Hey, want to have hot butch lesbo sex?

Wow, it looks just like playing a Tarantino movie! Definitely going to purchase this.

So this is the reason Sup Forums shitposts about the game? Because it has a black girl in it?

29.99 none of that $60 Multiplayer only bullshit.



>mfw they both look like trannies

Give it a few weeks and it'll be single player only.

So the developer is a senile faggot? That's a much better reason to shitpost.
That can't be a boy user, when blacks crossdress they try unlike these new white boys.

This thread is going to have more replies than lawbreaker current players.

f2p when?

>If you don't buy lawbreakers, you're supporting rehashes

i like that this thread already has more posters than lawbreakers has players

I want to break her hymen

If you don't buy lawbreakers you are killing video games and support satan


Do you think they play lawbreakers together, Sup Forums?

he should have stopped at the third paragraph to not look like a complete fucking idiot

Where did CliffyB go so wrong?

there are more posts ITT than people playing the game



You elected a genocidal orange.

The vote I casted was:

>CliffyB is a faggot

how the fuck are there actually only around 12 people playing this game
how is that even possible, even the shittiest games get more players


The only people who are still playing Lawbreakers are the devs. Imagine working on a turd like this and you're stuck with it because no one fell for Cliffy B's lies.

>there are 9 more Lawbreakers players than there are people in this image

what's wrong with genocide?

Why isn't he genociding then?

nah, but i might play Assassin's Creed II.

Does that make you upset?

so many losers in one photo! sad!



>implying the game would be a success if Cliffy B didn't make shitty political statements on twitter
Wow, you would think that picking a shitty company like Nexon to publish your game with a poor and inconvenient launch window with a lack of guides or tutorials for new players would do more damage but i guess you're right

is this more JUST than Blunderborn?


would you rather
>fight against Russia day 1 and start WW3
>fight against N. Korea day 1 and upset China for a little bit

why is it so easy to trigger polfags by pretending to be with her?

of course. leftism means you have to make your characters ugly affirmative action trash

all the characters are garbage token characters. nobody likes that

why do black characters always have purple gear? is it because of purple drank or grape kool-aid or what?

>tfw there are layers and layers of falseflagging and baiting and you can't tell who is a genuine retard anymore

Fun fact, game pop dropped by the thousands when they uploaded OP for their Facebook banner.

I would but the game is offically dead. I had a good ten hours of fun, but I finally can't find a game. I would blame you faggots but shitposters dont actually play it or have any impact on its playerbase.

RIP genuenly good skill based hero shooter, long live casual hand holding shit.

The gameplay is fine. The problem is the game looks like absolute fucking ass. High speed mobility shooters need distinct colors and character sillouettes for people to stand out. ESPECIALLY if there are classes involved.

I'm a retard

>10 current players

f2p why?

These are characters in the game?!


fuck drumpf haha!

Holy shit, I just vomited looking at that picture. I don't think I'm not going to buy this shit game now.

Or maybe the game is just shit and has nothing to do with politics

sorry, we don't like ugly games.

I heard its the dark souls of
first person shooters

>Cliffy B. thinks this is the ideal female



WHO HYPE HERE?!?!?!!!!!

is that bill cosby

he is the same guy from pic related isnt him?

if overwatch had characters as repulsive as lawbreakers it would not be 10% as successful


>2.6 hours in the last two weeks
Not even he is playing it

>you can even see the dark spots where the beard usually grows

when your multiplayer game has smaller player pop than most mexican households, you're so fucked it's not even funy

Pairing a purple theme with black people is actually a stereotype which makes cliffys diversity shit even funnier

Doesn't billion dollar IP have money to pay 10000 Chinese human bots to play Lawbreakers and create visibility of life?


purple/blue/black lipstick is only for the trashiest of subhumans. i guess it's fitting in the op image.

I prefer game mechanics over graphics

well that makeup makes him look like the fucking devil

>Because it has a black girl in it?
How dare you assume character's gender, you cis pig

Maverick is a train wreck. I first thought she was just an ugly chick, them Sup Forums was like "nah, it's actually a flamboyant dude". Knowing I wouldn't watch anything about this game, I agreed. Like, that HAS to be a guy right ? Yesterday I end up looking up Maverick and it's supposed to be some Latin woman.

Holy shit, how can ANYONE have passed these designs ? Thinking about it, one of the key reasons I don't play western games are because of ugly artstyles.. I don't play any online games, but at least Overwatch from what I've seen looks cohesive and generally attractive.

>lawbreakers developer with hillary clinton

All that's missing in that picture is Anthony Burch.

Feel like I need a list of non jewish people to see and compare if this list means anything

I didn't elect anybody.


I wish.

Characters being ugly have nothing to do with politics user, it's like calling beautiful characters Republican

Anthony is busy oraly pleasing camera man

read this

why not make a game with good mechanics that doesn't look hideous?

yes it does. leftism hates natural beauty and seeks to make everything ugly and dysfunctional.

user by your logic Shao Kahn and Reptile from MK are leftists

they are appealing and fun characters. not a single character in lawbreakers is as appealing or fun as those you named.

Trump is literally supporting Israel.


netanyahu's son did this (see image)
rightist jews hate leftist jews more than anyone else

I never played Lawbreakers because it's not fun, you clearly agree that characters can be ugly but it matters if they're fun.

the characters in lawbreakers are ugly and not fun because of the politics of the developers

>wanting to play a game full of ugly sheboons, only added to score diversity points with a group of people who don't play video games


>netanyahu's son did this
>literally a Tweet about "someone else posted this what I am posting right now"
Yeah nah.

not an argument

>playing a game with niggers in it.

No thanks.

No they're ugly and not fun because the devs didn't know what they were doing. Politics have nothing to do with it.

hi cliff glad you sold your career to a failed zeitgeist

Even Jap games have afro people user.

Who the fuck is Cliff? What does that have to do with our conversation?

dunno lol :^)

So are we done with the conversation then since you're just shitposting now?