New street fighter v character, zeku

New street fighter v character, zeku.


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also strider

Sick moves and super

So is that the lore now? Zeku is the first Strider?

>tfw still waiting for geese

wtf bros whats taking so long?!!

It would make sense, Final Fight SF and Strider are all in the same universe, and it's pretty cool.

Making an entire season of newcomers is just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard

No one gives a fuck about abigail ir menat or this guy

Ded gaem.

Call ir wishful thinking but I still want Dean from FF3


that was even more underwhelming than i imagined, and i had set pretty low standards already
he has some normals that i see from maki at least
either he doesn't have a bushin chain that even maki has or i just missed it
bang is a more fun ninja character than this guy

i like his theme, its got that 70s kung fu movie feel

Zeku is Guy's former teacher

Looks good

I don't get his transformations though. It's not his v-trigger, you can see that here In the full trailer he seems to change clothes during one of his aerial attacks. But I still don't get it.

>Zeku is the first Strider?

Thats my new headcanon

It's a stance change off of a special move

Pretty good. Music too; I'll give it up

How you show that fucking abigail retard at EVO and not this is beyond me

Seems like a stance switch. It's possible some moves, like the teleport into aerial, will automatically switch to the new stance.

Menat still the best character added in SFV so far.
Zeku is pretty neat though, probably second best assuming his gameplay isn't as degenerate as top tier characters in this game.

>sfa2 ending
>all super serious master like attitude
>gruff almost bang like ninja coming in like a squirrel

>capcom released whole season 2 cast while kekken has problems releasing one character for players

I'm just glad S2 is over. Besides Menat it was a shit show.

maybe its his v-skill? I mean the whole point of v-skills is that they're an important part of the characters playstyle for the most part and if stance changing isn't the biggest part of Zeku then I don't know what is

Good way to end S2, I guess. For those who really played the game Abigail and Menat were pretty fun while Ed and Kolin were meh tier. This looks to lean on the fun side with the stance change so that makes 4/6 of the S2 characters good in my book.

I know this guy has been in SF canon a long time ago but

>That fucking theme

He's a fucking strider, I'm hype as fuck!




Guess we'll have to wait for the blog post to get what his v-system consists of.

Its baby makin music is what it is

You want them to take the entirety of his personality from a few lines of dialogue in the SFA2 ending? It's not even like he was clowning around that much in the trailer. The little bits of dry humor like sitting on his opponent are very "old kung-fu master" like.

>SFV is still getting support
Just cut your losses and make a new game.

Agreed. Hopefully S3 will have more balance between veterans and potential newcomers.

I knew something was off with the Ibuki intro, could've sworn they changed the camera work and lighting. Idk maybe I haven't played in a while.

Oh that's why they showed off those two. Is there a comparison shot?

They look the same to me. Any improvement is subtle.

>I'm just glad S2 is over. Besides Menat it was a shit show.

Youre right user, from

-Akuma's Lionmane

-Kolin's Face and weak silhouette reveal that everyone guessed from day one

- Buff ED and EDs controls

- Abigail's everything

Its been pretty lackluster. At least Menat is ok hopefully Zeku doesn't play like shit

>Just cut your losses and make a new game.
They can't.
MVCI failed harder than SF5.

Is this game finally worth it right now or should I wait yet another year before finally dipping in? Be honest

capcom announced while back that sfv gets supported by sony to 2020.

On half the budget of SFV's DLC

comeback mid season 3 as again

So, will they have a Season 3 set of characters?

So now there is no chance for Guy right? 3 ninjas in one game is a lot

So they're just moey hatting DLC so Capcom can't make a new game?

This is a new low, for even Sony.

Yes and they all will be returning characters

They did its called Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite and its actually worse.

Speaking of him. Why isn't he in?
Too busy crying after Rose?

In January they're releasing Arcade edition, which is the same game, just with S1 and S2 included, so you don't have to earn or pay for the characters. It will be 40 bucks.

It's pretty good now, yes, and there's lots if content, and some of the best training material in any of these fighting games, besides Skullgirls.

Cody is cooler anyway

Most likely, probably with a couple more of fan favourites like Sagat to raise the interest.

Dead or Alive gets away with 5 ninjas.

>wanted Guy and Yang to return
>this Zeku trailer
It's not Guy, but it's close, goddamn it. I fucking dig it.

Season 3:
>C. Viper

>constantly want old chars butchered in SFV instead of new fresh chars wich will fill the rooster nicely with "new" ideas.

The FGC everybody

I meant another Street Fighter.
MvC:I plays better
Both are still shit though

Still no Haggar in a SF game.

You should wait until SFV AE drops (january), for the most cost effective purchase. You'd have all the characters from the start and it'll cost like 40$.
Also there will be lots of balance changes and new mechanics, so we'll see how those turn out.

Dead or Alive gets away with a lot of stuff

Looks pretty cool tbqhfamlam

Don't even play Street Fighter, might pick Arcade edition on sale now.

>Waste new ideas on a shity game
The only winners in SFV are the ones who get paid.

It's going to be Roxy

Wouldn't mind it. we already have the returning characters from 3S/Alpha, we have characters from Final Fight, we just need the originals to comeback. I'd take Sagat, Honda, Sakura, and if they can, Sodom. I want that to happen.

Theyll never do half new and half old shit shitter

If you decide to get it at least wait until Arcade Edition. Some of the complaints are just memes or the problems are exaggerated (there are problems, but all SF games had problems).

The biggest issue that got everybody to ride the hate train was the lack of content at launch with a $60 price tag. People will never not be salty about that, even though it's not even an issue anymore.

What's happened to our guy Mike Ross anyway?

Sakura is still going to be her schoolgirl uniform.

basically confirmed
>c. viper
deconfirmed by trustworthy leaker
what the fuck man
eh, unlikely, but who knows with capcom these days
mah man
as long as waifu fags shut up, i'm happy

what about cody tho, this is blonde fighter v after all, no?

>Foxy grandpa ninja
season 2 started as a disaster with Kolin and Ed but got way better with chadigail, menat and now zeku

>hating Dan
Saikyo-ryu is the strongest

Zeku is coming in the 24th why would season three updates be present

>C. Viper
They gave her moveset to 2 new characters in V. She's not coming back. Yes, I'm unhappy with that.
I'd like this. Fuck Ed and Boxer.
>No Hakan
Fucking up.
>No Yang
Double fucking up.

Finally a new cool character

And we love it for it.

for the trailer

That's so boring. There needs to be at least one or two "wasn't in SF4" characters.

It's not wasted if they return in a good game and S3 might fix some issues with the two v-triggers ans a real arcade mode (after two fucking years)

Viper should stay home and be a family mom. She got a kid to take care of.

started playing ggxrd and vanished from social media

he said he'd rather play sf4 championship edition (the one on the phone) than sfv

>Capcom slowly builds up to their own shared universe
I'm okay with this.

>No c.viper


He doesn't like SFV.

I like that he’s essentially two characters, but a problem with all these season long new characters is that their announcements don’t bring any real hype. I think back to the lead up to SSFIV, with Juri’s trailer, the duds/Ibuki/Mak reveal, and Hakan’s brilliant trailer.

What happened to that personality in presentation?

Got exposed after SSF4 but the truth is I think he got sick of the FGC I mean look at Gootecks now

>not liking Kolin
love her ice fighting style and her story costume fixes everything.
also she is a parry godess and had a really fun defensive game.

As usual, the default costume is as ugly as possible. Capcom really wants your money.

I like this.

I actually prefer his default to the others.

They need to change their voice announcer too. He sounds rushed and unexcited.

Games generally speaking don't have that level of distinction anymore. It's much more cut and dry. It's almost like making video games is just a job now.

I don't get this, does he transition between two personalities or something?

I hope they stylize more of the CA in this game.

Gief's and Juri's CA are pretty bad compared to some of the cast


And now we get a whole year of old characters huh?

Yeah, he transforms.

They don't have the money for it. Remember when they announced Alex and didn't even release a trailer for him until about an hour before he came out? I'm thinking they weren't even given a budget for trailers until people complained about it.

''Wow ninja man''
''Whoa he's fast and reminds me of guy''
''Yahoo he's even got a Strider costume''
''Capcom is so great and has outdone themselves again''
''My god I can't contain my excitement''

>Fei Long
>Evil Chun-li