this thread is most likley going to be filled with autistic pokemon fans
Does Sup Forums think yo kai watch is a pokemon ripoff
I don't even know what a yo kai is.
Post the edgiest yo kai you got. I wanna see.
Sweet. Name? Second edgiest?
do you want me to tell you or something?
I'm guessing it's a Pokémon clone.
We also have waifu's
yes that is charels darwin
yo kai watch darwin
pokemon has arceus
also you liking these?
if you wanna see an actual pokemon clone search up robopon
insomni's great but ladylongnek is better
Yo Kai Watch games are kinda boring, but the anime dub is the funniest anime I've seen in years.
>Yokai has a Charles Darwin creature
fucking hilarious
I can respect that opinion
It looks interesting but the actual gameplay looks really bland.
Can't get into it, too Japanesey.
All I really know about Yokai Watch is that the devs of the game are much more competent at making 3DS titles than gamefreak from a pure technical standpoint (I know nothing about the gamplay)
Everything looks better, handles better, and the performance isn't a slideshow.
akihino is an atheist
user pls o love over muscle girls but i don't wanna be pedo
>the devs of the game are much more competent at making 3DS titles than gamefreak from a pure technical standpoint
I'm pretty sure every company is more competent at making 3DS games than Game Freak is
Monster Hunter Stories is an example of somebody getting it worse in the same genre
The games a technical trainwreck.
eh i enjoyed the gameplay the demos not that good of a representation it lets you spam soultimates and the first few battles arent very fun till the first boss battle anyways if your interested i recommend you get psychic specters
I don't know how Gamefreak made Pokemon Sun and Moon slow down so much while X and Y didn't. They even took off the 3D in Sun and Moon and it still slows down or stops for 10 seconds in the middle of a battle.
And it looks like shit and the story sucked.
There's a set of great man yokai, here's Edison and Columbus.
>Great man yokai
>Post two of history's deepest, widest, gaping cunts
Japan is bad at actual history.
That's true, ask anyone from China.
My son watches Yo Kai Watch and for the most part it's fucking hilarious. Sometimes they take repetition way too far and things go flat but there are some great Yo Kai jackassery; my favorite is the bat guy that hides shit like keys and remotes.
yo kai watch is for the ascended and atheists other monster catching games are for starving african children and subhumans
Is bakugan even alive still? The toys were cool, someone gave me one a long time ago.
you mean count zapaway
better than America probably
In-battle trainer models. Something that from a thematic standpoint should have happened long ago, but performance-wise was a bad idea when the high-poly Pokemon models already strain the 3DS during battles.
yo kai watch
your normie mind is too weak to understand whats happening
Eh, Japanese internment and the Trail of Tears at least get MENTIONED in American schools
And if you go to college, drilled into your fucking skull. Along with anecdotes about how the founding fathers were terrible people.
IT'S TIME user!!
Time to get up from your computer, and take an exercise break, let's go.
I think you're on to how should we tell the public about what Pokemon ripped off originally?
I know you have leftist bullshit crammed into your fucking head, and you think the only type of "good history" is where you beat yourself for having a successful civilization and being a self-hating white, but thats not "good history". Japan does acknowledge its past, it just doesn't beat themselves to death over it.
1. I was shitposting
2. I clearly dont portray beating students over the head with America's faults as a good thing
It's humor, calm down you 2016 migrant.
>that episode where Nate learns how to fake sick to skip school
>episode when everyone becomes handsome
>any short with Komasan
Up there with Spongebob imo.
i love and like a lot of yo kai watch's designs but it kinda bothers me that boss yo kai always have the best
What's the gameplay like in these games?
Wasn't there a reason scandal over a textbook saying that the ToT thing was a voluntary relocation.
my brain is full of fuck
Yes but I think it was only one Texas school district and everyone railed on them for it.
>yokai watch is a pokemon rip off
>Pokemon rip off YW in Sun/Moon
Whta GF mean by this? They just admit defeat?
You run around in an overworld, then fights are in a turn-based environment with a team of up to 6. You have 3 out at front at once, and rotate them around on a wheel. They have their own special attacks which charge overtime. Say if you needed to heal one of your teammates, you'd change to a defensive team member while you let the others heal.
Overall it's pretty simple and doesn't take too much brain power. The bosses usually require some thinking (allowing you to target points on the boss), and they are more prone to giving you status effects. Probably the hardest part is befriending them (for some stupid reason, my largest complaint with the games) because you could overpower them quickly and KO the enemy you want to befriend. Also you could do everything right over and over and never befriend them. Then the next turn befriend them without doing anything.
I think the third game changed the format up so you move them around on a grid instead of rotate them around on a wheel.
A'ight fair enough
ok so you have 6 yo kai 3 out in the front and three in the back and your yo kai auto attack
you the player act like a coatch
look im not the best person for explaining yo kai watch 1 and twos battle system
Thanks for your reply.
never mind
Oh yeah, forgot to mention. It's all auto attack, not turn-based like traditional turn based. Even the enemies attack on a timer. You can improve status for speed and defense, but there are usually more powered up (higher ranking) yokai that probably would do the job better.
does any one here by any chance have a favorite or least favorite yo kai?
The only thing yo kai related that I've done is get the stupid sperm-mobile mount in FFXIV
I wish YW didn't blow their load so quickly.
Some competition would've been good for GF.
It would've kicked their asses in to high gear and rethink some things.
silly user thats no ordinary sperm thats whisper
Wow I can't believe how much this looks like Digimon!
Why the fuck is she so ripped
you wouldn't understand
your just a pleb
we all the the best yo kaifu is hungorge
his name is beezlebold
i dont think i spelled that right
but i want more
>does Sup Forums think yo kai watch is a pokemon ripoff
It never was.
well its good to see someone here with a brain thats not arguing about history
I hate yokai shit.
I need more Inazuma Eleven
welcome to the world of yo kai
you want more soccer games
what are you a mexican?
That better not be fucking Spock what the fuck
Not enough loli porn and the creatures are mostly, ugly as fuck.
Can't beat pokemon at all.
The show is actually pretty funny. I sometimes catch the dub on Disney when I'm flipping through channels, while the dub is a bit censored, they're getting away with a shit ton of stuff 4kids and Sentai would never have the balls to do.
>Japanese food and terms is still Japanese
>Manjimutt being treated like a pedo/sex offender
Hell even the title is still called "Yo-kai Watch". If it was 4kids it would be called "Ghost Watch Nathan".
i think theres a decent amount of that and dont worry theres plenty of cuties
mermaidyn,frostina,blizzaria,spoilerina,pinkipoo,shmoopie,necolumbus and komasan just to name a few
also most yo kai are supposed to be ugly
Holy fuck
The anime works on so many levels, like how Tomnyan says meow instead of nyan because he is American.
There's dozens of monster collecting franchises, Yokai Watch is just one of those.
Best self-insert too.