Mario Odyssesy will boost the Switch to over 100 million by the end of its life cycle

Mario Odyssesy will boost the Switch to over 100 million by the end of its life cycle.

The switch is right behind the Wii even with stock issues and people waiting for Mario.

Switch Vs. Wii Global:

Gap change in latest month: 236,047 – Wii

Total Lead: 687,529 - Wii

Switch Total Sales: 6,078,757

Wii Total Sales: 6,766,286

August 2017 is the 6th month that the Nintendo Switch has been available for. During the latest month the gap grew in favor of the Wii by 236,047 million units. The Wii is currently ahead of the Switch by 687,529 units.

The Wii launched in November 2006, while the Nintendo Switch launched in March 2017. The Switch has sold 6.08 million units, while the Wii sold 6.77 million units during the same timeframe.

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>stock issue
Stop this meme

It just started being in stock. From March to September it was hard to get.

>Mario Odyssesy will boost the Switch to over 100 million by the end of its life cycle.

Monster Hunter World would've done that, but you lost it.

No one cares about that neckbeard grind fest

Sorry, but outside of Japan, Monster Hunter is pretty niche.

Mario sells over 7 million at the very least. It can easily get to 20+ million.

>getting my Switch in two weeks
I’m too excited. I feel like a kid again, waiting for the Wii to come out

God I’m old
Monster Hunter wouldn't even make Nintendo's list of best selling titles. Fucking Tomodachi Life sells more.

At the launch it was hard to get. After that it was in stock almost everywhere. Maybe not in america, but there are other places on earth.

Wasn't in London.

I'm a poorfag so normally i'd wait years and piracy before buying a new console, but Odyssey is really pushing it for me, if i do manage to get a job in the next months i may actually go for it

It's never been difficult to get here, except a week or two after release.

I bought a switch and it is honestly the most fun I have had playing vidya in a long time.

(The games I own are pokken, Mario cart and splatoon)

It is refreshing to just play a game and see no lootboxes and 10,000 dlc add-ons

Stop lying lol. You weren't trying to get one. You don't mention those "options" were all $200 at least over the retail price.

Just fucking get a job. It's not rocket science.

>tfw i'll be able to walk right across the street on the 27nd and pay for Odyssey completely with tips on a 4 hour shift

You could just play hat in time and cuphead and avoid the $300 paperweight desu.
You'd avoid the shitty online multiplayer as well

>maybe not in america
>mentions his experience of trying to get one in america

The Switch is my first console since the GCN and the first console ever I've bought very close to launch. And the first console for which I'm buying games new instead of waiting and buying them used.
I've never played this much in my life.

This reads like a shill post.

You could just not play games, pick up a real hobby and not have any console paperweights....

But that would be doing something completely different

No I wasn't trying to get one, but that doesn't mean that I'm blind and cannot see what stores sell.

It's hard for me because of unrelated things going on in my life, I've been moving a lot because of my family. I did have a job interview a few weeks ago... on the other side of the country, where I'm supposedly going to live on my own because last year i signed up for college there since it's where we were living, but the truck we rented to get me there (my father had to pick up some furniture on his way back) turned out unavailable at the last minute so i missed the interview and they didn't reply to my emails anymore. So now here i am wondering if it's actually worth it to go live in the damn alps on my own for the sake of an university course that maybe I'll never see to completion or if it's better to stick here in familiar territory with my dumbass family where i basically act as a maid

Sorry for the blog but it's hard to tl;dr this

Man I really want to get a switch but am pissed that the mario oddyysey bundle doesn't include a physical copy of the game. And the fact it still costs more than buying the game + siwtch seperately

Nintendo fandom is really a mental illness at this point

You get that neat hat though

You are going to wear it?


Doesn't the bundle come with cappy?

Monster Hunter will 1000000% be on switch again. World was just in development years before Switch even existed.

To anyone who unironically believes that Capcom won't put MH on a fucking handheld system that's selling insane numbers in Japan is a fucking retarded cunt.

World G will be on the Switch

The one in the OP comes with a case for the console. But i did see a couple of Gamestops full of Cappies so there must be a way to get them

>World G will be on Switch

It's already in development, actually.

>Can't beat a four year old console.

It's a flop like the Wii U.


It's literally carried by yuro's buying a fifa machine.

At that point you're not playing good games, so...

When's the next hardware iteration likely to come out? Torn between getting one in a few months and just waiting for the second version, because by that time I can't imagine it will be far away

>having to resort to VG chartz and Sony talking about shipping numbers instead of customers sames
6 months of hard drought really doesn't do good to simpleton's brains.

The Switch will not be another wII, it is just impossible

Wii marketed to old people, moms and family, and offered something new at the time which was motion controls

I mean hell I know ps2 sold 150 million but lots of people bought it because it was cheaper than DVD players at the time which world wide was/is a big deal

No one knows for sure that there even will be one. Though, if I had to guess, any revision would launch Summer/Fall of 2019 to get a boost from Holiday sales.

And the pic is shopped, isn't it?

Nah, the pic got Euro'd. It's always been Sony territory. Now, however, the Switch isn't anywhere near as scarce as it was, and will sell even better than it has been the past few months, which was already at a great pace.

Uh, i remember seeing the august charts showing Switch on the top, which forced shitposters to use months old pics

Still surprised that the Switch is doing so well.



You guys bought fucking Knack, your shit taste is not representative of even the rest of Europe, let alone a global scale.

They are kinda special.


>nintendo cucks

Nintendo games are the best games. Objective and subjective

i hate platform wars, but some of the bants is golden.

I'm in the exact same boat as you. I just got a job and start training in the next 4 or 5 days. Basically the only reason I started working is because I desperately want a Switch

It's the major games that they keep releasing that's keeping it up really.
First botw, then splatoon 2, mario odyssey is next but it's not gonna end there.
There seems to be some decent demand for tropical freeze getting a switch port, and I'd buy it since, like most people, I didn't get a wiiu and it's hailed as one of the best dkc games since dkc2.
Then there's pokemon.
We know the next generation pokemon game is gonna be on the switch and that's pretty much ten million switches sold right there.

The switch could seriously have the sales potential of the wii.

Agreed, the poke fandom turned the 3DS into a smash hit when it looked like it was going to be dead. A mainline poke title for Switch would sell units out the ass

Fuck you absolute fucking retard. They've literally only become readily availble over the past few weeks in the run-up to Mario Odyssey and Christmas (which is what Nintendo always said they would do.)

They've been sold out fucking everywhere since launch including the UK.

This retard. Nice cherry picking.

>Implying Crapcom won't come crawling back once World bombs


Nintendo total sales: 277,000 units

Sony total sales: 199,000 units

Xbox total sales: 74,000 units


Next few weeks will be a bloodbath.

>Video games are the driving force behind your life.
Jesus dude, you have some meditation to do.

hard to say long term desu. It could sell at 3DS levels, it could fucking destroy the ps2. It'll need at least a few of the following

-A decent hardware revision
-Better western support
-Better Japanese support
-A legitimate presence in china, s korea etc
-The casual audience from their wii/ds days (paticularly in europe)
-Android emulation
-Different skus
-Competent online


yeah Europe is big, see

> costs more than buying the game + siwtch seperately
There is no way this is true.

>Literally only being carried by the least relevant region
>Still only just barely edges it out by 2k
By the way, consoles don't hit their peak sales until around two years in normally. I'd say it being so close when the PS4 is hitting it's peak is a real JUST moment for Sony.

>w-who cares, Europe is small!!!!!!!!!!!111
>"Europe sole reason PS4 winning"
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bbuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt SONYGGER FAKE NEWS YURUPPO WEAAAK MMMMURICA STROOOOOOOONG!!

>europeepees cant stop buying the soccer machine

>World G
pls no just make 5 and drop the goddamn open world meme from fucking monhun

whatever you do i hope it turns out good for you user

>least relevant region

That would be Japan.

>Mario Odyssesy will boost the Switch to over 100 million by the end of its life cycle.
Bullshit. They're only produce 100k units per week. At that rate it'd take 1000 weeks to sell 100 million, which is 19 years. So by 2036.

Its been in stock for the past 4 months at gamestop, stop the nonsense

It really hasn't.

No Monster Hunter World.

No buy.

Just because Sup Forums likes it doesn't mean it's good. Monster Hunter is fucking shit.

would be interenting to see a chart to know how many of those eurofags buy from sony just for fifa

Why not 1 billion just like microsoft with xbone??

>still claiming stock issues when Switch is available fucking everywhere
No one wants one. The only reason it sold well at launch is because it actually had a game drones wanted to play, so they all bought one at once rather than waiting. Wii U launched with fucking NSMB and ZombiU.

>Mario Odyssesy will boost the Switch to over 100 million by the end of its life cycle
>Mario Odyssesy will boost the Switch to over 100 million by the end of its life cycle
>Mario Odyssesy will boost the Switch to over 100 million by the end of its life cycle

How much has it sold so far? 10m?

You lost, Nintendo won, hang yourself

>game is designed to look and feel like a single large area
>they tried to make MH4 into a single area like MHW (which is internally called MH5 btw) but the textures had to be solid colors
they're never going back

read the OP, it's sold 6 million

hahahah suck my dick nigga hahaha

Probably. I just graduated in June so I've only been NEET for so long. Waiting on going to college, but figured I'd get a job with the free time I have until then because I really wanna get a Switch.

The irony is that the Wii was a very shitty console if you liked video games. It sold a lot, but fuck me if I knew anyone who had one who wasn't the elderly or someone who just bought it for Wii Fit.

That's not a victory for video games, it's a big fucking loss. Hoping the Switch does well is like someone hoping iPhone X does well. Nothing good comes out of it.

There's nothing wrong with working for something you want to buy.

That's not much but not bad for its first year. I guess creating an artificial scarcity and hype is more important than good features and a fair price.

>buy Cappy hat at GameStop
>throw hat at nearest cute girl

The Wii actually has the second highest attach rate of all Nintendo hardware, half a game behind the Gamecube.

>Full game download.
Why do they keep doing this Sup Forums?

If Switch does well, enjoy it for the next 8 ~ 10 years because Nintendo will not make a new one and will milk this one for a decade with

>Switch XL
>New Switch
>New New Switch XXL

etc. models. Nintendo wants to desperately to become the Apple Company of video games.

Is Apple analogy new meme

I bought mine from gamestop about two months ago and had to pre order for their next shipment cause they would sell out within a few days, and they only sell bundles from their site.

This meme that stores having stock means they're not selling needs to stop
christmas is coming in not too long and nintendo is shitting out switch systems as fast as they can.
It's going to be the holiday item to get.

The same shit was said about Mario Kart 8 and the WiiU, how Nintendo will take Sonys lead in sales within half a year.

History repeats itself.

Reminder PS4 sold 17 million in one year. Half a year and Switch only sold 5 million.

That's implying the switch is a failure like the wii u

The Switch is good though.

same thing people said about the wiiu and look what happened to it i have to see it reach 30mil before i think it's not a failure

Nobody owned a WiiU