Try out GGXRD REV2 because Sup Forums says its better then SFV which it is

>try out GGXRD REV2 because Sup Forums says its better then SFV which it is
>online is dead

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing fighting games online

Bought it on PS3. After 5 hours of play time. Here are my thoughts.

>Runs on Unreal Engine 3 which is 8-9 years old
>3D but celshaded so hard it looks 2D
>Unreal Engine 3 isn't even properly supported on PS4 (everyone ports to Unreal 4), Unreal 3 has never run well on PS3 historically
>720p60FPS PS3, 1080p60FPS PS4


jesus fucking christ
are you joking?

like pottery

Not everyone lives in a large city m8

It is better than SFV but the anime artsyle doesn't appeal to the majority.
Also players are attached to street fighter purely because of the name.

i bought this game for russian qt, now i just want someone to play with =(

exactly bros it's just such a better product than sf that's why it's so dead

Sure if you bought it on PC

>artsyle doesn't appeal to the majority
The bigger problem is actually that the animation technique is nauseating and headache-inducing

it is dead on ps4 in europe
plenty of asians playing though but the lag is unplayable with them

t. Capcom USA employees who know they're going to be fired after the DLC characters in the pipeline are out for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.

I have good connection with the South East Asians, not that it matters, those guys are too fucking good

i wish they added cross platform for arksys games

nope still ded :)
also the general on vg is suuuuper slow

>really want to try out Revelator
>but online is dead


>bought uniest to play as yuzu
>fap instead

hi buddy! there's this cool fighting game subreddit called vappa for people who love "le capcom shill boogeyman" and don't actually play fighting games and I think it would be great for you, it's called r/kappa, check it out!

I was considering buying gg at a time but nobody fucking plays it

how long does it take to find a ranked match on psn?

Yeah that's the other issue, anyone who happens to still be playing the game likely has played so much to the point where you don't learn anything you just get rushed down to death which is no fun.

Not him but everytime I queued, it was around 15 seconds. Never more than 1 minute wait time. It's easier to just join the lobbies, though.

Wait, this whole time I thought it was on U4. When did Xrd come out again?

>buying fighting games for pc

>Buying a fighting game
>Solely to play online
Who even does that? The entirety of the fighting game community is lowering, while the market is saturated. Unless it's Dragonball Z related, you are going to have trouble maintaining a userbase.

>tfw havent been motivated to play FIghtan in a year and half
>stopped playing because i wasnt motivated to keep improving
>looked for a reason to give a shit and play them again
>went from "i want to win a tournament", :to i'll prove those faggots wrong, im not garbage.", etc.
>still haven't found a legitimate reason to play as much i used to that doesnt involve trying to prove some irrelevant online fags wrong or falling for MUH ESPORTS bullshit
Fuck , im such a damn fool

Because for some people online is all they have.
I love these games, but absolutely NOBODY in my area gives a fuck about them.

are you the guy who made the first post unironically but now you're trying to do this one as a joke

It's Unreal Engine 3. Xrd came out on PS3, PS4, PC in 2016. Xrd 2 came out on PS3, PS4, and PC in 2016. (This year silly).

Not shitting you, it's really Unreal Engine 3. Like Cuphead runs on Unity engine. The Batman Arkham Remasters were upgraded from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal 4 because Unreal Engine 3 support on PS4 is very spotty and customer service is "dude just port it to unreal engine 4". Arc System Works programmers and animators are fucking madmen.

I think shortly after they are done with Xrd, UE4 came out? DBFZ is in UE4

>online is dead

Are you trying to play through queues and official lobbies? There are player made lobbies up at all time in all regions, and if there's not you can just make one yourself and you should be able to find people to play with pretty fast.

Xrd SIGN came out in 2014, dude.

You were too much of a casual to actually play her

Have you tried searching player match? That’s where everyone is online

Why does she have a license plate on her forehead

Thanks for the blog. Keep me posted.

Not him, but holding and sliding is really annoying on a ps3 controller. I'm still trying to power on because I love this character so much, but I just know damage-wise I'm not going to get very far without that.

Plus all I have to work from is Mizuumi and hyde gaming because I can't find matches online.

Go look up replays other people uploaded in-game and under the character specific tab

Some stuff that's good to know for anyone who's starting GG online.
Lobby and ranked are populated only in japan, because Japan has enough players to make it interesting. Every other region is playing in player match.
Do not buy the game on consoles if you live in europe. Everyone in the community is migrating to PC, making the console ded af.

Thanks for that, but my main problem still is not getting the player experience. I can watch videos and sit in training mode all day, but I want to play this game and get my ass beat.

Then come fight us when the time is right.

I think the best tool for learning any fighting game is having a friend around your level who's interested as well.

>tfw fgg niggers forcing you to play crapcom games

Guilty gear was the most fun i've had playing a competitive game in fucking ages.

Learning chipp and the satasfaction of winning against decent players was great. I had to stop at some point though because I just can't bring myself to play dead games.

True, I had a much more noticeable growth when I got a friend into blazblue and AC+ and we played nearly every day, but then I pulled ahead, he got frustrated and quit and I'm just left hitting my head against a brick wall.

How often? I'm staying at my parent's for the weekend and fucking webms are a hassle to open so I'm in no shape to be playing at the moment.

>How often? I'm staying at my parent's for the weekend and fucking webms are a hassle to open so I'm in no shape to be playing at the moment.
Our lobbies are Sunday-Thursday, 11PM or midnight depending where you are.

I want to pick Rev 2 up again but I don't have any other beginners to play with who won't push my poop in instantly.

I only have about 50 hours in

also on PC

You can play with literally anyone from /fgg/. No good player stays there.

Cool, I can manage a couple days in there.
Is this UNIEL or [st] mainly? Because I'm actually trying to wait for the english release date probably in vain

They're all miles better than me and I get bodied before I have the chance to absorb anything.


Don't worry somehow Marvel is even more dead online than Guilty Gear when it comes to PC. Guilty Gear I can always find a lobby regardless of time. Marvel at the best leaves me with one lobby, but usually zero results regardless of the mode. And this is coming from someone who actually likes both games

Go to /ggg/, bad players are encouraged to keep playing and improving

GG is the biggest meme
People dickride it but nobody actually plays that shit

Theres nightly ECPC lobbies at /ggg/ if you're interested


I'll play with you, only have 70ish hours and it's my first fightan game

Would a PS3 arcade stick work with the PS4 version of Rev2? I would imagine yes but I've been dicked before.


Stop by the threads, we usually have people left with UNIEL looking for games sometimes.

This is a Children of the Atom board. Please consider the average age of board visitors before posting illicit, provocative images. Thank you.

I don't think any GG player stays there at all unless they just enjoy being upset and getting shit talked

/fgg/ GG/BB players are just there to post pictures

>online is dead
when? there are always some people when I go

The reason it looks so good is because they basically reworked the engine and used some special techniques to make it look 2D. They basically introduce flaws and redraw individual frames that have already been animated to give it a 2D look. That's also the reason they have alternate colors but not alternate costumes. It would be incredibly time consuming to animate additional costumes in Xrd, so they'd probably charge like $10 a costume if they did it.

Nobody played GG there either.

Watch this whole thing, it's really good shit:

tl;dr - They textures are extremely odd looking (pic related) because the only information really stored is the palette, and everything is aligned to an x/y axis. This is done so they can take advantage of the UV mapping to create vectored lineart on the character models in-engine, instead of having to store the lines as textures that would scale poorly. Then they paint each polygon with its own sensitivity to light, so that they can have areas that are almost always in shadow, and whole areas that light up at once (like the face)

just deal with it, I always lose too, but I keep playing. you'll eventually find someone even worse than you and get the sick victory rush.

That's because the people that actually play the game are already in the respective generals.

I say it's better than SFV but first off, a good amount of Sup Forums will only say that just to be contrarian and don't actually play GG or fighting games in general. Second, anime fighting games have always been niche as fuck especially on PC where the overall playerbase is much smaller than on PS4.

You ever want to find consistent games, you'll need to find whatever times where people are on and try to find whenever people start hosting their lobbies. Alternatively, if you live somewhere that isn't the middle of nowhere that might have a sizable crowd, you just go out to their meetups and get in some games there.

Go to /ggg/ on /vg/. Lots of beginners there and people to play, at least if you can get a decent connection with east coast US. There are a few Euros that make rooms sometimes too, and west coast rooms every now and again.

There are still many things you can improve by just watching how other players play. What move should you use in what situation? How do you follow up once the said move connects? Do you have good okizeme? Do you have an answer for mash, backdash and jump on your pressure?
It is always super important to be able to capitalize on a straight hit, and win off of it. If you have a good offense, it is much easier to capitalize on how the character of your opponent works, what you are messing up and so on.

The hardest part as a beginner is to know what to learn first. And the trap is that you want to know everything. So before you hop online, try knowing how your character works, what you use in which situation. And don't try to learn too much gimmicks or super optimized stuff. Just be sure to have a solid gameplan. With a good offense, you might take some matches even tho you don't really understand what's going on. But it will be much easier for your moral to win/steal some games, and not just get murdered for 20 matches straight.

I know that not everyone has fun or enjoys learning stuff and figuring shit out. But like, if you cannot do that, then you will have a hard time enjoying fighting games on the long run.

So yeah, before trying to murder people, be sure to know your character correctly. There is a shitton of resources on the internet for that.

Yes it does, i'm still using my Hori fighting edge

that means there isn't very many players at all
their generals stay up for like 3+ days
I think the bb general is even more dead, a massive assload of posts are bumps

The only downside of /ggg/ is almost everyone is on PC and most are on EC US.

>tfw a total bitch and do nothing but block poorly online

I want to fill my tummy with her toe jam


>tfw no russian gf

If someone is on PS4, they could always join the GG discord and find someone there to play.

Hating this "saturated marked" meme.

Blocking is good. But knowing the frame data is also good. Each char has a bunch of moves that cannot be followed by anything and are either minus on block, or even punishable. So knowing those can be a good start.
Not to mention that both backdashes and jumps are super strong in this game, so be sure to use those options too.

Fantastic thanks, guess I'll have something to pick up this month.

they didn't?

I can find game easily enough online in player match lobby. I just want to play with user sometimes

>Not to mention that both backdashes and jumps are super strong in this game, so be sure to use those options too.
I do to keep myself out of corners, along with draining all of my fucking meter for barrier regularly, and using DA if I haven't drained all my meter blocking. I only feel confident challenging point blank mappa tier punishable stuff and people don't do that often so I'm just stuck on the defensive all match. I'm just venting now, but I really wish I just had more offensive instincts. I bore people fighting me and I've even had complaints about blocking too much.

It is also important to vary your defensive approach. If you FD constantly, people will have a much easier time reacting to it and then staying on your face. If anything, I can recommend you to jump, backdash or push buttons whenever you see your opponent whiff a move. Because this is where basically you can get out of pressure freely.

>tfw bought my Dizzy and Jack-O figures but now I want Ram and Jam figures too.


>you should be able to find people to play with pretty fast
My experience with game: someone actually decent and this someone is so much better than me. Of course he gets bored fast and leaves after few matches. Sometimes I get few ragemails for being bad and wasting their time.

I'll try to untrain myself and give those options more of a try.

GG has alot of hot babes. i cant choose between I-NO, baiken, millia, and ram

>tfw the millia fig got canned

I'm still upset

There is one thing that you need to accept in guilty gear, and it's that you need to take some risks in order to get out of pressure. The hardest part in all of it is to know when to take risks and how. And for that, I cannot really help you since it's a huge, huge, huge topic and you'll only get things with experience. But still, knowing some moves that shouldn't be let unpunished can be great.
Once you are confortable with the basic defense, then you can try to implement mechanics like instant blocking.

Always take the game step by step, never try to learn too much at once.

>people complaining they have no one to play online with
>No one makes a Lobby

Alright boys, time to put your money where my dick goes

US West Scrubs
password: west
Room ID: rbu6

Don't worry, I'm a scrub too


> didn’t even put psn or pc into the post

Come on step it up user


Whoops, PC lobby
