ITT: Pinpoint the exact moment a game went to shit
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When I was stuck playing a built in demo due to the game taking forever to physically install.
It was pretty shit from the beginning. I’ve never played a game with more bad pacing than ffxv
That was when the game got good. Nice music.
The moment when you realise you can just hug or walk circles around enemies and their AI can't do shit to you.
>Game builds up the final fight against HADES for the entire game
>Just fight a slightly more powerful Deathbringer
It's a shame this game didn't have more unique bosses. Hopefully they fix that in the sequel
Retards who don't remember that legendary Xbox One E3 gameplay demo of the SquareEnix lie Titan boss fight. Oh the laughs that were had that day. That was the point of no return for the game in my eyes, could not reverse the gameplay flaws that were at the root. Then came out the anonymous leaks here that were proven true months later. FF15 is a huge mess I would easily pay 60 dollars for a documentary on how it was fucked up from it's post PS3 port to PS4/X1 game development.
Literally the most overrated song in the entire game.
>Grabs you
The one thing I know for sure is that the Leviathan fight is where the game shows its colours.
The second the tutorial told me to hold a single button down to attack.
yeah,holding 2 buttons would fixed that
Why the fuck didn't they use Kingdom Heart's combat system?
I don't know what the fuck FFXV has but its bad... real bad.
Yeah, if IGN's shilling it heavily that's quite the red flag I agree.
There's no avoiding that thanks to the broken hitboxes anyway, so it's one exception.
This. It's more interesting reading about FFXV than it is playing it.
Wouldn' t that be pushing the fucking car?
Probably this, I never fell for the >movie meme but you will always know what you are getting in any game with this screen.
All plausibility and atmosphere went out the window
user please
I would rather say after the Levithan fight in that mess of a game
and this moment for MGS2
MGS V The Phantom Pain
I never understood what the fuck was going on in this picture. Context?
Thanks senpai!
>I never understood what the fuck was going on in this picture. Context?
at the end of MGS2, the game goes full retard, changes locations, Roy and Rose start saying weird shit because they are an AI who are being corrupted by a virus, and Riden is stripped down to nothing.
after that you have a nice bro-up section with Snake, a shitty boss fight, a conversion with the AI I skipped because they are lying fucks, and then another shitty boss fight because you are forced to use a gimmick weapon
why is the first disc so much better than the rest of the game? really it decays all of the game's quality after it
>parry mountain sized stomp
>no sound effect
It probably changed developers or something.
>being able to parry a mountain-sized stomp in the first place with those fucking noodle arms
I was a play tester for FFXV from 2015 to early 2016.
I don't think SE gives a shit anymore, AMA.
Raiden's "dodge" move is a cartwheel. Since he is naked, for reasons, he covers his junk as he cartwheels.
I imagine they are saving one of those giant tentacle giants for later
where are the sound effects
It's not.
The game that starts with coffins appearing ont he street and an emo dipshit walking amongst them while listending to the music through his headphones had some plausibility to you?
But that's when the game gets good. MGS2 is the poor man's MGS1 until the game gets all meta and actually makes you think.
Resident Evil 4. As soon as you kill Napoleon and go to the Island
>MGS2 is the poor man's MGS1
>until the game gets all meta and actually makes you think.
then it gets worse than a Poor Man's MGS1. It feels like a different, shittier, game at that moment
thank fuck for MGS4
It's the only part of Dragon's dogma that is even remotely challenging.
Because Tabata didn't want to be frantically pushing buttons.
>thank fuck for MGS4
Ok I'm bored
What/How much was cut out between development and release
I doubt it, but do you know any development stories
Did you ever meet tabata
It happened all three 5th gen FFs. The second disc was questionable and boring while he third disc went completely to shit.
got a problem?
after you kill Ornstein and Smough and realize this is where they ran out of budget
>mash the shoulder buttons to break free
Yeah a potentially good game was turned into garbage.
Do you actually think games are made in sequential order or are you just meming
They ran out long before.
>Yeah a potentially good game was turned into garbage.
I can say the same for MGS2
Great example of how a good game can have an awful fanbase.
>enemies now only take noticeable damage if you stack periapts
MGS shined a massive spotlight on what Kojima really wanted to be doing, narrative wise. He had a massive vision of meta-narratives and information control and found a great way to show how powerful it could be by inflicting it on the player first hand.
From a gameplay perspective it was literally MGS1 with more options. It refined all aspects of the game and added new ideas that flowed perfectly.
People were just upset about playing a different character, that bandaid wouldn't have been so painful to pull off it kojima didn't commit so hard to the bait and switch for his narrative by letting the player be snake at first.
I am convinced anyone not liking MGS2 is a closet husbando faget and they were served pepsi when they wanted coke.
Best MGS was only ruined by the "fans"
that is a bit of a vague claim, since you can go most places before you need to face them, and there is no real order of progression.
Before the game was even out and they turned the best moment into a movie with differnet characters
you should make a separate thread for this
Nah i'm fine. XV shit is always biat and XV-kun would show up sooner or later to insult everyone
When they changed director.
Yeah he's getting completely overwhelmed by questions right now
Everyone I know thinks they scrapped a real ending to make the game into a series or have mass amounts of DLC. Seems logical since the last fights was not that great.
I play tested a train station area that was cut. Combat got scrapped cause it was a mess code-wise, character models moving with high-poly made fps go to haywire. They had a lot of concept that was never made..etc.
Dunno a lot other then the US/EU branch wanting to change the characters look cause sells n shit and the Japan side telling them no. They even went on to do a presentation on why it is not a good idea, and they only changed yellow hair guys face(?) Also, Budget wasn't that big, and the team had to ask for more. Production went full Sep of 2013 targeting Sep of 2016.
Yes, he always passes by the US/EU branch when goes to any event and talks to the marketing team/play testers. I told him Episode Duscae was too easy and the camera was too broken and told me they are going to fix that before release.
A little extra: Episode Duscae was a testing field for the developers of how cutscenes, open world, and sidquest flew and has been there since January 2014. There is like 25 other versions of the same slice with different UI, dialog, combat and foliage.
what i mean is he's not really going to get any replies in this thread
lookey me overhere agreeing? That what that means?
>Best MGS was only ruined by the "fans"
I know, fucking 3 getting ruined in 4 because the fans wanted closure/explanation to 2.
Yeah, cheesing everything with broken classes and periphats unless you want to whittle down their HP millimeter by millimeter playing the class you actually wanted to play sure is fucking fun.
Honestly, that scene was pretty creepy. Just imagine sitting in a hospital not knowing what the fuck happened, then a doctor comes and shows you you got fucking brain damage and are now missing a limb.
Honestly for MGSV, the realization that it was bad came after about 10 missions for me. At that point, I knew it would eventually just be repetitive garbage.
>People were just upset about playing a different character
among other issues but nice to see that the MGS2 fans still use this fucking strawman and never address the legit complaints
Literally git gud
exactly this. i dropped the game and sold it not soon after this moment. it was a real shame, too. the combat was exactly my pace, the customization was really good, and the artstyle was great.
but god damn. whoever wrote the story must've had a fucking lobotomy because doing this just cut the game's head off.
Solid bait
Cool thanks user.
I know this might be stretch, but do you know anything or heard anything from the versus days
I really wish you would have finished it. Going full Endless Eight was pretty bullshit, but IIRC there were new quests and little details that were changed each chapter, and I felt like the ending made up for it anyway.
>a conversation with the AI I skipped because they are lying fucks
Nigga you dumb
That's like skipping Armstrong talking to you in MGR
Fuck you.
The moment THAT game went from "Ok, this is a bit different from what I expected" to SHIT was when the old woman says "LE PREPAER TO DIE OVER AND OVER EPICK, SO HARD,XDXDX".
Nah man, that's when the game got good for me. I fucking loved that shit, and fighting the bosses in new ways, and personalities being different, some good stuff.
I realize that's not the norm though.
>That's like skipping Armstrong talking to you in MGR
Armstrong was interesting and charismatic.
Which is more than I can say for the fucking AI
Can you remind me why you think that happens?
Honestly just interested. I've beaten them all.
It went to shit once the intro and pre-firekeeper part implied you were male and then you could simply change your gender by slapping a wicker doll at your chest.
Because they realized they would need an unholy amount of cash to have the rest of the game be like that, so, not only did they lower the ball but also cut the funds from Xenogears and SaGa frontier and other games while doing so.
>Can you remind me why you think that happens?
2 needling closure?
or 3 (the best MGS) being ruined because of 4?