Lets FFA in Quake Champions
i want to see how trash you all are
Lets FFA in Quake Champions
Other urls found in this thread:
>game so dead you have to ask Sup Forums for players
i dont have to at all, i want to see how trash you are
>FFA with no weapons on spawn
Literally the worst game mode in shooter history.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Is it out/in open beta?
I think you'll find Project 1v1 to be a true test of skill
early access. f2p model coming early 2018
The artist is Splashbrush
no thanks
fight me on q3_dm17 faggot
stop taunting these Sup Forumsermins user
her tits would smash their limp dicks
theres that word again
>MEMEST yard
>t overwatch player
>her gremlin side makes her more cute
faggots, not wanting the best girl after she booted her autistic junkie boyfriend
>early 2018
Can someone explain how new Unreal is still in pre-alpha when QC is nearly finished?
>Dat ass
>Dem legs
>Dem Cleavage
only the 80's rollerball punk hair kills it..
QC still has some work to be done but yeah its miles ahead of UT4
slash is a cute
I mean it baffles me that a new fucking Unreal Tournament, the game after they named most popular engine is probably being handled by 3 interns while shit like Fortnight and Lawbreakers pushed instantly
wait a sec, that's not a Nyx!
UT is an actual arena shooter while Quake Champions is an Overwatch clone
let's ffa in quake live, i don't play trash games
so you can play with loadouts?
please, go fuck yourself! poorfag
there aren't loadouts in ql anymore?
If you wanna argue like that you should know in UT there are only 3 niggers and a lizard
Also this
Then play overwatch, bethdrone
>Quake champions models can be Ripped alrerady for SFM
>No Nyx, Slash or even Sorlag R34 YET
God dammit Sup Forums, raid NOW IS THE TIME!
>t. poorfag faggot who sucks at QL and uses aimhacking
I dont even play OW m80
Keep shilling tho
I would but I'm at work at the moment. Sorry senpai
They really want Quake to die so they can step back and say "We knew this IP had no chance.".
What a braindead comment
>No Nyx, Slash or even Sorlag R34 YET
There is/was a Quake thread in /aco/.
So is there a classic mode yet or what?
Played my very first game today from the Humble Monthly version. Got dumped into a game with people with 200+ ping, the UI is a complete clusterfuck. The full game still costs 20 if you want all the Champions over Ranger and BJ.
Once hunter gets released in QC everyone will do it
for now, they are lazy enough to draw her
that's modern games for you. we need a crash.