halo, every year there is a new cod game.

How come people got burned out of halo but are still buying cod?

Halo is dead.

More time has passed between Halo 4 and now than between CE and 3.

I don't care how good 5's multiplayer is, the campaign effectively killed the series, it was so insultingly bad, oh my fucking god.

Fuck you 343i, you had me hopeful after Halo 4 but nope you're fucking useless. Also Halo 5 has a VERY ugly main menu.

Those games came out before MS committed to putting all their games on Windows. Every Xbox exclusive since they announced this has been on PC as well.


then they changed their stance: thurrott.com/xbox/72595/xbox-play-anywhere-gets-asterisk

Yeah but they ported Halo 5 to PC without the Campaign.

People actually buy games from the windows store?

Halo is done. It's glory days are well past it. Even current Bungie would fuck it up if they continued it instead of 343. COD sells millions because it appeals to the broadest and lowest common denominator consisting of wannabe pro sqeakers, hoodlums, and the average john who doesn't give a shit what he's paying for.

The same could be said for Halo 4 and 5. I mean yeah, they can continue the cycle and get alongside COD in sales but is that what we've come to? Comparing ourselves with COD especially for a title like Halo?

I would rather let Halo die a peaceful death then force it to be alive, devoid of anything that made Halo into Halo.

t. Halo fan

>More time has passed between Halo 4 and now than between CE and 3.

>Halo CE: 2001
>Halo 3: 2007
>5 years, 10 months, 10 days

>Halo 4: 2012
>Now: 2017
>4 years, 11 months, 9 days

I knew the people crying about 343i were retarded children but come the fuck on how did you even think that

>t. actual child

Nice semantics microshill. Now fuck off back to clickety clackety clutched eggs running sound effects Halo 5 on your noisy thick xbone.

>be retarded and make a claim that only the most braindamaged faggot would utter

new ape escape with cute girls when?

Nigga that dorito shit's good.

>ad hominem
As expected.
Lemme guess, you think Halo 4 and 5 were good?

nah, it plays like a weird hybrid of reach and 4 with halo 3 maps
ill stick with project cartographer

They said the next Halo game would be on PC a few times now.

>forgetting abut ODST
I'd also say halo 5 since it's MP and forge is great but that already has a W10 port.

Halo 5's MP and forge are good, just it's single player is shit and if 343i can improve the SP from 5 as much as they improved the MP from 4 in 5, then Halo 6 could be among the best games in the series. Granted, I don't think that'll happen, but it's possible

t. Halo fan

Is that a screenshot from an actual aqua teen episode? That tinny shake? They just scaled down the object look at the shit. The outline thickness, it is so thin compared to the normal scaled shake.

It looks ugly and lazy as fuck


Its garbage, but 0.6 is apparently fixing it up to actual Halo 3 standards so we'll have to wait and see.

4 had a better campaign than Reach, but had worse characters and writing (Outside of Lasky).

5 has the 2nd best multiplayer in the series according to people who were actually good at Halo.

I too, also have Aqua Teen images to shitpost at you, but im too busy responding to people who arent actually braindamaged.

Friendly reminder that the Flood is actually powdered Precursor that aliums used to rub on their pets to make them behave better.

Yeah, seriously.

I would buy Halo 3 if it had an HD remake

I will not buy 4 or 5, even if they're part of a bundle, because 343 literally ruined the series.

>literally ruined the series
>created the 2nd best halo multiplayer experience

>had a better campaign than Reach

I'll give you credit for the multiplayer for 5 but the first one is just bait pure and simple. It's so easy to spot that one 343 kiddie in the thread.

Hurl more words on the internet but careful not to say it aloud before mom hears you and takes away your Xbox.

>he actually thinks the reach campaign wasnt a pile of garbage
nothing i say about you will make you look more brain damaged than what you just said, you played yourself.

Reach's campaign was great.

Can't beat the Bungie OT trilogy + Reach


Like I said, pure bait. Not even worth a ((you)).

t. legitimately braindamaged child
Beat, no, but they're managing. 5 has the 2nd best multiplayer and Halo 4 still has a better campaign than Reach despite everything else wrong with it.

Halo 1 and 2 had pc ports. I'd love to see the MCC come to steam, I'm not holding out hope but halo wars on steam gots the mind racing.

What was wrong with Reach's campaign, then?

Halo 5 is garbage, and I say this as someone who liked 4.


>phone poster ran out of aqua teen images posted against him in the "hurr fun with friends isnt real" thread
You're pure braindamage, but i dont know what i was expecting with a phoneposter. Maybe some better bait.

>sakura game
>racer chair
>top nep hat

this is perfect, this guy has perfected ironic weeb

>More time has passed between Halo 4 and now than between CE and 3.
I don't think you know how to add.

Imagine being this butt hurt that you copy the guy lmao.

If you're talking about multiplayer your opinion is less than this dumb motherfuckers 5's got a pure garbage campaign and nobody is arguing otherwise, but if you think your opinion has more weight than anybody with a lick of skill coming back to Halo for 5 even without being signed for a team you're a fool.

>Forced Firefight encounters in Campaign instead of designing naturally hard enemy encounters, nearly in every fucking level sometimes twice (ODST is also guilty but it introduced Firefight)
>Reusing Oni Sword Base
>Every fucking second of Nightfall
>Terrible barren wastelands as environments shown in Tip of the Spear/Pillar of Autumn (Halo 4 had the exact same environments but a million times better)
>Sabre Segments in Long Night of Solace
>Completely bland grey city in Exodus, everything looked copypasted and devoid of any detail.
>Have a city map with nothing gained if you explore.
>New Alexandria is worse The Covenant, yet its literally only the Spires Segments
>Everything about a MAC Cannon VS a Covenant Cruiser

Halo 5 is a good start, but that's all it is. It has too many problems that are not/will not be rectified in a reasonable amount of time.

Again, you havent said whether you're talking about Multiplayer or Campaign.

If you're talking about Multiplayer, list one problem with the it that isnt the lack of specifically designed BTB maps, because that is literally the only flaw.

Sprint, and all of the abilities tied to it.
Broken automatics.
Map pickups more or less just being straight upgrades to the default starting loadout.
The AR spawning with like 4 times as much ammo as the pistol.
Crap armor.
Gametypes still missing 2 years later.
Maps and weapons too rigidly designed for 4v4. No slightly larger non-BTB maps that can support larger player counts comfortably or the odd small vehicle. Maps are too big and the weapons are too powerful/easy to use for 2v2.
Aim down sights blocking half my screen any time I try to zoom in.
Bullet curving is absolutely ridiculous so they can make thrust seem more valuable.
Not enough powerups.
Weapon pads give away your location.
Only 1 totally unique map added post-launch.
No splitscreen or LAN, forge is online-only.
Forge maps aren't stored locally.

>Sprint, and all of the abilities tied to it
Not a problem, they took the core gameplay and increased the skill ceiling. Moving faster than sprint requires skill but focusing entirely on movement will get you killed.
>Broken automatics
Were fine at launch, got buffed too hard, are getting nerfed again. We're never too out of control, and like you said, were rectified in a reasonable amount of time
>Map pickups more or less just being straight upgrades to the default starting loadout.
Are you trying to say this isnt a key staple of Halo? How is a BR pickup in Halo 3 AR Starts any different than a BR pickup in Halo 5 AR Starts?
>The AR spawning with like 4 times as much ammo as the pistol
Magnum is a discount BR but as people clammered about CE pistol nostalgia they kept it as strong as it was but needed to balance it. Its strong but its outclassed by pickups, same as every starting weapon.
>Crap Armor
60% Crap 40% Good but that 40% is out of a very large pool so you've got room to customize. Recruit is great and you got Helioskrill from the start if you beat all the campaigns on Legendary on MCC
>Gametypes still missing 2 years later
Like what? If you're talking about one game exclusive modes like headhunter i wont take you seriously, but whats missing?
>Maps and weapons too rigidly designed for 4v4.
Yes that has been the standard for Halo Team Slayer
>No BTB maps
Already stated
>No 2v2 maps
Truth/Midship as always

>Aim down sights blocking half my screen any time I try to zoom in.
You mean how Zoom has worked in every single Halo game ever?
>Bullet curving is absolutely ridiculous so they can make thrust seem more valuable.
Bullet Magnetism got turned down after the response from Crowbats video, the video from the ViDoc is no longer as relevant.
>Not enough powerups
Active Camo and Overshield, same as every other game
>Weapon Pads give away your location
Was an issue, Radar Changes are balancing it out.
>Only 1 totally unique map added post-launch
The remix maps change enough to be unique. Its free post launch content and the maps still feel fresh.
>No splitscreen or LAN, forge is online only
Splitscreen is a dead concept, LAN was unacceptable but they're changing their views for the next game. Forge uses the Xbox Cloud for functions.
>Forge maps arent stored locally
Forge Maps are fairly big, it'd force people to either delete Halo 5 Data or another game when its unnecessary.

>Not a problem, they took the core gameplay and increased the skill ceiling. Moving faster than sprint requires skill but focusing entirely on movement will get you killed.
Sprint adds nothing at all to the game while making it worse. Getaways with sprint are still entirely possible, and they promote running directly at someone so they can get the broken charge attack.
>Were fine at launch, got buffed too hard
They never got buffed.
>were rectified in a reasonable amount of time
2 years later and they're still busted. And the worst offenders aren't getting a single change.
>Are you trying to say this isnt a key staple of Halo?
AR/SMG starts were always cancer. Halo is at its best when you spawn with a gun that can deal damage. 5 was on the right track by making the pistol good, but every other rifle is a straight upgrade because they're so much easier to use, have more ammo, and barely give up any DPS in comparison to the pistol.
>Magnum is a discount BR but as people clammered about CE pistol nostalgia they kept it as strong as it was but needed to balance it.
It's pretty weak in comparison to any of the pickups, and barely spawns with any ammo. You get 3 reloads with the pistol off-spawn, vs 5 reloads with the easymode AR. Where's the balance there?
>40% Good
>Like what?
Any asymmetrical mode.
>Yes that has been the standard for Halo Team Slayer
Not true at all. Past Halo games had plenty of maps that weren't only suited for 4v4 play. There are no default small-team maps that can support a vehicle of any kind. There's just no variety.
>Already stated
I didn't say BTB anywhere in my post.
>Truth/Midship as always
And it's fucking gigantic in this game.

>You mean how Zoom has worked in every single Halo game ever?
Zoom didn't block my entire screen with a massive gun model.
>Bullet Magnetism got turned down after the response from Crowbats video, the video from the ViDoc is no longer as relevant.
Not it didn't. The vidoc was always taken out of context, but you can't say with a straight face that something like the sniper is actually balanced when thrust is not involved.
>Active Camo and Overshield, same as every other game
And they're barely on any maps, and only ever one at a time if they are.
>Was an issue, Radar Changes are balancing it out.
Has nothing to do with radar, retard. The waypoint disappearing as soon as you touch an item tells everyone where you are.
>The remix maps change enough to be unique
Not really.
>Its free post launch content and the maps still feel fresh.
It's shit post launch content.
>Splitscreen is a dead concept
And was a staple for all Halo games prior to this one.
>Forge uses the Xbox Cloud for functions.
Which is why it can run offline on PC?
>Forge Maps are fairly big
No. In fact, they're tiny files that just list objects and where they are on the map. That's how it was possible to pull them off at all last gen with how small the 360's hard drive started off.

>4 had a better campaign than Reach,

As someone who played halo 4 for the first time yesterday, let me tell you that that is bullfuckingshit.

The not-covenat are fucking retarded in appearance, the robots are a fucking chore to deal with, the forerunner weapons are absolutely useless aside from the sniper, the campaign feels completely disjointed (instead of going from point A to point B, it feels like you go from point A to point D) and don't get me started on the sound design.

The game is a complete mess.

>Sprint adds nothing at all to the game while making it worse
Except it adds added mobility, especially when combined with the other movement abilities? The games inherently faster.
>Broken Charge Attack
An extremely telegraphed charge?
>They were never buffed
Thats just incorrect
>2 years later and they're still busted, and the worst offenders arent getting a single change
Still incorrect
>AR/SMG starts were always cancer
>Halo is at its best when you spawn with a gun that can deal damage
You're basically saying you hated map control, a staple of the series
>but every other rifle is a straight upgrade because they're so much easier to use, have more ammo, and barely give up any DPS in comparison to the pistol.
Because thats how its supposed to be with a sidearm?
>It's pretty weak in comparison to any of the pickups, and barely spawns with any ammo.
As you said, 5 reloads.12 shots x 3 reloads is 36 shots, a perfect magnum kill is 5 shots, thats 7 kills if you're perfect and less if you arent. Thats fairly reasonable for a sidearm.
>5 reloads with the easymode AR, wheres the balance there
The balance is with the nerf of the AR?
Quality response, feel free to tell me how throwback armor is somehow bad in Halo 5 but great in every other game.
>Any asymmetrical mode
Are in the game using the rounds system.
>Past Halo games had plenty of maps that weren't only suited for 4v4 play.
They were objective, BTB or 4v4 maps, id like you to show one that isnt that.

It actually comes off really well in context. The forerunner books are absurdly well written and do extremely cool and novel things, but those things sound dumb out of context because they only work with how fucking well it's executed and how good Greg Bear's writing is.

He's probably one of those people that think reach is worse then satan

>Broken automatics

Fuck off with this shit, they are just actually worth using for once. There's only 2 issues with autos in Halo 5 and that's that spray and pray is too effective at too long a distance with the AR and that the AR needs to reward actual accurate fire more, and that the Storm rifle needs to be toned down or just made into a power weapon

What should happen is that Halo just rebalance it's autos entirely and like other FPS games, have them be accurate guns with lower aim assist and bullet magnetism that reward accurate fire and short bursts. No spread, only recoil.

Armor abilities, sprint and bloom killed halo. Anyone who thinks sprint is okay is an adhd shitter who can't handle being caught out of position and punished for it.

>I didnt say BTB anywhere in my post
You're right
>And its fucking gigantic in this game
Not when you take into account the max speed of players

>Zoom didnt block my entire screen with a massive gun model
It just darkened the rest of the screen with the zoom effect, Halo 5's ADS/Zoom is even better as your lack of vision is limited to the gun that was already to your right and is now less out of your way in the middle and towards the bottom
>Not it didn't.
Thats just incorrect
>but you can't say with a straight face that something like the sniper is actually balanced when thrust is not involved.
I can, actually
>And they're barely on any maps, and only ever one at a time if they are.
Theres nothing wrong with that, its a better alternative to Guardians power up map splitting
>Has nothing to do with radar
Yes, having the game give too much information to people has a lot to do with the Radar as its being changed to movement based to balance out being punished for map control
>Not really
Thats your opinion but honestly i dont respect it
>Its shit blah
Yeah again
>Was a staple
Not since the move to HD, no.
>Which is why it can run offline on PC
Yes, forcing the cloud out of Forge will let it run similarly on stronger PC's and worse on weaker PC's without the assistance.
>they're tiny files that just list objects and where they are on the map.
You're comparing Halo 5 Forge Maps with layers upon layers of scripting and effects to Halo 3 forge maps.

>The games inherently faster.
Nah. youtube.com/watch?v=iedeG7SVPCE
>An extremely telegraphed charge?
That autoaims you towards the enemy and can't really be dodged?
>Thats just incorrect
Then prove it. The only balance patch outside of Warzone was like 3 weeks ago, and it's still not global.
>Still incorrect
The Storm Rifle and Brute Plasma Rifle don't have any changes inbound. All of the automatics are easy to use, have much higher DPS than everything else in the game despite being easy. The added accuracy makes it even worse.
>You're basically saying you hated map control, a staple of the series
Traditional Halo didn't litter the map with a bunch of upgrades. There were sidegrades, weapons that allow for different niches, and conservatively-placed power weapons that are good, but not outright better than your main weapon.
>Because thats how its supposed to be with a sidearm?
>Thats fairly reasonable for a sidearm.
Halo never needed a sidearm. Get that Call of Duty mentality out of my game.
>feel free to tell me how throwback armor is somehow bad in Halo 5 but great in every other game.
Because the entire design concept is different. Old Halo games added onto a complete set of armor. New Halo just puts random blobs onto a Crysis nanosuit.
>The balance is with the nerf of the AR?
The AR promotes spraying, and spraying is too powerful. There's no worry about running out of ammo because you get so fucking much of it.
>Are in the game using the rounds system.
Without side switching, and without modes like one-flag, one-bomb, assymetrical territories, etc.
>They were objective, BTB or 4v4 maps, id like you to show one that isnt that.
Halo 5 has no BTB maps. There are also no default maps that spawn vehicles.

From you complaining about how "broken" the automatics are, how you think the AR is a stronger pick than the Magnum, how you dislike map control, how you think a telegraphed charge is "broken", how you think Truth is too big and Sprint adds nothing while not understanding the combinations of movement techniques, complaining about snipers with thrust honestly it really just sounds like you're bad at the game.

>Halo 4 Footage
>Cant get out of my car when he doesnt know about cancelling sprint with slides
>Charge cant be dodged or jumped
I cant be assed responding to the rest of your shit, its just nonsense from someone who cant handle the game really.

>The AR promotes spraying, and spraying is too powerful. There's no worry about running out of ammo because you get so fucking much of it.

It's funny because in the beta, it had less ammo and it actually rewarded accurate fire with headshot bonuses, yet people whined and they removed the headshot bonuses and gave it extra ammo per mag to compensate, which only obviously removed the skillgap it had added and rewarded spraying more.

As much as people like to talk about how the AR dpesn't take skill and shouldn't be good as a result, it's a red herring: They don't want it to take skill, they just want autos to be bad so they can circlejerk over precision weapons even though the BR is easy as shit to use too

>they are just actually worth using for once.
They were usable in 4. They're broken now because they have practically no downside.
>the AR needs to reward actual accurate fire more
Not really. It's historically always has been a spray weapon, if you want accuracy just grab a BR.

>Not when you take into account the max speed of players
But I thought sprinting had downsides? Meaning that you shouldn't be moving at max speed at all times. Which means the maps are still all gigantic and it defeats the purpose of having faster movement options to begin with.
>Halo 5's ADS/Zoom is even better
Nah, when I zoom in with the magnum and someone is below me they can be blocked by my massive gun model blocking out the entire bottom portion of my screen.
>Thats just incorrect
Prove it. If you're going to make claims, cite your sources.
>I can, actually
Try the "Halo 3" playlist. The sniper is busted because it's entirely balanced around your cooldown abilities.
>Theres nothing wrong with that
There is. All of the best Halo maps had multiple powerups spawning on them. They wanted to make their game an "arena shooter", but are too scared to spawn some items on their maps.
>Yes, having the game give too much information to people has a lot to do with the Radar as its being changed to movement based to balance out being punished for map control
The weapon pad indicators have 0 to do with radar and I'm going to ask you to read my post again because I'm not going to repeat myself.
>Thats your opinion
It's a fact. The large majority of remix maps just take half of the map and mirror it, maybe changing the time of day as well.
>Not since the move to HD, no.
It was a thing in H2A. And all of the 360 games.
>Yes, forcing the cloud out of Forge will let it run similarly on stronger PC's and worse on weaker PC's without the assistance.
No, the cloud doesn't do anything but keep your files hostage.

>You're comparing Halo 5 Forge Maps with layers upon layers of scripting and effects to Halo 3 forge maps.
Because there really isn't much different. Some new variables, but still not enough to change the file size by a significant degree. Forge maps don't point to anything that isn't already in the game. H2A maps weren't very big either and those had scripting. Better scripting than what 5 was capable of at launch.

>n-nu that doesn't count because it's not the exact game
None of the concepts have changed. Some nerfs were made so that sprinting is more clunky, but it still affects map design and engagements in a negative way.

In the beta, the AR only had 4 shots less per magazine, and still had 2 more reloads than the pistol.
The headshot bonus was retarded because it was unlike any other non-sniper headshot in the game; it dealt damage through shields.
The AR functioned perfectly fine in H2A & Halo 4 without the need for headshot bonuses or pinpoint accurate aim down sights. I think Halo 2 had the right idea removing it in favor of an SMG because it worked best as a spray weapon in CE.
>BR is easy as shit to use
Not nearly as easy as the AR. And if you're going to argue this, I'm not going to give you another (You)

But Halo is on the PC though. You've that Halo you can play with Windows 10, you've Eldewrito and you've that Halo game those dudes are making with the Unreal Engine. You also still have CE.

You don't have to like it, but those are what are on PC.

Eldewriro has made leaps and bounds though since its initial creation. It's free, so it's at least poking your nose in and seeing if you like it or not, OP.

>They were usable in 4.
"usable" doesn't mean "actually good to use". They were still out classed in like 70% of the ranges that engangements happened in. You are still better off with a precision weapon 8/10 times. Plus, the storm rifle and AR were the same shit.

>Not really. It's historically always has been a spray weapon, if you want accuracy just grab a BR.
Fuck off with that. Designing a weapon just for casuals to use with a low skill ceiling is shit weapon balance. Bursting with automatics, especially the AR, feels satisyfing and is fun as fuck and rewarding it is an easy way to reward skilled usage and make the skill ceiling higher on it.

>want to get back into the series and play Halo 5
>don’t own an xbone
>tfw can barely even justify myself buying an xbone just to play Halo
What do I do bros

>"usable" doesn't mean "actually good to use".
But it was also good to use. You wouldn't run around with it out 24/7 like I suspect you feel is true for a good weapon, but it never needed to be a weapon you use at all times.
>They were still out classed in like 70% of the ranges that engangements happened in.
Oh, I guess you do believe that.
>Fuck off with that. Designing a weapon just for casuals to use with a low skill ceiling is shit weapon balance.
And designing with purposeful redundancy is even worse balancing. The AR is fine as a close-range bullet hose, and doesn't need to be a wannabe BR. Never has and never will need to be.

>But it was also good to use. You wouldn't run around with it out 24/7 like I suspect you feel is true for a good weapon, but it never needed to be a weapon you use at all times.

The AR isn't the shotgun or sniper rifle. It's not a niche gun and shouldn't be.

>And designing with purposeful redundancy is even worse balancing. The AR is fine as a close-range bullet hose, and doesn't need to be a wannabe BR

I agree redundancy is shit, but i'm not suggesting it be one. Having it be an automatic weapon, but one that rewards accurate fire would give it a unique nich in Halo's sandbox. It wouldn't be a precision weapon clone because it's still a high rate of fire, low damage per shot weapon that handles very different, and you as the player would have to manage how long your bursts are given the distance from the enemy to maximize your DPS output while minimizing your amount of lost shots and spread gain.

Also if you wanna talk about redudancy, then you should be addressing the BR vs Carbine vs DMR vs Light rifle, all of those are super similar. But wanting a CE style of weapon balance where every gun is totally unique just is never going to happen due to how much smaller the sandbox would have to be.

Even if we had that, I'd still say the AR I propose would be unique enough to exist alongside a spraying based auto, and 2 proper precision weapons

>The headshot bonus was retarded because it was unlike any other non-sniper headshot in the game; it dealt damage through shields.

And why is that a problem if the end result is that skilled usage is rewarded? To be clear, there needed to be changes to the multiplier so it scaled inversly with spread so accidental headshots when spraying wouldn't apply, but I have no problem with breaking tradition if it means better weapon balance. It's a trvial thing to treat as sacred ground the series shouldn't mess with

>but one that rewards accurate fire would give it a unique nich in Halo's sandbox
We have that. It's called the Sentinel Beam.

Wait for Halo 3 to come to PC like the rest of us, or play El Dewritto. Supposedly there's a "big update" coming "soon" for El Dewritto. Investing for halo 5 is just a waste, the game sucks.