>You still don't own a Nintendo Switch
Im waiting for a nice colour scheme edition or a non Jew bundle
Daily- I mean hourly nintendo-furry shilling thread?
You people are truly mentally ill
Because I don't give a shit about portability or playing 720p/30FPS last generation ports
Not a single game interests me. I grew outta Nintendo a long time ago. It's got BUTCHER, but I already own it.
Feels like someones trying to sell me something
nintendo games don't appeal to me. try not to chimp out at this post.
Shills aren't real. He's extremely autistic.
>nutendos first party titles don't interest me
>every port is an ugly 30fps 720p hack job that's entire selling point is "muh portability"
>baby hand controls, want a real controller? That'll be $60 plus tip :^)
I do.
Got it for free as a donation from a Twitch viewer of mine and it came with three games.
No, the Nintendo Switch™ is a fun console for adults,children and families and is now available for purchase at msrp at select locations. That's all user
Can't find a cheap one. They are all sold out and I can only get from scalpers that sell for nearly 40% profit.
Just not enough interest in the games for now. Already got Zelda on the Wii U and I’m still getting good milage from my 3DS. Also I’m not that competitive so the multiplayer focused games don’t grab me as much like Pokken or Splatoon 2, and I already played Mario Kart 8 on Wii U. Odyssey looks nice but it’s just not enough for me, especially since I have a friend with the Switch allowing me to try the games.
but I do have one op
Wtf are you such a mature gamer such as yourself
>2h Battery life
I already have one, you whore.
>They are all sold out and I can only get from scalpers that sell for nearly 40% profit.
Nigga my store has 14 gray and 10 neon. Fuck off with that lie
But I already own one, user.
>Being so poor that you're a livestreamed beggar and then attempt to brag about your homeless gains on an indochino wine tasting forum
Not enough interesting games for me to play on it.
Went through BotW on Wii U.
Waiting for XC2.
Come to Japan and check yourself nigger.
pls don't chimp out. I just don't want to play nintendo games and it has nothing to do with how mature or childish they are.
I already have one, you whore.
Is LEGO Worlds good? I played both of the LEGO Star Wars games on the GameCube a decade or so ago and remember them being really fun. Is Worlds a similar experience?
Bought mine yesterday and very happy with it.
I’m waiting to see what Pokemon is like and maybe a revamp if they’re doing it.
>I don't wanna play shitty ports of games released in 2011
>I don't care about the portability gimmick because I don't wanna play a full fledge 30 hour game in 10 minute bursts while on my commute to work
>I already played the only game I was interested in, Breath othe Wild on my PC using an emulator
That being said, I will probably pick one up in 6 years for $125 when there has been revision on the console and an actual library of games, and then pirate all the games.
I just got a job dude. I wanna buy a PS4 first, and I still want to play the other Zelda games first before I get into BotW.
Filthy pirate. I bet you buy Sony games.
Not enough on it to really pull me over to it yet. I have BotW on WiiU and I'm not buying a new console just for Splatoon and Mario.
Pretty fun if you just wanna mess around with different Lego sets, build shite and all that other good stuff.
>Having viewers who enjoy watching me play games and I get free shit for it.
All fun for me.
I have a Switch but no games.
Should I get Golf Story or Stardew Valley?
but regular gray joycons already exists
im not 10
nintendo won
Let me guess, you like flashy colors because you're a manchild/baby?
You should get Breath of the Wild
I was planning on buying it this christmas along with a n2dsxl but i heard that they will have paid online, so i changed me mind
Shouldn't you be telling me your sales pitch first?
I already have and played Breath of the Wild.
Let me guess. You're a girl? Or atleast a trap?
>all that rehashing and ports with only one original game
Oh boy I sure am inclined to run out and blow four hundred dollareedoos on that.
Still waiting on either 7 released worthwhile true exclusives (ie, not enhanced Wii U ports) or hacking/piracy. Also, I promised myself that my next video game hardware purchase would be building a PC, which I'm almost at the point where I can do it
Whoops, he said Switch not xbone
How do you do to fix their shitty error like "the connection is unstable", because I have a pretty good Wifi and the game doesn't stop to have this error
Use the Wii u Ethernet adapter
I'm not retarded nor am I a manchild.
You're also poor
A lot of people don't. They know it's a kiddy tablet with no games and choose the superior option.
Nope. Just a normal British lad who's playing through his back catalogue of games.
There are other things I want to buy first. Like groceries, a new pair of headphones, or PC games
Maybe I'd prioritise a 300£ switch if it could make my life better somehow
>4 year old console outselling a brand new one
Holy fuck those Vita sales....
>PS4 pro is 4 years old
I am a poorfag.
>the xBone is still being outsold by the gimmickclam
holy kek
I never liked Zelda and I can always play botw on pc. I stopped playing Mario when I was 9. There are no other games on the Switch.
I fail to see why I'd spend 300 Yurop coins for something I'll never use.
I was at the store ready to buy one, but then when I looked at the games the only ones I saw that I would be interested in playing right now was Rabbids Kingdom and MK8, maybe Breath of the Wild. I couldn't justify the purchase for the lack of library.
Because i bought a wii u in 2016
Splatoon 2 employs the most cancerous way to do multiplayer: p2p. So your internet can be perfect yet still get disconnected. At the very least, it usually only happens post-match and in the lobby.
I appreciate rational posters like you. Keep up the legit discussion and lack of shitflinging.
t. Switch owner
>cheapest console
>third worlders playing FIFAstation 4
This the vast majority of your install base and you know it, roach.
It’s like $20 bucks a year.
No games I want to play.
Also shit materials along with low powered hardware.
There's a lot of great indies in the eshop. Only a few games are coming out with physical versions, that's why the selection appears so small.
Why should I own a console that doesn't have a single game that I want to play?
When theres a revised, more powerful model, until then the n2dsxl is looking nice with some homebrew on it.
waiting for black friday
no way in hell im spending 350 usd (price in my country) for two or three games
>can't put images from pc to switch
>can't even alter images
>no way to put porn on switch
The main reason is that It doesn't have a lot of games that interest me enough to justificate the purchase
Other reasons are
>It has paid online and i dont want to pay for yet another online functionality
>The games it gives pale in comparison to the amount i get on my ps consoles
>Games are way more expensive in my region than other consoles and PC
>Game's prices almost never go down and sales are quit shitty
>The peripherals are also quite expensive and i don't want to pay extra to use a normal controller. At least it is nice that the option is there though.
>I never buy early units because of the high chance of coming with problems.
I'll probably get one to pirate some games or emulate other shit if i feel like it.
Xbone at least has MODERN bethesda games
Can't you download images to your Switch via Facebook or something? I think you can get away with stealthy uploading, downloading, and deleting porn on a new facebook account with no friends.
Waiting for them to release the virtual console, and if it doesn't feature at least up till Gamecube games, then I won't get the console.
Get ready for the desperate response.
"Only le epic gore and mature content for me le enlightened adult gamer!"
*Tips le fedora*
But did FPBP lie, tho?
>What is Doom and Wolfenstien II for $500, Alex?
Prime 4 isn't out yet.
Was it necessary for you to even come into this thread and post this?
We get it dude your not a Nintendo fan.
Is arms or Mario xcom the one you're saying is original?
Give me Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA 5, DB Fighters Z, Resident Evil 7 and I'LL BUY A SWITCH
>wanting to play Rockstar games on anything but PC
You're never getting the first one. Probably never getting Resident Evil 7. The others are plausible, especially GTA V as it was released on PS3/XB360.
I want Splatoon joycons but I also don't want to pay that much money for them
>IM not getting this new console with new games if they won't let me pay to play 25+ year old games on it
don't care about the nintendo games except zelda, which i have for wii u. wolfenstein, skyrim and doom are fun games but also on pc, still waiting for a real nintendo exclusive.
>already have BotW on Wii U
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Metroid Prime 4
This is shaping up to be another disappointment like the Wii U
Call me when it actually gets some games
I have a PC. With it, I can play thousands of games. And if I'm not feeling like games, I can watch netflix, or endlessly browse wikipedia for random articles, or watch porn, or shitpost on Sup Forums for (You)'s.
>but you cant do that while out and about!
True, but I can do it naked. Stalemate Nintentoddlers.
no money
my brother bought me the cartridge, pro controller, sd card, and a usb to ethernet adapter, I just can't afford the switch between bills and other shit that comes up ;_;
Same reason I don't own a PS4.
Because all of its games are ports and I need more than a new Mario to convince me to buy one.
>PCfats will never ever get RDR or RDR2
>This is shaping up to be another disappointment like the Wii U
The desperation.
I've never had a N64 console, gamecube or Wii. I'd love to try out the libraries for these consoles.
>Implying most PCfarts don't own a 360
>Playing RDR on PS3
>Implying Rockstar is retarded enough to not delay the PC port again and make idiots double dip.
Hope you are ready for another 3hour long youtube video of assblasted consolebabbies trying to damage control the announcement of the definitive version of RDR2 for PC
Pick up one of the old Wii's, not one of those new, miniaturized bullshit models. Then you can play Wii and GameCube game discs, and you can definitely hack it easily.