Marina's time will be soon upon us

Marina's time will be soon upon us.




>tfw furries got BTFO
Feels good. Finally won a splatfest and it was the greatest victory yet.


Maybe now people will stop complaining about how the popular choice is a handicap.

It's over. Splatfests are completely one sided now. DEAD GAME!

It just saddens me how unbalanced its been. I'm a Pearlfag here and it ain't fun if PEarl wins everytime.

Marina's good look basically attarcted all the shit players so I guess this'll keep happening.

This time it was because Marina's team had all the furfags.

I don't understand, I thought furries were king in Spla2n?


why couldn't we do the toilet paper. i picked werewolf because i didn't want to be some 90 year old poof

Yeah that's how Splatfests worked, even in the first game.

Toilet paper could have been closer and more interesting I think. Shame we get the basic safe categories.

>playing Salmon Run
>completely random weapons
>get Grizzco Brella

I'm in love guys

If Marina didn't have that ugly piercing i'm sure she would have more fans.

I love how it doesn't even actually have an umbrella part. Mr. Gizz is too busy making mass murdering devices to care.


Get back to work!

It hurts real bad that werewolves lost but at least pirates destroyed Ninjas last Halloween splatfest

B-b-but Ninja's won the popular vote!

>win %72 of the popular vote

How bad did they suck?

>missed another splatfest


Ninja Vs. Barbarian's in the EU Splatfest was even more of a landslide if I remember correctly.

Literally the Clinton's of the Splatoon world.

It really seemed like ninjas was populated entirely by the worst by the players out there. No other splatfest has been as fun as destroying those fags

Same wins but barbarians were the least popular option in all of splatfest history

That was a given though since it was people trying to be sneaky vs people actually pushing to cover turf

The moral of the story is ninjas are really bad at paintball.

>tfw missed the splatfest entirely because i went to go see family and forgot my switch


this desu, she looks like a whore. white skin would help too.

>>How bad did they suck?
as bad as Hillary

Holy shit Grizzco Brella?

I need to hop for this shift

How did the toilet paper one end anyways?

It's basically a rapid fire shot gun with the actual umbrella function removed.

If you win the final round with it the inkling just spins around the umbrella shot gun which is kinda funny.

Is that a custom sprite? Never seen it before.

>marina's first anal.png


It must be really embarrassing to be a Marinafag at this point.

It always has been.

Well at least they won the cake one.

When the only people playing it were playing the demo.

Front roll won. The popularity was rough 75/25.

I like Marina more than Pearl, but Marina has such shit taste I can't handle it.

The Russians hacked it like Pokemon Go

>constantly bully Pearl
>lose 3 Splatfests in a row

Marina got what she deserved.

She probably also pissed off Mr. Grizz with that shill game line during his paid advertisements.

It devolved into one piece vs Naruto. I always picked Marie but had to go pirate that one


>They make her Marie 2.0
>But she isn't playful and sarcastic just downright mean spirited
>Total Bitch
>play on Pearl's side every time out of spite
>Haven't lost a splatfest for my cinnamon roll yet
>Feels good man

If Mr. Grizz wanted to end someone's career or life I'm quite sure he has the power and influence to do it. (Don't tell him i said this)

The motherfucker is a bear. Not a humanoid bear creature, just a straight-up bear in a suit. he could end all of Inkopolis Square if he wanted.

Mr. Grizz would NEVER do something like that! Don't talk about the boss that way!

Well Marina already changed what she says in the Grizzco ads so she's probably at least been given a warning.

Mr. Grizz is probably smart enough to realize she's an octoling unlike the inklings and could just use that to blackmail her if he wanted.

Is that a euphemism for "live murder"?

I need more Salmon Run art, Sup Forums.

Hard to play the game with one hand on your dick, fucking furries are too busy masturbating and drawing their shitty fursonas to get good.

Who woulda thought? Werewolves are shit. Not to mention they attract the cancer that are furrys.

Sucks for anyone who just likes werewolves and got stuck with the furrys.