Sequel nobody asked for to a classic is released after a long period of time and it actually lives up to the original

>sequel nobody asked for to a classic is released after a long period of time and it actually lives up to the original
Has this ever happened in vydia?

Doom 2016

Human Revolution was alright

Blade runner vidya when?


2049 is a good visual experience but the story is pretty lacklustre.

It's like they said "We have Ryan Gosling here so we just HAVE to drag everything out for super basic shit"

You could shave a full hour off that movie and not miss anything

Nice lipstick.

Blader Runner 2049 didn't live up to the original though

Normalfaggot fuck fuck off

Deffo Deus Ex HR. Everyone was fearing for the worst but then the leak happened and people got to play the game weeks earlier. Game wasn't shit.

What the fuck are you saying? Wether Rick Deckard was a replicant or not was not completely clear. The sequel made it very clear. Are you dumb?

This one is better



>it actually lives up to the original
Nice shit taste you have there.

They're tools and mistakes.

Who the fuck are you talking to?

You have shit taste. I can do this all day asshole.

t. brainlet

Have fun then.


Who hyped for The Last Night?
Apparently the director is a known pro gxmergxte/antifeminism guy

you're right

it was better

>the story is pretty lacklustre
2049 is War and Peace in comparison to the original Blade Runner

>watch original Blade Runner
>apparently people argued for decades if Deckard was a replicant or not
>never felt that actually mattered

Anyway, the whole "machines are just like people!" shit is so run-down it's mind-boggling.

>Doom 2016

you'll grow out of this phase after 25

It matters if they're replicants because they cannot have babies that lack free will and are programmed to behave a certain way. I could in theory make a liberal cuck commie or an alt right jew hater replicant on command.

he also got supercucked by lefties and rewrote his game in favor of a boring-ass premise

Neither were particularly mindblowing, but 2049 was the definition of drag-ass.

great argument

What I really find hilarious is that he paints Basic Income in a bad light and some fucks bashed him for that, to the point he removed that part from the Steam description. You can't even be not communist in current year apparently.

Dragging everything out pretty much defines the original Bladerunner, which also had an abysmal story. So what you described sounds like the perfect sequel.

I'm pretty sure you discovered Blade Runner after the sequel was announced.

It's pretty good although I wish it had crazy amounts of enemies like the original and a faster default moving speed.

This right here.

>Apparently the director is a known pro gxmergxte/antifeminism guy
and it's what fucked him royally and now it's not even certain if the game will even release
hope you're proud of yourself for reminding everyone you fucking faggot

would you a robololi?

great suggestion

>There are people who actually liked 2049
It's a snoozefest that goes on for way too long, it takes almost an hour for the movie to actually start, Deckard shouldn't have been in the movie and the premise for the plot is terrible because it's setting up a Michael Bay tier sequel with guns and explosions.