Shadows of War

Is it fun despite the lootboxes, Sup Forums?

Got 9/10 on the old steamer so far.

did you like the first one ? if yes, it's a better game. If no, don't touch it.


It's the first game with some extra polish and additions/extensions to the Nemesis system. I'm a little into Act 2 and I'm loving it so far. Haven't bought -- nor felt the need to buy -- a single loot crate. It's a non-issue as long as you're not incredibly bad at the game.

Is it just me, or does the game look like shit? I'm playing on PC, supposedly in 4K, and the game looks like I'm playing in sub-1080p. I don't don't if it's a bug, or some kind of weird filter, but it looks like ass. I thought the first game looked pretty good too, so I'm not sure what the hell's going on here.

Looks fucking phenomenal with Max settings for me.

This game is absolutely mind blowingingly amazing on nearly every aspect of gameplay... The skill tree, the improved Nemesis system, the massive and varied open-world, the emergent gameplay, fort sieges, pit fighting, loot rarity, etc...

I'm still in act 2 after 15 hours of play now and have been loving every second and do not see myself tiring of the gameplay loop any time soon. Even if the game becomes a grind later, I still feel like I've more than got my money's worth already.

I understand the underlying reason people dislike microtransactions but I really hope this backlash doesn't negatively affect DLC or future games because sales were less than optimal.

I'm sad because so many bad games get rightful flack for having microtransactions but Shadow of War, which is basically a single player game at it's core, is getting dragged into so much negativity despite the developers having obviously poured their heart and soul into making this game about the best it could possibly be while adding on the microtransactions as a convenience feature more than anything.

The game is more fun the worse you are at it. If you die a lot you get a lot of fun shit from the Nemesis system, but if you like me became invincible in the middle of act 2 then the game quickly loses its charm as you never get to experience any cool shit.

I've got mine turned up all the way too. I wish that I knew what was going on here. The best way I can describe it is that it looks like the DoF is acting up in a weird way, and blurring everything, including what should be the focal point. I've tried turning off anything that could cause blurring (motion blur, DoF), and nothing has fixed it. Cr1tikal complained of something similar too, so I'm hoping it's just some bug that they'll patch out.

Act 4 is the reason why lootboxes should be banned. No plot, no missions, 100% grind and repetitiveness.

Why does Talion need a ring to control orcs now? He didnt need any in the first game?

i liked the map in the first game better.

It's basically just some upgrades to the original game. I would wait until it goes on sale and get it for a more reasonable price.

I only got one question: if you put your orcs in castles etc and go online, can those orcs get killed by other players? Is there a way to preserve fav orcs?

fpbp desu

What's wrong with SoW's mao?

i am so tired of people posting the words "nemesis system". No one ever calls other games interfaces by name

Exact same kind of garbage as the first one, just with a few extra additions. If you're dumb enough to have enjoyed SoM, then you'll probably like Shadow of War. Otherwise, stay the fuck away, it's another trainwreck of a game.

We would if developers had systems with names too.

Because no other devs have used a term so frequently in gameplay videos to describe a game interface

Do you like arkham games.
Did you enjoy the first one.

If so yes. The game is really quite fun. Manly because I love cinematic fighters. The story is kinda lame but the meta game of building an army and just killing fuckers is fun. Plus seeing that one who killed you come to track you half way across the earth is always funny.

From what I heard the need for loot crates comes into play when it comes to getting the true ending unless you want an endless grind.

Redpill me on this and the first game. Is it just mindless killing orcs or is there more to it

It's not mindlessly killing orcs, it's an orc dating simulator

download the HD texture pack, its an extra 32 gigs

>Is it just mindless killing orcs
Absolutely. Mindless is a good way to put it. You run around fighting orcs with random attributes, with a combat system that has absolutely no depth.

If you want a game where you can just zone the fuck out, it's a good choice.

8/10 if pirate
3/10 if you buy it

The game is solid.
The Loot system is shit.

Just pirate it. Its cracked. I feel really bad because there is a good game in here. Not a cash grab. Its just bogged down by WB shitty attempts to add crates to everyyyyyy fucking thing.

Shadow of Mordor was pure garbage so I guess I'll avoid it then.

it's more a mechanic than an interface

i got it for free with my 1080 but I still haven't downloaded it

I've never played the first one -- do I need to or is this a standalone title?

>adding on the microtransactions as a convenience feature more than anything
I didn't even follow the whole le epic videogames drama about the microtransactions, but you're one big fucking retard. Kill yourself.

Does the combat actually have some depth compared to the first one?
Is it just mashing attack, dodge and counter like before?

>Does the combat actually have some depth compared to the first one

Nope. Still has the dodge that makes you completely invincible, still has the counter that can interrupt any animation. If you don't want to take damage, you're not going to, period. There's a couple more tools to play around with but at its core it's the exact same thing. Gotta make sure the 12 year olds can beat it, after all.

If you put orcs in your strongholds and people online attack them, no orcs will die on your end.

if you attack someones stronghold online and an orc you brought with you dies, he's dead

Don't agree to terms at the start and you won't get lootboxes. Might be my shitty PC but the shelob memory cut scenes don't work for me... can't complain tho cuz its a pirate copy

Wraith poured his power into the ring, same situation with Sauron wherein with the ring he's playing with his power squared, without it his power halved.

Post orcs

Yeah. This is everything maxed. It looks pretty much the same as Shadow of Mordor.

Still makes no fucking sense. I'm still on Act 2 but if the only thing the ring can do is give you the same power you already had in the first game, it's a really shitty plot point.

Do you get legendaries everytime you die?

I've only died to orcs 3 times, and each time they got promoted to a legendary.

The combat is harder playing on Nemesis difficulty but mostly because of getting bumrushed by defenders all the timr

Yeah, the didn't know what to do with the ring obviously.

They should have just had this game be all about the quest to forge it, and figured out how to best use it next game.

>Shelob gets a hold of it
>can actually freeze Talion in his tracks like he's been hit with a fucking paralysis spell, pretty clear that she could kill him if she wanted to, and she had all of 5 seconds to figure out how to use the damn thing
>Talion/Celebrimbor gets it back, its now in the hands of the guy who made the it and understands exactly what it can do
>"I can control orcs now :^)"

Fuck this stupid shit.

Do we have cheats or trainers for gold loot boxes yet

They were likely going to put the Elven Wrath thing behind the Ring, since in the Bright Lord DLC for the first one since the Ring did something similar in it.
My best guess is that they wanted to cut down on the combat tutorials early and move straight into dominating orcs.

Why the fuck are they going to have the characters make a Ring of Power that isn't actually powerful? Should have made a sword badass enough to kill Sauron, instead. Maybe then Talion wouldn't have jobbed to Shelob for no reason.


Don't listen to , since it looks like he's going purely by videos.
Captains nowhave a lot more tools with which to fuck with you. Vault Breaker is now much more common, and they can Adapt it in quickly if you do it a lot. Some will flat out enrage if you jump over them, and enrage is now something that's actually dangerous. Grunts now attack together much more frequently, and fighting two Captains (which can occur a lot, especially with the Blood Brother system) poses an actual challenge.
Weaknesses have been cut down considerably. The window for Fatal weaknesses is now so low that I'm not even sure if the Act 1 Captains have them.

You mean how they only play for a couple seconds before cutting out? That's how they're supposed to work, they copied Assassin's Creed for it where you find a bunch of 2-second clips and piece them together at the end

turn off dynamic resolution if you haven't already

looks like shit get your eyes checked console cuck

>attacking human male npcs throws them falling on the ground
>attacking human female npcs, weapon passes through them, they stay in place, nothing else happens

What did they mean by this?

the first one was boring
no real story
just "roam around, cut some orcs have fun"

>since it looks like he's going purely by videos
Playing it on Nemesis, retard. The dodges and counters are still completely free, and the dodge in particular requires absolutely no timing against unblockables, because the window is fucking massive.

The combat system still has all the depth of a puddle, and is completely lacking in difficulty. In the first city I was suiciding to orcs until they could reach legendary, and I was killing them with absolutely no issue (level 4 vs level 18). If you think this game is hard, you're just bad at games. Don't try to bullshit otherwise.

Celebrimbor has a Ring Fetish. No fucking joke, the new Elf chick spends 80% of her screen time asking why the fuck they made a new Ring and Celevrimbor's answer is "BUT IT'S PEEERFEEECT!".
Real answer is that they actually are a bit stronger with it, since they could dominate a Nazgûl and, however briefly, Sauron himself.
The women probably don't even have animations for combat since they aren't meant to be in it.
>Level 18
>In the Tutorial Act

yeah but i mean, would it be that hard to just add the same ragdoll effect that was used on the male npcs onto the female npcs?

it's definitely nothing game breaking but still would've been a nice quirk

>Level 18
>In the Tutorial Act

Are you fucking stupid? Why do you think they can't get that high?

I'm actually interested in knowing why you are blatantly lying.

I'm not saying they can't, I'm saying that killing a Level 18 Orc in the Tutorial of the game when the level cap is above fucking 60 then saying the game is easy is a stupid thing to do you double nigger.

Because "that thing where you kill the orcs, but they also comeback and level up and try to kill you and also you can brand and shame them and shit and do missions to kill them again" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

>Arena Story Mission
>Some guy who's supposed to be my Nemesis
>Literally who
Also would have been nice if they gave some sort of reminder about Nemesis Forge in the main menu, but it really doesn't matter if I bring my old shit over really since it's been fucking years

horrible graphics

But mechanically it IS easy. The only thing that can ever damage you is archers.

Well you're just an idiot. If you specifically go out of your way to give an orc an approximate 15 level advantage, and legendary status, and you can still kill it when you have no tools other than your sword and bow, that's a pretty big fucking indication it's a piss poor game. When I'm fighting level 60 orcs, I'm going to have every godamn tool at my disposal to take advantage of their weaknesses. It's only going to get easier, not harder.

I get that you like and enjoy the game, but don't try to pull this shit where you excuse bad design just because you're having fun.

I really enjoyed the first game, and I fucking love this one. You can totally ignore the Marketplace loot box thing. I'm sick of every thread being loot boxes and gambling.

I've mindfucked every orc in the region but it won't let me conquer the fortress because "muh story missions".
Why do I have to rescue dumb coalburner twinks before I can conquer fortresses?

This game blows.

Wait a minute, nemesis forge? I'm in act 4 and I don't know what this is

Is it just me or are there just too many fucking Orcs? I mean, it´s fun most of the time, but you don´t get any room to breath.
>want to liberate Outpost
>orc commander is several levels above me
>he can also heal himself, really, really fucking quickly
>constant stream of orcs
>die when the commander has just

Which Diablo 2 mod is this?

who the fuck would play this for the story?

That is where all the difficulty is. You can win any 1v1 stupidly easy but the difficulty comes from literally endless orcs.
The best way to deal with this is getting the quick domination skill and spamming elatriel quests till you get shadow strike drain for instant mind control so you can force some breathing room

This is true. Shadow of Mordor was rife with this, just like the Arkham games, and the Assassin's Creed series.

Same problem with the first game.
Makes a second playthrough an absolute slog.

It's in Shadow of Mordor, it's free roam but you can see which orc is your strongest enemy and which is your strongest ally so you can powerlevel them up and import them into Shadow of War.

Show me a video. At that level, If you get hit by ONE arrow from a guy half a mile up you are almost dead. And he has at least six friends. The game isn't the hardest but it came become near impossible to evade everything, especially if you have an enraged captain.

>Be good at the game
>Can outskill and beat an enemy who outlevels you
This is good game design and more people should do it. The player's personal skill should always matter more than an arbitrary number level.
If retards like you were designing games then everything would be an endless grind for levels before getting to have any fun

So how do you make an orc legendary? Let him kill you enough times or...?

or buy a couple of goyboxes ;^)

>Dark souls is poorly balanced you can beat the whole game at level 1 with no armor and a broken sword

>right clicking because parrying can cancel any animation is skill
>infinite dodge rolls and invincibility is good game design

I like the game but the combat is shit dude

my boy from the first one. he's stronk and has a great story

Just use Cheat Engine then

That doesn't answer the question. Is there a way to 'make'a specific orc legendary

There's probably a part in the user agreement that says that cheating to get around the grind can get you banned or sued or whatever.

Yeah, so don't get fucking hit, its not hard. Your super epic slow mo bullet time on the bow makes it insanely easy to take out enemy archers, and they give you a nice little alert whenever they take a shot, so the only way you will ever get hit is if you stop paying attention. Also, just because the captain is high level doesn't mean the average mooks are. And if he enrages, you just dodge spam until it ends.
>it came become near impossible to evade everything
In general, this has never been my experience. The only time I found dodging projectiles difficult was when I got to Nurn and I was fighting a marksman, a captain that throws out stun bombs, and a fucking drake came flying in shooting fire all over the place.

Being good at a game should require practice and knowledge. I pirated this piece of shit and fucked around for a couple hours, and that's apparently the only prerequisite for skill? If the game is made so retards can skate through it, then how in the fuck is the average player going to derive any enjoyment from it?

There is only one ending. And no, you don't need lootboxes. Theoretically you need them for overpowered orcs to defend your fortress but by the end game you can quite literally raise the dead so you can just do everything yourself anyway

>playing dubbed

>being a cuck that doesn't like his own language

If you need microtransactions for convenience, then the game has not been optimized wrong in order to make you pay...........

By upping the difficulty slider

Are there really shills here? You have guys like this who will defend against every single complaint against a big name game for a month after it's release and then completely disappear after.
I don't know if they're actually paid, or just people/children riding a bandwagon until hopping on another one.

First off, i agree with you about the shallowness. However i think you just arent playing a game with the right mind set. In all honesty, if you want to be "skilled" so much then do something better than video games you fuxking donkey. When i want to develop skills i go to boxing and wrestling. Video games are for FUN

Yeah, I'd love to. Seems to max out at Nemesis, though. Maybe the devs will patch that bug.

>liking g*rm*n

Those are the two options available to you.
He should become legendary after killing you a few times.

Yes. Wait a few months for them to fuck off, then ask about the game. You can probably catch it on sale by then, too.

No, the combat system actually is bad and has no depth. But his logical justification for saying it was bad is that you can beat overleveled enemies which is a stupid statement that needed to be called out.
Grinding is bad, the combat in this game isn't great but his solution is worse

>being this cucked


Don't know about Germany, but listening to the same few monotone voice actors who only got the job due to nepotism is fucking shit.
You are dumb if you support this.
