So Naughty Dog finally posted their statement

>We have recently read on social media that an ex-employee of Naughty Dog, Dave Ballard, claims he was sexually harassed when he worked at Naughty Dog. We have not found any evidence of having received allegations from Mr. Ballard that he was harassed in any way at Naughty Dog or Sony Interactive Entertainment. Harassment and inappropriate conduct have no place at Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment. We have taken and always will take reports of sexual harassment and other workplace grievances very seriously. We value every single person who works at Naughty Dog and Sony interactive Entertainment. It is of utmost importance to us that we maintain a safe, productive workplace environment that allows us all to channel our shared passion for making games

So either way somebody is bullshitting

Other urls found in this thread:

I doubt anyone gives a fuck OP, just delete the thread and get it over with.

>trusting a neogafer calling rape

Sorry I must have been mistaken over the several threads there's been up about this today

"Listen and believe"

Unless it's a man.

All I want is for Druckmann to get fired. That way, Naughty Dog will stop making movie-games, and go back to making Jak and Daxter.

As we all suspected, either he was lying or he was too trusting and stupid and didn't procure any evidence.

Sad thing is you actually believe Druckmann is what's stopping them making Jak and Daxter

Next to no one is talking about, news outlets are ignoring this and only one notable YouTuber has said something.

Where were you when Naughty Dog became untouchable?

To be fair it's the weekend, people might be talking about it when everyone's back at work

Don't get my hopes up only to crush them

one random twitter account saying stuff without any source and evidences shouldnt be of any significant

So what you are saying is, it has already been discussed and has no reason to be posted again


The guy is obviously getting rolled up in the Hollywood scandal to get some attention. But at the same time half of ND's executive staff have left in the last couple of years. So something is going on there, whether it be staff raping each other or not.

It does now since Naughty Dog have spoken

You should screencap your post and post it again next time it's a woman

Why do Neogaffers love to tell stories?

OP, the statement is not proof anyone is bullshitting. It says that they (Naughty Dog) never received any allegations from the guy that he was being harassed. He said on Twitter that he never told anyone.

A few later threads got archived so that mod probably fell asleep. Hopefully he's still sleeping

Nothing will happen because the accuser is a man.

A man could literally have his dick grabbed and jacked off through his pants while his boss said "eat my ass or you're fired," while on livestream, and nothing wouls happen.

Meanwhile when a woman gets some flirty texts, to which she responds with more flirting, and decides later on that she didn't like it, she can claim full-blown rape and ruin someone's life forever.

That's the world we live in now.

That was a pretty objective statement that focused on legality before emotional appeals, why are you upset?

This, somewhat sadly.

The whole Uncharted 4 development hell thing was the cause. It burned Straley out to the point of retiring.

>Meanwhile when a woman gets some flirty texts, to which she responds with more flirting, and decides later on that she didn't like it, she can claim full-blown rape and ruin someone's life forever.
Almost exactly what happened to Nick Robinson.

Doesn't matter that it's fake it or not, the way New Puritans work online (modern day liberalism) is piranhas and witch hunts. They're out for blood and this won't end like this. Am I urging them on? You betcha, snakes eating their own is amazing.

t. Eric Bolling

Wait, how would they find any evidence anyway and how would they take this seriously when they fired him?

>do you have a picture of him with his dick in your mouth?
>well... no
>are you a woman?
>clearly no
>then get the fuck out of here you piece of shit


>The whole Uncharted 4 development hell thing was the cause.

What happened with Uncharted 4?

Subpoena the living fuck out of them and sue. If he was after more hush money, that ship has sailed, but he can sue for their official statement, if he was telling the truth.


I never even finished the last of us

The guy claimed that he was offered $20k in hush money and turned it down, so if something actually happened he should have some documentation from his firing.

Amy Hennig writes Uncharted 4 and hires the actors they want for the roles. (In this version Sam was a bad guy wanted revenge on Nate for leaving him in Jail). There aren't many details about this point but presumably there were artistic differences after TLoU was a success, so Hennig left the company. Cuckmann and Straley step in to finish the game, which in hindsight they didn't really change much accept add Rafe and Nadine as the antagonists instead.

a female employee fingered his bootyhole and sony tried to pay him off to keep quiet

>Sup Forums now supports SJW bullshit solely because they hate a console maker
not surprised

god i hope this is true and i hope the rapist is a female, would break neofag in half, gaymurgayte2 here we go

I know, that's what I was referencing. It pissed me off a lot. I'm certainly no MRA faggot or whatever, but that whole thing was a joke. It started with everyone literally claiming that evidence wasn't necessary to prove he'd done something wrong because a woman claimed he had, and ended when evidence was posted that proved he HADN'T done anything wrong, at least to that particular woman, but everyone acted like it was damning, including his creative partners for years, and he got fired and blacklisted.

I'm 100% against sexual harassment, and totally onboard for women's rights, but things are getting to a point where just being male is dangerous, and pointing it out or not immediately shunning anyone in that position makes everyone think you're a fedora-wearing asshole sleazebag.

It sucks.

>Uncharted 4 is in bad shape, sounds legitimately shit
>Talk about bringing in someone else to help
>Amy just kind of leaves without saying goodbye. Followed by some other Devs
>Neil and Bruce brought in originally to help find someone to lead development
>Realize there is nobody in house ready so they have to do it.
>They didn't even want to do it at first, Bruce was already feeling burnt out and wanted a break after TLOU

It's a long vid if you're curious enough

>guy gets sexually harassed and speaks out
>random guy on Sup Forums calls it SJW bullshit
Like clockwork

In the end it comes down to how much proof he gathered before he left.
If all of it was over a phone call then he probably doesn't have much of anything to show.

Is it a sexual harrasment if the guy didnt defend himself?


going back to neogaf

Oh it was going to be different, Amy wanted the game to be melee focused

>gaymurgayte2 here we go
fuck off

I hate ND games but I'm on their side, this bullshit is never going to stop until people start rejecting it.

user you're just pretending to be retarded, right?

>We have not found any evidence of having received allegations from Mr. Ballard that he was harassed
Wow, sexist much? Why won't Naughty Dog #ListenAndBelieve?

Good shit.

>this bullshit is never going to stop until people start rejecting it.
reject what? people saying they were sexually harassed?

Even in the finished game you don't get a gun until 8 chapters in and there's a big emphasis on stealth during the combat phaese (of which there are far less of than the last 3 games), so they pretty much kept most of the completed Hennig content as it was I believe.

I love it

twitter outrage for social gooddie points. it needs to be stopped.

So wait what was the evidence and accusation against him then?

>Sup Forums - Twitter Drama

>Ugly male
>Sexually Harrassed

as long as he has a cute butt

The sole fact that gaming outlets don't report on this is exactly why gaming journalism is shit

Its because it's a man, so no one cares

that's not enough you better be fucking Adonis or look like Audrey Hepburn w/ penis

that´s the same idea I got form the whole thing

Who gives a shit about game devs and real problems when journalists can start a smear campaign about a group of people who were calling out bad journalism practices?

oh, they would care if it happened to a woman. but since it was a white men aka "men can´t be raped" sjw journalists don´t care

Terry Crews got manhandled and everyone cared about that.

It's just no one respects video games and people involved, and I don't blame them.

Having women and gay men in the workplace is awful and pretty stressful
With guys you can talk about stuff and chill but working with women?
Nah, forget about it, say one thing by accident and you're fucked out of work

We really should stop talking about this, honestly. There's no evidence and no reason to suspect that Naughty Dog did anything wrong.

If anything, we should be condemning the victim for daring to make up this story.

is it was a woman making the claim there would have been heads rolling down the hill.

>We have not found any evidence

Does a victim not constitute evidence?

>All I want is for Druckmann to get fired. That way, Naughty Dog will stop making movie-games, and go back to making Jak and Daxter.

You're delusional.
If you didn't notice that the entire studio wanted to move away from kid friendly gams with Jak 2 you're delusional.
Not only that, they were never even good at it.

>Next to no one is talking about, news outlets are ignoring this and only one notable YouTuber has said something.
>Where were you when Naughty Dog became untouchable?

More like unless you're a toddler this is pretty much standard. Shit like this happens in countless companies all the time. Know why? Because companies have people in them.

He says he told SONY HR about it after having a breakdown at Naughty Dog, so it is possible both groups are telling the truth (except for the harasser, of course).
I wonder when Sony will make a statement.

>condemning the victim
>when the accused is modern naughty dog

You faggots are so soft. Old Sup Forums would've rolled with this and ruined Naughty Dog's reputation in some way, even if this was fake.

There needs to be a harrasser to be a victim.

Harassed by another man? That' s hot. Otherwise I am NOT interested.

>Old Sup Forums

>and ended when evidence was posted that proved he HADN'T done anything wrong
But he admitted to doing that stuff

I despise this industry
It literally runs on insane nonsense drama
What other industry is like that or even close?

Who harrassed him the company as a whole?

>What other industry is like that or even close?

You do realize what's happening in Hollywood right now, right?

The Movie industry
The Music industry
The Sport industry

Imagine being this sheltered and ignorant of the world.

it was posted like 30 times yesterday alone

>Terry Crews got manhandled and everyone cared about that.

Cared? No, laughed, heartily.

What a fucking cuck.

I'd imagine the standards are lower at a video game company.

Wow, what a fucking moron.

Going to HR for any co-worker related problems at work is a recipe to get yourself fired and silenced.

Sexual harassment only happens in an industry by definition, otherwise it's stalking or domestic abuse.
All three of which happen on a daily basis everywhere.

Don't they mean making movies?

>worker fired straight after the incident
>no investigation because no worker means no allegation, case solved

t.crossposting reddit trash that flooded in after 2010

>So either way somebody is bullshitting
That's kind of assuming a lot, isn't it? It's entirely possible that he was sexually harassed without witnesses and did not report it to HR.

Also, he's a fucking fag that needs to grow a spine and acting like a victim years later won't work since he's not a woman with a free-pity-card.

what kind of man ever lets the words "i was sexually harassed" leave his mouth

what a pussy

He was accused of sexually harassing (verbally) a ton of women. Only one posted their evidence, and this was it.

>What a fucking cuck.
>Punch executive for touching you
>Blacklisted from everything
>Probably get extra screwed over cause you're a black dude
>Perpetuate stereotypes that blacks are mindless violent thugs
Dude made the right call

Because no one gives a shit? Who gives a fuck about Naughty Dog and what some faggot claims.

>after 2010

You're giving him way too much credit. Most of the people here now came after 2012, and a ton after 2014

Can you really blame him though?
>wants to beat the shit out of this jew for touching his benis in public
>knows it would look bad if a nigger rages at a public event
>also since the kike is a high ranking hollywood member it means crews will never get a day of work again

Same for all the Harvested women. Most actually weren't rape since they consented, but it is abuse of power and position.

I wonder how different the story would be if it was a woman making these allegations.

He went months just "manning up" just like the tough-guy Sup Forumsbros would want him too.
Then he had a breakdown at work, and was sent to HR for it.
Shit was out of his control at a certain point; it would happen to anybody who's not a sociopath.

He admitted to flirting with people on twitter and via txt. He admitted to casting a wide net by doing this with a ton of women hoping for a catch.

He was accused of sexual harassment, though. This isn't sexual harassment. Maybe someone told him to stop and he didn't, but he didn't admit to that nor did anyone post evidence of it.

The person who posted their DM history actually did say to stop... but then said they were joking and that it was okay. In the SAME message. That doesn't count. That's essentially giving consent to keep doing it.

Sony always wins, baby.