Which one was better?
Which one was better?
Demon Souls.
the PC versions
I have this game on PS4 Pro. Got it for free with all dlc from a friend.
Should I instead pay money and buy for my PC?
I personally prefer 1, but that's because it was the first I played with the intent of completing it. Demons souls was great but I never got through the entire thing. I just got bored.
Dark souls 1 was incredibly difficult to get past once you beat O&S, took me well over a month to get through the absolute slog of collecting the lordsouls, just because I'd get bored of the shit level design and boring grind of enemies. But I completed it, and I loved it. The PVP was fantastic too. Hours upon hours I spent in the forest.
dark souls 2 felt more stable throughout. Not nearly as high as dark souls highs, but it never once came close to dark souls' lows either.
dark souls 3 just felt like dark souls 1 again. It wasn't bad, but it had some real bad parts, and they make the game as a whole feel much worse.
dark souls 3 has no pro support so it doesn't really matter. Just some stabilization with boost mode enabled. Helps your framerate not dip as much in road of sacrifices.
Dark Souls 2 obviously
You might have less meme answers if you tried 2 vs 3. No one here legitimately thinks 3 can even be compared to DS1.
Dark Souls 3 struggles to maintain 45 FPS on PS4 Pro, even with the patch that removes the fps cap.
I personally prefer the PS3 cases, they're more aesthetically pleasing. The PS4 game cases are just generic and poorly designed in comparison.
Dark Souls 3 of course. Lightyears ahead of DaS in every way except world design.
Dark souls 1 easily.
FROM doesn't really do sequel titles very well, all their best stuff is usually original titles. Using bloodbornes engine and barely even modifying it for 3 was also a mistake.
I do
I like him, we share similar views. That recent statement was pretty out there though.
Dark Souls 2 is the worst.
Dark Souls 1 is the best.
Dark Souls 3 is meh.
Demon Souls literally no one played.
This but unironically
What does 3 do better though? Ofcourse next to graphical changes and all that? The level design in 3 is linear as fuck, the story is bland, there is barely any mystery to the game (granted 2 barely had that too)
BOTH 2 and 3 SUCK dick, the only good ones are DeS, DaS, and BB.
Dark Souls 1 because I'm a nostalgia fag.
Literally everything in DaS2 and DaS3 is better than in DaS, except for world design. DaS is OBJECTIVELY the worst.
Darks souls 2 DLC is the best stuff in the series though.
I'll agree that the base game is shit though
and I have to add, DaS kind of falls apart near the end, also becoming pretty linear.
how young are you?
demon souls when it first came out was the best times on Sup Forums
DkS1 >= DeS >>> BB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DkS3=DkS2
you forgot that it's actually fun to play, both single and multiplayer.
Who truly cares about lore in a game if it's objectively worse to play than a different game?
Someone ban this underageboi.
I was being serious user. Everything is better and more polished in DaS3.
I was going to agree with you, but then I saw that you're a Danganronpa fan, which is a garbage series that only the mentally handicapped find any enjoyment in.
>The level design in 3 is linear as fuck
You're talking about WORLD design. Individual level design in DaS3 obliterates everything From has done so far. It's the world design that's shit. Also, the "linear is bad" meme. Bloodborne is even more linear than DaS3 and that doesn't stop it from being the best soulsborne game.
>the story is bland
It's the same as always
>there is barely any mystery to the game
How exactly is 1 more mysterious than 3?
DaS3 has better gameplay, better bosses, better weapons, better waifus, weapon arts, better locations, better movesets, better dialogues, so, you know, everything relevant is better than in DaS.
>the only good ones are DeS, DaS, and BB.
Only good ones are DeS, sotfs, DaS3 and BB.
Dark Souls is a mixed bag of quality, the first half might be the best first half in any video game I've played whereas the rest ranges from pretty bad to great (counting DLC). Overall I still think it's a great time, with lots of fun to be had.
Dark Souls 3 maintains a consistent overall quality of pretty good, with only one or two areas ranging into either bad or great each. Overall it's pretty good, I like it well enough.
Like any Souls game; whichever one you played first.
I played all the games in release order and DaS3 is better than DaS imo.
having to fix ds1 before being able to enjoy it is ind of a pain
I'm close to finishing my first playthrough of bloodborne, which is also my first souls game. Will I enjoy dark souls 3 as a standalone game as much as bloodborne? Will I at least have some idea about what's going on in the game (DaS 3 alone, not the entire series)?
Can't play DaS at the moment because I don't own a PC