It's fucking october, Sup Forums. Which horror games have you played, is playing or is planning to play?

It's fucking october, Sup Forums. Which horror games have you played, is playing or is planning to play?

I played F.E.A.R and currently playing Metro 2033 Redux.

The next ones will probably be Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and maybe Eternal Darkness.

looking to get >observer_
almost bought it day one but im pretty sure its gonna go on sale during steams halloween sale

Just got all the Dead Space games. Hype for playing them

>>almost bought it day one but im pretty sure its gonna go on sale during steams halloween sa

Wasn't Layers of Fear a PT rip-off that missed the point?

I'm sorry if I'm being presumptuous, but I'm trying to play walking simulators recently and nothing clicked with me yet (Played The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and SOMA).

Started replaying FEAR again today.

The one thing that annoys me is having to wait get dark to play these games. Playing horror games in broad daylight kills the immersion.

I have been playing Evil Within, but I can't use my TV for the next 4 weeks, so I'm going for something handheld. I think it's time to check out Corpse Party or maybe Silent Hill PS1 on the Vita.

I'll be playing the first 3 Fatal Frame games again on the ps2!


currently playing through evil within 2. its a joke of a game compared to the first one tho, such a disappointment

I'll be replaying something that'll leave me miserable at the end.


FEAR is also barely horror (if we're talking being "scary", it's just a shooter with slow-mo).

But picture related is what I'm currently playing.

I would love to play FF and the Siren series but I don't have a PS2. Do you know if they are playable?

I'll probably just do another full playthrough of Irisu Syndrome or something. Maybe Yume Nikki.

>its a joke of a game compared to the first one tho, such a disappointment

Comments like this is why one one takes Sup Forums seriously.

I'm gonna watch Kindergarten Cop

On an emulator? I don't have experience sorry.

The trilogy is on the original xbox if you have that. You could download Dolphin and play the inferior version of Fatal Frame 2 and Fatal Frame 4. I never played FF4 but a few anons mentioned they adored it when I asked.

>Metro 2033 Redux.
Stalker:SHOC with Complete 2009??

Just started Alien Isolation. It's pretty cool, like Thief, except with alien and with some system shock thrown in. Super tense game though, I'm not sure if I'll finish it. Amanda a cute.

Since I got tomorrow off work I'll play DDLC

I absolutely agree with you, FEAR just have some hints of horror, but I started it completely blind so, that's my fault.

Metro I'm playing because the atmosphere seems nice.

What more horror centric games do you recommend me? PC, please

Castlemania was quite literally made for this month and this holiday

Reminder that you MUST play Anatomy from Kitty Horrorshow.

I'm shit scared of horror games but I played Until Dawn with a friend last night but I really enjoyed it.

Look what I found!

Yeah but the Japanese version Castlevania is better.

I thought it was gonna be a scary gif, but its actually funny!

What's the best horror game of 2017?

you guys said that doki doki literature club was scary
it was just a high school anime VN the whole time

Gonna try to beat Undead Nightmare but it always ends up bugging out on me

Definitely not fucking RE7

Were there any horror games released this year?

Reinstalled Left 4 Dead 2 and holy shit is it still fun. It even looks great to this day too. Also trying to rescue as much survivors as possible in Dead Rising 1 and playing RE3.

You could count Darkwood. Also Observer.

Real slow year for horror games sad.

Alien: Isolation

Any good horror VNs?

I keep reading ppl recommending Doki Doki literature club for horror kino VN.

I played SOMA last month and couldn't see the amazing game that so many people saw.

The gameplay portion of it was just boring (puzzles and avoiding monsters). The story was ok, I can see why it impressed a lot of people, but for someone who has consumed a lot of science fiction, it was nothing amazing.

The best things were the setting and the visuals. Walking on the ocean floor was pretty neat.

Already played it. I'm hungry for more.

What's the source of that OP? Looks nice and creepy.

Is it long or short?

Oh it's less than 4 hours, depending on your reading speed.

Soma is just a very comfy game.

Hated the ship wreck level near the start of the game. Loved the Theta complex.

And that one story moment before the abyss really blow my mind and made me fell very uncomfortable. Made me really think about things.

I can't agree that a game that tries so hard to be obnoxious and loud in it's presentation is comfy.

So yeah, these thinking moments weren't anything new for me because I've alrerady seen more or less of the same discussion in other media.

Saya no Uta isn't really scary and has like two or three choices but it's creepy in cool way and pretty great for beginners
Post the zip and I will

I really really fucking want to play that game but i can't find a download nowhere on the internet. I aint gonna pay for that.

user it's just like 2 fucking dolars.

If I don’t have to work I’ll prolly just end up playing Luigi’s Mansion (the original) again. I prefer the goofy creep to the full-on spook.

Yes the concept isnt new but the way it was delivered was. I was directly affected because as a player I was part of it. Something a book or movie cant deliver. Which is strange because it was very obvious before this moment what is going on. It was never a big twist.

>I can't agree that a game that tries so hard to be obnoxious and loud in it's presentation is comfy.

The vast majority of the time you are alone, just exploring stuff. Its like a walking simulator with light puzzles and light stealth.

I would like the to play the original, but I don't have a copy.
