Hey! Pikmin

Hey! Pikmin
Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon


There's literally nothing wrong with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon though.

Spinoffs and the third Pokemon game is business as usual

Just another Nintendo filler game while the main series is ignored for another year. Pokemon should be on the Switch by next year but it won't.

>Not mainline
>When 3D World is one of the better 3D Marios
This asspain.

It absolutely is one of the better ones but Odyssey could've happened years ago.

>but Odyssey could've happened years ago
Not even a little bit how reality works though

>camera doesn't follow behind mario


>You can actually see where you're jumping
Wow what a travesty

Whatever mainline followup to SMB1, 2, 3, World, 64, Sunshine should've been on Wii U. Instead we get artificial difficulty where the camera is so far zoomed out or locked at an isometric angle making it hard to determine the distance of a gap.

>When 3D World is one of the better 3D Marios
u wot m8?

The only 3D Mario WORSE than 3D World is 3D Land.

>Just another Nintendo Filler Game

They're 3rd versions, like Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum.

Galaxy is slow 3D World with waggle and a cosmetic gravity thing that tricks the retarded into thinking it's a better game than it is.

They're ignoring their flagship console and opting to make yet another of the same thing for a 23 year old handheld.

>Isometric makes it harder to determine jump gaps
What the fuck am I reading?

Either way you look at it, Nintendo basically taught everyone in the industry how to properly use camera functionality in 3D platformers and then went ahead and locked everything down in 3D World.

Ok genius. Explain how multiplayer is going to work then.
They're different types of games. If you think 3D World is bad solely because the camera doesn't follow behind you you straight up have autism.

You're right. But that multiplayer 4 Swords Adventure ass Mario isn't a mainline game. That's all I'm saying.

I actually like 3D World and beat all the bonus levels. It's been a while but I think I golden flagged everything.

So that they can have some games release while they turn all of the games they had planned for Wii U (Animal Crossing, Pikmin 4, etc.) into Switch games since the Wii U completely flopped.
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are just to keep 3DS fans satisfied until Gen VIII launches on Switch 2018/2019. Don't want too much "B-BUT EXPENSIVEEEEE"

I mean it's not a sandbox 3D Mario, but neither is galaxy.
If you say "name me the 3D Mario's" it and 3D Land and the Galaxy games are definitely in that list though.

Like I said in this post
SMB 1, 2, 3, World, 64, Sunshine, Odyssey

That's mainline. Everything else is just a toy.

>Sunshinefags still so assblasted Sunshine is the weakest 3D Mario while everything else garners acclaim that they're still trying to delegitimize 3D World

Sunshine garnered critical acclaim. Honestly, was there ever a bad 3D Mario? I know people say that 3D World is weaker, but I've heard it's still extremely good.

sometimes you can't even see where you walk in 3D world
what are you even saying?

3D World isn't weaker it's just different due to it's heavy focus on traditional platforming (a la 2D Mario games) over the exploration style of 64/Sunshine.

>sometimes you can't even see where you walk in 3D world
Things that never happened: The post

>nothing wrong