Sony allegedly FIRES sexually harrassed ND employee, PAYS to keep him QUIET

"In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward. 1/

In February 2016 I had a mental breakdown at work & Sony Playstation HR became involved. When I told them about the harassment they... 2/

...ended the call and fired me the next day. They cited the company was moving in a different direction and my job was no longer needed. 3/

They tried to silence me by offering $20,000 if I signed a letter agreeing to the termination as well as to not discuss it with anyone. 4/

I declined to sign. I have been unemployed for 17 months since. When interviewers ask why I left Naughty Dog, I say I was burned out... 5/ the crunch, ashamed to get to the root of the problem of being sexually harassed. 6/

I'm speaking out now because of the strength I've seen in others coming forward about their experiences in the TV/Film industry. 7/

This is the hardest thing I've ever done. I will not let anyone kill my drive or love for the video game industry, my passions or life. /END"


Absolutely APPALLING behavior from Sony. Anyone who owns any Sony products should immediately destroy them and boycott the company

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Why is every sjw a sexual predator?

First they rape Ape Escape and now this

>Why is every sexual predator a sjw
so they can keep living their degenerate lifestyle

NAUGHTY dog heh

Hopefully this will make sure the next Neo-ghty Dog games will not get 10/10s and Sony will actually have to push back to the front some of its real IPs like Ape Escape, Medievil or Wild Arms.

What do you expect from sonybros? They're fucking animals desu, not surprised their god is as well

how the fuck can you sexually harass a dude?

I like you. You have this cute hope that Sony cares for those games beyond a Facebook post going "wow _____ came out __ years ago! Who else played this gem?"


Where is the proof that it really happened?

>all of that drama-speak

I hope that he doesn't find another job. Also, we need to kill the welfare state.

what a pussy

>I got raped as a man
>mental trauma

are you fucking gay or something? what kind of faggots do they employ there

He was not raped, he was sexual harassed meaning someone grabbed his ass

>implying we need proof to get outraged
just stfu, stop asking question, and get mad

How do I become the office's bitch, Sup Forumsros?

There's not really an incentive for a male to make it up like with women.

He/She deseerved it.

Wait. How can a guy be sexually harassed?

>Here's some of the art assets I have finished up boss
>Wow, they look great Dan! *pats shoulder*

Basic deflection/projection.
Look at Weinstein.

>reddit spacing

Maybe they grabbed his dick.

No surprise
Naughty Dogs is SJW as fuck. Here is hoping that this SJW trend will just crash and burn

4 the PAYERS

I have no reason to believe any of this happened and even if it did, it will not impact my purchase decisions in the slightest.

>some whore gave me a blowjob without my consent
>i tell my boss and i get fired, and they offer me 20k to stfu
>instead of taking the money, i leave and say nothing so nobody finds out
>almost a year later i suddenly cry out on twitter like a little bitch to let everyone know

holy fuck

Based Sony literally buttfucking its employees and then firing them.

shit everyone’s getting some but me

>there's something wrong with free cummies from your boss

Maybe that's the whole point of this. The moment both sides are going to claim SEXUAL HARRASSMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the moment people will stop giving a fuck entirely.

Hahahaha fucking pussy

sounds familiar

What would you do if someone sexually harassed you Sup Forums?

Didn't nintendo hire a literal prostitute lmao?


Blackmail them.

>tfw Nintendo and Microsoft don't employ sexual harassers

Depends if it's a cute girl or an american landwhale

my only form of human contact

I would succ the promotion out of him

good strategy sony to cut costs

gee maybe because of the kneejerk retardation evident in this very thread




>Nice dick, bro
>Would suck
As if proof is needed nowadays. All you need to say is "it happened."

>the current state of SJW
Will they ever kill themselves one day?

Pretty sad
Its always problematic if a male cones forward about it, faggots in this thread prove it.

Hope he gets the closure he's after

Is that the crimson chin?

>Hope he gets the closure he's after

Anal closure, hopefully.

Tat's the assistant writer of Bioware's upcoming game: anthem

>all the companies run by Jews is filled with rape and sexual harassment
>the Jewish execs are the ones raping

Really makes you think huh? A white guy is a rapist if he smiles at a woman or if he pees standing up or if he sits with his legs spread but Jews and non-whites can literally rape women and be protected.

>all these new blatant consolewar threads hidden under not video games threads
Cool, rad. Glad they keep being posted.

Prolly a fag boss.
I had a similar thing happen with my manager at one of the big banks here.
I broke up with my gf and the Gaylord decided to start texting me, asking me out etc. Then he would invite me in for all sorts of 1on1 meetings.
When I turned him down and told him I wasn't into guys he made my working life hell.
Fags are worse than women when it comes to being rejected etc.






If it happened, I want him to have closure.
But what's with people thinking twitter is the fucking police? If you were sexually assaulted/harassed, then Twitter only serves as a personal army, nothing else. Go to the fucking police.
Even Sup Forums learned early on that we can't be some random fuck's personal army by enticing us with lulz or justice or whatever. Go to the proper authorities.


For some reasons, Canada is full of SJWs. Is it because of the climate?

Would get super depressed and write a blog about how much of a victim I was explaining why I am such a coward and did not come forward until it was the most convenient time to get attention or pity from other people.

fuck bitches and get money

Are you upset that Sony is at fault?

>Is it because of the climate?

cry more. he wasn't raped or anything, and they were going to pay him since he was too weak to do anything at the very moment he got touched. is not an adult? is he not a man?

1k for a cup of the nuts? sure thing. but no, wait two years to gather "courage" to finally cry on twitter....

this is bad?

Or there's just better at keeping it quiet


Won't happen because I'm ugly.

Those aren't SJWs

>I couldn't hack the hard work so I had a meltdown and got fired, but now that baseless accusations are being entertained by everyone it turns out I was literally RAPED

Powerful, and really made me think.

Sup Forums doesn't need proof when it comes to Sony. It'll be funny if it turns out to be bullshit and he is mentally ill

>>tfw Nintendo and don't employ sexual harassers
>He doesn't remember Alison Rapp

>naughty dog employee
yeah nothing of value was lost

It's sad how retarded you are. If you chimp out and assault him congrats, you've not only lost your career but you will be blacklisted throughout the entire industry.

The lead can now sweep his sexual assault completely under the rug and not only fuck you physically but career-wise as well. That's why people like even Terry Crews don't do shit when they're assaulted. You have a family to feed.

I couldn't give less of a shit who is at fault. This is a trend. Look at weinstein and bill cosby and trump. Someone actually comes forward claiming rape/harassment, then suddenly 50 other people come out and say they were assaulted too and everyone but the mailman knew it was going on. I'm not condoning the predatory behavior, but the only way to get it to stop is to let people know it is going on while it is going on instead of waiting for the person to victimize other people because you did not want to be inconvenienced with the hassle of telling people you were harassed.

It isnt all of Canada, just white 20 somethings in Toronto.

>All these "Why didn't he talk when it happened" posts

These are the kinda posts that tell me these people don't really get how the world truly works.
Especially if it's your superior.

Didn't she work on Andromeda?


Sounds like he's just trying to get back at them for firing him.

Unless they grabbed me by my dick I imagine I wouldn't even notice people making an aggressive pass at me. I'm pretty oblivious to this sort of thing.

He didn't take the money, instead he stayed unemployed to nearly two years. Why?

Rape them

im not sure what would count as sexual harrassment, i have very high tolerance
put i woulf probably just punch the fucker

what a fug i mean you

>When interviewers ask why I left Naughty Dog, I say I was burned out.

Dude isn't even employed there anymore, what does he have to fear? Getting fired again? Try harder next time.

No she didn't. She is working on Anthem as assisstant writer.

you are wrong
he was fired the next day, so he can do anything and his (ex)superior cant do shit

this is all just for attention

feminist detected

>OP says it's Sony instead of naughty dog for extra hook

>get fired
Oh no if I speak now my ex-boss could fire me again!

Same. I've had a girl chase me around for an entire year and every time I thought, "she's just being a friend. I'm too retarded to see the subtleties and this is what female friends act like."
Nope. She actually wanted me. One day I told her good morning, she kissed me and told me she wanted me. Couldn't have made it clearer. We're still together.

You already know the answer squid
money hungry sjw btfo.

slap their ass to establish dominance.

You'd be surprised

>Fags are worse than women when it comes to being rejected etc.
Most fags are used to the concept of their crushes being off limits... they usually handle rejection just fine.

I was going to buy an xbone for RDR2, but after reading this thread I will jump on the Sony train for sure.

What? You think she's actually telling the truth? You don't just get sexually harrassed, complain about it, get fired and then stay quite for SEVENTEEN MONTHS, while all the evidence for the case blows away with nothing left.

Think about it, you'd be outraged about it, wouldn't you? Plus it's a lawcase that wouldn't lose, you've just gotten a golden ticket to sue a big triple A company like Sony for all they're worth. So why doesn't she? Is it because she feels so scared to come out, is it because she thinks no one would believe her :( or maybe just maybe she was let go due to incompetence and is now lying about a sexual harassment case to get back at them? With the current political climate she can get away with it too.

Honestly if you unironically believe her you're actually below the 90 IQ threshold and are clinically retarded.

no more hugs will

It seems like he did something extremely stupid during his "metal breakdown" if they fired him the day after.

Crazy women or gay men

You REALLY don't know how the industry works, do you? Retaliation is a scary thing. If you say shit about a company you previously worked at, you're risking your career. They can and will sue you into the ground and it doesn't even matter if you're right. You will be buried underneath legal costs.

That's just the obvious costs too. Word spreads like wildfire and soon you become too much 'trouble' to hire. You gain a reputation.

He's a guy, so nothing will happen.