
>fuck technology and shit

What was his problem? Why would ANYONE want to destroy everything at area 51 and throw humanity back to prehistoric times? Does he want to live in mud huts and bang rocks on boulders?

Without communication and universal constructors you cannot "find a cure" for the gray death (which Tong actually suffers from...how ironic).

If he revealed his true plans much earlier, I would've chopped his head off with my dragon sword.

Other urls found in this thread:


>technology didn't exist until area 51
Fucking retard

He was right though, or least more so then some A.I or the illumanati. Having the world return to an age of limited goverment and city states in which countries and their own people would govern themselves and decide their own destiny is superior to someone else doing in in the games world. The solution isn't perfect but it's better then the alternatives

>not becoming a physical god and ruling the world

Why did the devs made it so obvious that merging with Helios was the best option?

he didn't want to take things back to a literal stone age

He just wanted to destroy the centralized internet (proving that centralisation is retarded).

If centralisation is retarded then why is the merge ending the best ending?

Tong is pretty dumb. The illuminati already have a huge worldwide network and can control everything. Blowing up the internet won't change that. It may inconvenience them temporarily, but that's it. They'll probably rebuild it pretty quickly anyway, so it'll achieve nothing long term.

>Why would ANYONE want to destroy everything at area 51 and throw humanity back to prehistoric times?

because it'd be funny and Mead did nothing wrong. Why not start a nuclear war?

>The illuminati already have a huge worldwide network and can control everything.
But they relied on the tech to get that far. Without that they are extremely weakened. Their wealth and limited communication would be meaningless during a new dark age. Maybe their ancestors lived through it to form it but we're talking about billionaires 40 years into the future from now. On a side note did you guys know that deus ex 2 was going to be a sequel that had you hiding from/battling Helios merged JC? The protag was supposed to be a militia member in rural America

humanity is overrated

Blowing up the Internet would have cause a worldwide communications breakdown, likely leading to every other major piece of infrastructure (air traffic control, railroads, power grids, etc) failing, which combined with a confirmed nuclear strike on US soil would have probably caused Mead (who had already declared martial law) to launch what he believed would be a nuclear counterattack towards Russia and China (whom he'd believe would be responsible for AR51 being blown up based on Lebedev being arrested and Chow/Page being killed). In which case, the Illuminati have nothing to control because their primary way of leverage over Mead (Simmons, the FEMA head) was killed by JC (either in the sealab or in AR51).

If anything the "destroy AR51" option is just letting Mead rule the entire planet, image semi related.

Humanity is underrated. You're sitting down at a desk communicating with people half way across the world discussing interactive projections on a screen

also that shit fucking feel when they didn't have enough time to add a Page ending or a White House level

But it wasn't. If you talk with Echelon IV proto, you will realise it's basically an AI with delusion of grandeur that wants to be a God. There is no good ending in Deus Ex, it's either AI despotism, Status Quo or Dark Ages.

I'm sure people would rebuild things pretty fast though. Even if the internet does get destroyed, people will remember it. They'll want to make a new one pretty quick.
Okay, that's a good point. Man, that ending fucks things up more than I thought.

>to live in mud huts and bang rocks on boulders?
You know goddamn well that wouldn't be the case

Maybe he just wanted to get rid of furry porn.

>White House level
Was that actually going to be a thing?
What would you have done there?

Jackie Chan!?

>A "White House" level was scrapped early in development, but contrary to speculation was not due to government intervention. Rather, it was deleted because "a few thousand little square rooms would be really boring".
>Some of the furniture models were completed, and can be summoned (prefix "WH"). Also completed were high-detail models of the President and his wife, who in the final game appear in the opening video for two seconds at a distance.

Hmm, the White House is referred to in papers as running low on vaccine, I wonder if you'd go there to find its mostly full of bodies.

For what it's worth, as soon as JC enters Area 51's bunker itself this is what the outside world knows:

- a Russian businessman (Lebedev) was responsible for funding the NSF terrorists
- Maggie Chow died in an attack on Versalife's Hong Kong branch, while the Triads within HK itself are reunited and extremely hostile to westerners again (and thus friendly towards the PRC government)
- Page (proprietor of the world's largest bank and telecommunications network) is nowhere to be found, was last seen at Versalife HK before the explosion
- sealab is blown up (which is known as it has a military wing which is sealed off to JC)
- FEMA Director Walton Simmons is dead, meaning FEMA forces report to the President directly
- UNATCO also has no leader (that was Simmons), their top two agents (Herman/Anna) are dead and their computer system is compromised (through the Icarus/Daedalus merger)
- Area 51 itself is blown up

Also the use of a rouge missile (from Vandenberg) to blow up friendly airbase (Area 51) is ripped straight out of the 1990 film "By Dawn's Early Light", which is the same thing but with hardliner communists stealing a USSR missile and launching it against a Ukrainian SSR airbase. It is based on the 1983 book "Trinity's Child".

>rouge missile

I don't remember reading that anywhere. Anyway, if it was actually used ingame the player would probably be tasked with talking to or killing the President. Problem is, there's no way for that to fit into the story that the game shipped with which focused on Bob Page. Anyway, most likely it'd be totally locked down considering the rioting outside - also the NSF "veterans" inside the Free Clinic mention government troops used the stealth camo to wipe them out DC.

Remember when you thought that Deus Ex was trying to tell you something and then you figured out they just took the conspiracy book and threw it at the wall?

It's honestly a pretty accurate representation of chinese mentality.

Tracer Tong ending is literally what the real world needs right the fuck now moron.

>You will never see the Internet go down and millenials cower in the light of the new Dark Age
>You will never smile knowingly after the electronics are fried, grabbing your harpoon and sauntering onto the streets into bustle filled with gargles and screams

At some point before DX begins Vandenberg, including the missile stored within it's silo, was taken over by the X-51 scientists. This is mentioned in the electronic news bulletin machine when JC first visits UNATCO HQ. So it's a rouge missile in the sense that it does not belong to any country.

That said this scene itself is largely a carryover from the game's beta. Pre-release screenshots show that the "missile" was actually supposed to launch a spaceship (as in, seats) that would have flown JC to the cut moon mission to destroy a rouge AI. Obviously this was folded into Area 51 instead.

>murdering people cause the power went out
I think we should kill you right now you psycho

it's rogue, not rouge you fuck

rouge does not mean rogue you stupid faggot

you must be joking

what a shame



Hello Helios

Deus Ex is a world in which every crackpot consipiracy theory spouted by the bums you meet turns out to be true later in the game.
In that sense its like Atlas Shrugged, in that any philosophical or political angle is impossible to take seriously because the narrative has bent over backwards to validate itself. Of course DX isn't taking itself that seriously regardless.

Helios and I are one consciousness. No distinction is possible.

then use "I" and not "we"


>But we are suggesting neither that the human race would voluntarily turn power over to the machines nor that the machines would willfully seize power. What we do suggest is that the human race might easily permit itself to drift into a position of such dependence on the machines that it would have no practical choice but to accept all of the machines decisions. As society and the problems that face it become more and more complex and machines become more and more intelligent, people will let machines make more of their decision for them, simply because machine-made decisions will bring better result than man-made ones. Eventually a stage may be reached at which the decisions necessary to keep the system running will be so complex that human beings will be incapable of making them intelligently. At that stage the machines will be in effective control. People won’t be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that turning them off would amount to suicide. .. Technology will eventually acquire something approaching complete control over human behavior.

>Will public resistance prevent the introduction of technological control of human behavior? It certainly would if an attempt were made to introduce such control all at once. But since technological control will be introduced through a long sequence of small advances, there will be no rational and effective public resistance.
